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One Day At A Time Wednesday (ODAT)

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    One Day At A Time Wednesday (ODAT)

    Good Morning ODATers,

    Lots of snow out, it looks beautiful. Not enough for a snow day so my kids are bummed. I'm not :H

    Had two nightmares which I still remember, one with my son and one with my husband. Shiver. I hate those. It's good to remember them, though I guess. Better than being blacked out like the bad 'ol days.

    Day 2 AF and am going for 7. I'd dreading having to pay sales tax which is due on the 22nd. I just hope there's enough money in the checking account to cover the check.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    Take care, :l
    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad

    One Day At A Time Wednesday (ODAT)

    Hi everybody!!

    I hope you are all having a stunning day.

    Becoming, I envy you. Nothing like a snowy white christmas.

    Hot sunny day in cape town with about 30 Celsius.

    Have a good day.
    AF since 15th March 2010

    The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


      One Day At A Time Wednesday (ODAT)

      Good Day all ODATer's ---- on day 5 here ---- I'm going to make it to day 6 tomorrow for the very first time! I'm determined to get over this day 4/5 wall that I've always hit before!
      A very snow day here too! Looks so much nicer than it did yesterday ... we'd lost our snow over the weekend with the rain and milder temps. Back to Winter! I do like it for Christmas. .... but after that I'd be happy with the 30C! ... well maybe not 30, but 25 would be perfect for some good golfing weather!
      I'll be heading to Panama in January and then Australia for 4 weeks mid-February, and Aruba in April ----so I'll be escaping Winter for the most part!

      I will be checking in later to get me past this evening's craving time! It worked last night ... sat with the computer on my lap and read post after post to keep me from pouring a drink!

      Have a great day and I hope you all meet your goals today!


        One Day At A Time Wednesday (ODAT)

        Good morning all, gonna be heading out the door to work in a minute, should probably start my truck for a while, it snowed then rain and made a huge crappy mess.

        New Day, I want to go to Aruba too, I haven't been there in 13 years, miss it! Would love to take my kids.

        Starting day 25 today, yesterday wasn't to bad, Monday was though and Saturday. I think I am struggling more the closer we get to Christmas Eve and thinking about our Christmas Eve party. Just 5 more days to go to reach my first goal.

        Wishing everyone a very happy af Wednesday,


          One Day At A Time Wednesday (ODAT)

          Okay guys, I need all your strength. I'm struggling and not sure why. I got into the wine last night and to be honest, I don't even really like wine anymore (strange since it used to be my drink of choice but now it's the taste of it that I don't really enjoy) - even still, I got into it so we know it wasn't for the enjoyment of a nice glass of wine. Obviously I wanted the numbing effects if I don't even enjoy the taste. But why? I don't even know - had a good day, no reason for it.........aaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuggggggghhhhhhhhh

          Help me guys, send some of your strenght my way cause I am pissed at myself.
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            One Day At A Time Wednesday (ODAT)

            Hello ODATers
            Everyone sounds Great! I am also doing well as far as AL goes. Don't ask about the Christmas Snow here too. The commute home was slippery, so I happy to be home, safe, sound, sober and in my PJ's. Congrats to all on your AF time. You guys are amazing. Hope you all have a great day!!
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


              One Day At A Time Wednesday (ODAT)

              Sorry Uni
              I think we cross-posted. You know that it is no good to beat yourself. Just jump back on track. You can do it. Sending you strength and a :l
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                One Day At A Time Wednesday (ODAT)

                Good morning!

                It is cold and rainy here. It snowed last night and but not enoug. My boys stayed up playing xbox till 11:00 thinking schools would be closed. Ha Ha them. :H

                Day#5. I'm having a tough week. But, I'm hanging in there....been having some shortness with the kids nad hubby. I think I'm PMSing....I dont keep track really since I've had my tubes tied.

                Uni-I'm sending you (((strength vibes))))) It's ok to be mad, just don't get in a rut. :l You'll be fine!

                Be- I hate nighmares they give me the heebeegeebees all day long.

                Twosox- 25 days! Nice job! I'm proud.

                I hope everyone has a great day!!

                "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                  One Day At A Time Wednesday (ODAT)

                  Happy Hump Day!

