I really only started drinking a few years ago (used to compulsively shop and eat instead). I can count on one hand the number of times I got drunk before that. Too many alcoholic family members and I did not want to be them. But now I consider myself a full blown alcoholic--always have been a fast worker

I am great at hididng it from people, especially my naive and trusting husband. Sometimes I just tell him I took some Benedryl for my allergies and it knocked me out. I am such a good liar now. Others can tell from my slurred speech and late night phone calls that I don't remember.
I have quit for weeks at a time only to relapse. I am not even sure WHY I drink, my life is so good. Except for work and the boss who arrived four years ago. But there have been too many nights I don't remember a thing that happened. I get drunk at home and at parties and my husband drags me back and tells me in the morning what happened--how I fell, how he put me to bed. I am disgusted with myself! My grown daughter is ashamed and scared and begs me to not drink. My work is suffering.
I want to stop. I want to drink. I want my life and my health back. I want to be there for my family and friends. I am scared to fail AGAIN.:upset: