Veritas, stay strong hun, you are doing so well now...
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7th day today and happily going for another 7!!
Veritas. Maybe you should get some Antabuse as per our previous discussions?! At least to make it over the christmas. Take the option away of thinking it is ok. That's my biggest loophole as well.AF since 15th March 2010
The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.
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Well, day 2 here. Two awful nightmares last night. Yuck. Here's the Rain in my Heart thread for Jamms and Hopeful. Do NOT watch it on a full stomach!
Congrats on 7 days johnny!
I have a business function to attend tomorrow which I have attended for years and have always had my evil bitch friend, Chardonnay, with me. I guess I'll have to tell her she can't come this year. It'll be fun to watch everyone else and I'll be able to do some good networking this time. It'll be a challenge, that's for sure.
Here's to us 7-day-ers. We have to come up with a name. What's a good name?
Thanks for the support and for joining. It's so helpful. :l
I'll be in and out today. It's payroll day and with the snow we might be a bit busy.
Be"Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad
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Hi Becoming! I'm in for 7 days. When you feel the stress that makes you cave or crave you might look on here at the meditation links and try that. Try things that are naturally calming. Camomile tea, passion flower extract, skullcap. Some aromatherapy like lavendar. Yoga. Serenity prayer. Get on the treadmill. Good that you recognize the stress. Maybe get the alcohol out of the house for now. :l
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
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Hey becoming.
You should talk to my payroll ppl please!!! Still no christmas money (and apparently it is coming?). All that the boss says. It will be before christmas. Great. So much for christmas shopping! (and half the normal annual bonus thanks to world eco crisis)
Anyways. Could be worse. Just got to be patient now!!!AF since 15th March 2010
The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.
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Greenie, believe me, hun, there ain't no alcohol in this house and there ain't gonna be! LOL The treadmill is here and so is the Wii Fit. I love yoga and tea, thanks for the suggestions. I'm going shopping today and I'll pick up some of the tea you suggested.
johnny, I know, I shouldn't complain, I'm just stressed and don't want my employees to know it. At least we're alive, right? Could be a lot worse!"Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad
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Hi all ---- Day 5 for me! .... and will be so proud if I make it over this hump.
Congratulations johnny on your 7 days ..... I'm hoping to achieve my first 7 days this week.
Veritas ---- I'm feeling like you ... not sure how I'm going to handle the Christmas days .... it always revolved around eating and drinking ... and more drinking for me. I know eyebrows and questions will be raised if I don't have a drink.... and I don't know if I've got the strength to face that. ... or should I just take one, and set it down somewhere and stick to my water? Any suggestions from others that have gone through this would be appreciated. Keep in mind, I haven't told anyone about my problem, and I'm not prepared to. I need to do this with just you guys.
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Yes, everyone on this thread DOES sound positive. This is day #4 for me.
Be - Good Job! You know ... I find that other people care a whole lot less when we don't drink that we imagine they might. Maybe if you think in advance what you might say if someone asks ... "I just don't feel like it" ... "It hasn't been agreeing with me lately" ... "I can eat or I can drink ... so I'm saving my calories for the good food tonight" ... "I just haven't been drinking these days". Any of those help? I bet you can come up with others. Yep, Chardonnay has been my poison of choice over the years.
I'm gonna do what I just heard on a video today ... Read the chapter in Napoleon Hill's book on Decision everyday for 30 days.
Yesterday I was so proud of myself when someone said something about having some drinks on my birthday that I responded without even thinking ... Nope, I won't be drinking tonight!
It's funny ... generally nobody CARES if we don't drink and the ones who do ... well take a look at why it might matter to them. It may be because they need a partner in crime.
Y'all (yup I'm from the south) all have a great day!
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Hey Becoming. Just watched Rain in my Heart. Real shocker to watch that. I felt so sorry for the guy that died. Made it 10 years and than the liver problems caught up.
Anycase. Off home. cheers.AF since 15th March 2010
The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.
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Thank you Be- I will watch it when I get home ,some time tonight.Or maybe I should save it for when I'm looking for AL.
I'm no good at coming up with clever names...sorry.
Day#5 for me.
"I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."
"no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"
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Hi... I've been struggling again lately, I have drank 4 out of the last 5 nights... I can't believe I am doing this to myself again.... I was doing so well for a few months. I am in for 7 days, and then hopefully more... Baby steps..God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...
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SG- :l Hang in there! Don't get down, we all have been there. I'm gald to be hearing from you today, was worried. Stay strong!:teeter:JAMMS
"I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."
"no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"