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A little bit shy

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    A little bit shy

    I am new. I decided to quit after a bad Saturday night Christmas Party, this past Saturday. I can handle beer, at least that is what I tell myself, but it must have been the full moon effect because I switched to scotch. It is like I have read someone else say, my brain starts to focus on the next drink. Pretty soon I can not stop. Anyway, got into a big argument with my husband on the way home. He can not live like this any longer, and honestly I do not want to either. I have decided the way for me is to quit. I don't trust myself trying to moderate because I have been there before. I hope this works for me. I have order the starter pak and will try that before I go for the percription meds. I also have purchased the book.
    sometimes I feel like a fish out of water


      A little bit shy

      Hi all,
      I must say I am overwhelmed by all the response, its amazing how you can go from feeling so alone on this challenge to feeling like a part of an army fighting for a common cause. My problem is that my family are all very big social drinkers so Christmas will be a challenge. I was going to wait till after New Year but I always seem to find an excuse not to stop so hopefully Christmas & New Year will be a sober one. My hubby finds it hard if I do stop, I think he feels threatened like I might want him to quit too. Day 5 now and feeling great today. Day 1-3 felt like crap and couldn't sleep. Am currently in hypo session with local but will definately buy the book & CD's after Xmas. Can anyone tell me if you can order the Kudzu on this site for delivery to Australia?
      :thanks: AF since 13/12/2008


        A little bit shy


        hi charliegirl - you are going great guns from eternity:l


          A little bit shy

          Check out a nutrition store in your area .... I get my Kudzu locally.


            A little bit shy

            Hi WildT, how did it go today? Did you AF today? I know living in Oz is hard when you don't drink, sometimes I worry about having nothing in common with my friends and when we have family gatherings the non drinkers are the ones I try to ignore cause they are soo boring. I'm going to try to AFD over Chrissie so that should be a real challenge. Don't give up. This is my third try in the last 2 years and before that I don't think I had an AFD for 10 years. I am having hypno at the moment and I find it a big help. So have a go at anything you think could help.
            :thanks: AF since 13/12/2008


              A little bit shy

              a little bit lost

              I am now on day 6 and feel confidant about the festive season. I am still a bit lost here and if anyone could help me to find my way around this forum I would greatly appreciate it. I am mainly confused as to the threads-do you stay with just the on or do you start new ones all the time? Please help
              :thanks: AF since 13/12/2008


                A little bit shy

                Well done on 6 days AF!!

                I remember how confusing it is when you first join -- my suggestion is to join one of the daily threads "Newbies Nest" or ODAT and post there daily.
                Put you hand up if you need help -- we are here for you!
                "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                  A little bit shy

                  Thanks DeeBee,

                  I'll give that a try
                  :thanks: AF since 13/12/2008


                    A little bit shy

                    Welcome CG, nice to have you here. That is such big problem for so many of us, just not being able to stop at one. Stick around and keep posting it's a nice group of people.
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      A little bit shy

                      Hi CG,
                      I'm new, sort of. Joined in May and did 21 days AF and thought I was superwoman and had this whole AL thing figured out after 20 plus years of drinking only to realize that I can't drink at all, like you. I am on day 3. Like you, going to try to make it through the holidays. Like you, I think everything is boring when I'm not drinking. I have a friend who I respect and he is 7 years sober and so funny and witty. He said it takes time to get the cob webs out. A good 30 days to think clearly. Maybe we will be funnier after 30 days and make our own party!
                      Good luck and congrats thus far! One day at a time!

                      " little by little, we travel far "
                      - Tolkein


                        A little bit shy

                        Thanks BJ, I feel good about myself this morning, I went to the local club for the ham raffles, picked up my friends, had to leave at 7 to take my son to work, went back to club and spent a couple of enjoyable AF hours with my old friends. Once they realise you are determined they are quite accepting and don't treat you any differently. I think its yourself who thinks that you are more likeable when you drink, also having a drink seems to improve the low self esteem, which gets lowered by the drinking (its a vicious circle isn't it). Doesn't mean to say that I don't miss it though, but I know it is slowly killing me. My mother was a chronic diabetic who chose to keep smoking and therefore died a terrible death with all the complications at the age of 47. I feel she was a bit selfish leaving behind a 21 year old only daughter when she had the power to improve her health. I can see (at 47) now I was on the same path and I don't want that for my family. Anyway here comes the weekend, so good luck with the AFD's everybody.
                        :thanks: AF since 13/12/2008

