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Tripped skinned my knee, but.....

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    Tripped skinned my knee, but.....

    well, I knew it would happen, thought it would have before now, am glad to get it out of the way, I am confesing to my slip up. Tonight I bought 2 bottles of wine & intended to drink them, it was the memory of the smell of the strawberry infused sparkling wine (it was my favorite) that got me, all day I have been smelling it, I thought (of course) that I could "just have one glass".
    In some ways I consider this as success as I empied the bottle down the sink after 2 glasses, as well as the 2nd unopened bottle, am obviously disappointed, but i'm not drunk & i did observe a difference in my drinking pattern, I drank slowly & did really enjoy the
    1st glass, the way I did back in the day before I had a drinking problem, but (and heres the reality check children), I do have a drinking problem, so I have "tripped & skinned my knee" but got up & kept on playing back in the game, no sitting on the sidelines feeling sorry for myself. i still did 13 days before my little opps, so I feel good, had i carried on drinking then I would be having a little pity party for myself.
    I want to thank everyone on Newbies Nest especially Wally & Kapo, I would not have made it this far before tripping without your support & know I can move forward from this, not be paralysed by it & go back to my old habits.
    Progress, not perfection!!!
    A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!

    Tripped skinned my knee, but.....

    Hey witchy woman
    I know the pink sparkling beverage of which ye speak only too well! I saw it on special at the supermarket for $7.99 today and spat in its eye...and kept walking. Last year I would have bought 12 bottles. In fact I think I did. Anyway so glad you tossed it out and are back on the wagon so to speak. Sounds like a little test methinks. Why am I speaking in ye olde englishe I do not know. Have you got any of the supplements. The L-glut will really help if you feel like that again.


      Tripped skinned my knee, but.....

      Thanks BH, I knew it would happen, I just didnt think it would be the remembered smell that would get to me, but i'm ok, maybe feeding the beast this little taste will allow it to go back to sleep, not break free & go on a rampage. LOL. waht part of NZ are you from???
      Progress, not perfection!!!
      A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


        Tripped skinned my knee, but.....

        Hi there
        I live in Auckland. Where are you? Yep rampages are bad and anything that prevents them is good. A rampage on pink bubbles was always a oneway ticket to hell for me! You had a lucky escape by the sound of things. When I did my first 30 days AF I just did not buy any AL at all. I knew if I bought it I would drink it. To make sure I didnt weaken in the trigger times from 4pm onwards earlier in the day when I was mentally stronger I made sure I would have no access to money so that if the urge hit me to buy wine which it usually did about that time of day I had time to think it over and not act on the impulse. Seriously it only took me about two weeks to get used to not stopping off and buying wine. I know it is easier said than done and everyone is different but hope that helps.


          Tripped skinned my knee, but.....

          Oh yes and smell is one of our strongest senses. I have given up smoking too and I can smell a ciggy within a 2 mile radius! I am like Bruce the shark from finding nemo! When he is in fish are friends AA and suddenly he smells blood.... That is me if someone lights up a ciggy!


            Tripped skinned my knee, but.....

            Witchy .......

            That's way strong of you.... like, BoozeHag, I have to not buy in the first place.

            On my first AF weekend, ( 20 days now ), I had to go and buy a bottle of wine for someone else. I was dead scared of it. I got past the wine sample saleswoman ( tip : just be rude to her, when she begs you to sample ), and found the crappiest wine ever, which I threw into my car's boot..... and miraculessly forgot about until it I gave it to the GF.
            Seems simple, but I'm quite proud of that mission.


              Tripped skinned my knee, but.....

              Hey Witchy - firstly - I take my hat off to you for tipping that strawb shite (which I too know well) into the sewer where , for us types, it belongs! That is incredible strength. IF, and I repeat IF there is a "next time" would you please consider Pm-ing me before you pour that first glass? I have NEVER been able to tip out my AL so soon. It would have been "curtains" for me darl. It is an excellent lesson for you darl - God I used to burp that strawbery burp for days after a bender.....(well maybe not DAYS...!)...Stick with the strong, sober recovery thoughts - fast forward your mind to the depression, anxiety and despair that ALWAYS follows a bender.

              Chin up girl! You are doing AWESOME!
              *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                Tripped skinned my knee, but.....

                Ha ha all us kiwis on the cheap pink bubbly shite
                HAVE WE NO SHAME!


                  Tripped skinned my knee, but.....

                  thanks guys, the funny thing about it is that I live near a bottle store & have been in twice to get some sparkling grape juice (love that Sun Country Grape juice) & not been tempted, but today my boss let me go home early & I stoped in at the supermarket for food & ended up coming home with two bottles. go figure.
                  so onwards & upwards for this WitchyWoman.
                  BH - I live in Dunedin, go the Highlanders, i dont know, is it still rugby season???. LOL
                  Progress, not perfection!!!
                  A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


                    Tripped skinned my knee, but.....

                    Good on you for making the right decision. I have been wondering lately why my husband and I have always lived near a bottle store. Right now twe are less than 30m from a pub with a bottle shop. Maybe we have always been subconsciously enabling our bad habits.


                      Tripped skinned my knee, but.....

                      Witchy - NO idea re the rugby.....I support Sth Africa and France LOL

                      HEY FIDS Great to see you and AWESOME to see you at 20 days! Me 30 days today!!

                      Hey Wally, how you doing mate?

                      Nice to see you here Ezz - understand re the subconscious al thing - shite I still stare at empty beer cans in the gutter - and I HATE beer!
                      *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                        Tripped skinned my knee, but.....

                        Go the warriors!
                        I live right across the road from a cafe/wine bar about 5 minutes walk or stumble from a wine shop and about 6 minutes to the pub and offie! You cant get away from it no matter where you are so you just have to turn your mind away from it.


                          Tripped skinned my knee, but.....

                          I've tripped, fallen and skinned my knees so many times. Just look at them! :H Don't look back -- just keep going forward.

                          AF since 1/2009

