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A little bit shy

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    A little bit shy

    Hi Everyone,

    I have been looking at this site since yesterday (in between working). I am on day 4 AFD and feeling a lot better tonight. I have been drinking heavily for about 30 years on and off and it is starting to make me feel sick all the time. I have tried the mod way but as soon as I get that first drink my mind is focusing on the next. So I think its all or nothing for me.
    You all sound so encouraging that I am sure i will succeed this time.

    :thanks: AF since 13/12/2008

    A little bit shy

    Welcome CharlieG and good for you for jumping in and getting posting. You will find that in no time you will be part of the comfy and cosy MWO furniture! Great to have you here, you seem to be doing well. I have 20plus years of crazy relapse drinking - sobriety ROCKS!!
    *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


      A little bit shy

      Welcome CharlieG!
      Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


        A little bit shy

        Well done Charlie girl on day four and a warm welcome you will do fine here post lots and spill the beans about ya self it all helps take care good to have another Australian not good in the sense we drink too much but good to know you are not alone in this fight


          A little bit shy

          i am drinking right any of your memebers do this, this is my first visit, i just registered, i am from near brisbane and the gold coast australia, i need to stop drinking NOW


            A little bit shy

            Wild some do drink while posting im guilty of that but it defeats the purpose of why we came here in the first place any way no lectures here you are!!!!! obviously because you are worried and concerned about the drink and what its doing to youre life just my opinion you get more from this place when not drinking and you remember the great advice on how to stop and live in a better place drink free


              A little bit shy

              I have tried the mod way but as soon as I get that first drink my mind is focusing on the next.

              Many of us have finally figured that out for ourselves. The "all or nothing" issue of drinkers. Trying to moderate is actually MORE hell than just quitting for many of us.


              There are many threads to join, you can pick and choose. There is the ODAT thread in "Just Starting Out," there is a thread in "Monthly Abstainers," there is the "Army Thread" and General Discussion.

              You are welcome to join any or all of them. There are no dues and no one will call. You just jump in, introduce yourself and join in.

              I hope you find a group of people you feel comfortable with and who give you the support you need. You will find that your support becomes needed, too.

              Any thread you decide to join will welcome you with open arms. Of that, you can be assured.

              AF April 9, 2016


                A little bit shy

                A warm welcome to you, Charliegirl! Well done on 4 days and just finding us. I am always surprised when someone joins and already has a few days under their belt. I don't think I would have been strong enough to do one day without the lovely people here. So well done! Keep it going, I look forward to watching your progress.
                You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                  A little bit shy

                  Welcome Charlie!



                    A little bit shy

                    welcome charlie, i am sure that is a very bold step which you have just taken, as you say you are sure that you will make it this time, yes you will, remember that its all in in your power,
                    alcohol makes us feel worthless but honestly the moment we come mto realise the power to control and say no, then we make it,
                    you will charlie keep taking a day at a time, talk about how you feel and try posting atleast for the first month daily just tell us how you feel, since that will build you for sure.
                    with love


                      A little bit shy

                      "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                        A little bit shy

                        Welcome Charlie g, sounds like our minds work the same way....just dont start is the easiest way for me. This is a wonderful program, best wishes.
                        Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                          A little bit shy

                          Hi Charlie, and welcome!!

                          My name is Beth. I have been here for a couple of years, and struggling for 25 +. I am FINALLY on my 9th day without alcohol!! This is a wonderful place to be. You will find people that are trying to mod, and many who realize that moderation just doesn't work. I am one of those. It has taken me a loooong time to accept that fact, but whenever I try to mod, I am either constantly frustrated, because I want more, and obsessed with the drink, or I am back where I started. I am finding that abstinence is the way of life for me. It is somewhat of a challange at my "drink time" but by the time I go to bed I feel really good, and the days are amazing. I figure if this is as bad as it is now, at only 9 days, then I CAN do this!! Anyway, congratulations on your 4 are on your way.

                          Feel free to pm me anytime, and I look forward to getting to know you in the future.

                          formerly known as bak310


                            A little bit shy

                            Welcome Charliegirl!!!!

                            Awesome... 4 days is more than I have done in years!

                            Wishing you all the best and success on your road to recovery!
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              A little bit shy

                              Hey Beth so good to see you can i hold your hand and do each day together !!!! you have been missed sooooooooooo much