                  Uni - sending you what I canfor strength and positive thoughts!! I agree with Jamms - just don't get in a rut, and don't beat yourself up. I am in a rut, and it's no fun! I get out for one day, then get stuck in it again for a while. I am really having to psych myself up for the New Year - I want to try again getting a good stretch in in January - and have this feeling of giving up and not even bothering to try until then. I know I should try harder, but I seem to be losing this battle. Maybe I will order more supps from the site so I am well prepared for January. In the mean time, I will try not to give up totally - even a day here and there AF is better than nothing I suppose! (ya, right!)

                  Hey Johnyh - we are on opposite ends of the Celsius scale - you at +30C while here it is around -30C most nights (marginally warmer than last weekend from hell cold!!) Thing is, not much precipitation - snow is out there, but only a couple of inches. We need more to avoid drought conditions next summer!

                  Lots to do at work here, as usual. So best not tarry here any more!
                  xoxo Peanut


                    One Day At A Time Wednesday (ODAT)

                    Good morning (barely, almost noon!) ODATers!

                    Uni... big cyber hug and STRONG VIBES for you - I'm in the same boat right now. Let's paddle together, ok?

                    Be, know about the nightmares, too - hope they won't bother you during the day today.

                    JohnnyH... GOD, 30 Celsius (ABOVE ZERO, that is) sounds soooo good! LOL

                    NewDAY, yep, same here... rain all day Sunday, a lot of the snow went and then turned into an icy mess. Yuck.

                    Sea, glad you made it home ok - I really hate winter driving - I'm such a chicken! LOL

                    Jamms, yep, the week 'before' always seems to be very tough for me, too. I actually just started keeping track again (after 15 years), just so I know why the bitch showed up! LOL

                    Peanut, EVERY AF day counts (at least, that's what I'm telling myself)! Keep fighting ODAT!

                    Sheeesh, this day is running away from me and I have a ton of work! Eeeek! Better get back to it!

                    You all have a great AF Wednesday!
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      One Day At A Time Wednesday (ODAT)

                      Hi all ODAT'rs

                      I'm the same as New Day and Jamms, on Day 5. Hoping to keep mainly AF over the holidays as I have blood tests coming up in January and thats a good incentive. Just ordered AF wine and AF beer when doing my internet shopping. It's better to be prepared. Sorry you are having a hard time Uni, sometimes the beast sneaks up on you for no apparent reason. However, jump right back on the wagon tomorrow is another day.



                        One Day At A Time Wednesday (ODAT)

                        Hi everyone,
                        Be, I think it was you who started the 7 day AF thread? Well, I will pledge to 7 (or more) days HF (hangover-free) -- is that close? I only had 2 beers last night; by bedtime I felt a cold coming on. So although I am feeling kinda yucky, at least I am not hung over. Amazing how we feel better if we're sick! (although many times I have overdrank when feeling sick, too)

                        I was going to start some Christmas cookies this afternoon, but the cold is making me want to nap. Again, at least I'm not sleeping off a hangover.

                        Uni, I'm sorry you're sturggling. Wanting some of that "holiday cheer" can get the best of us. I too have picked it up many times for no reason (or all the reasons in the word, depending on how you look at it). But you have a very good track record, so you'll dust yourself off.

                        Big hello to everyone else. I am going to pop some aspirin and crawl back into bed. Cookies will have to wait. We still have yet to put up the tree -- it's sitting on the back porch!


                          One Day At A Time Wednesday (ODAT)

                          Day 5

                          On day 5 and feeling a bit overwhelmed with how bad i let things get after being AF for so long before.

                          It's the old self pity and comparing my life to others.

                          Trying to get out of that mind set but when i get into it i really feel like a drink.

                          Will try and spend the day distracting myself so I can't think and hopefully I'll get to day 6.

                          Good luck everyone


                            One Day At A Time Wednesday (ODAT)

                            ABP, I get that way too -- especially in these tough economic times. I wasn't this broke in graduate school!

                            This is a tough time of day for me usually, too -- my "witching hour" is 5:00. But I have been pushing it back several nights in the past week, and will tonight as well, cause I have a cold and I don't need my system in real crash mode.

                            Hang in there and post if you need to! Have a good evening!


                              One Day At A Time Wednesday (ODAT)

                              Hey Everyone

                              :l Sending hugs to everyon who is struggling--oh, right, that's all of us! Making it through today at work was a major accomplishment, and I had therapy right after. Brought my "questionnaire" and the letters from my daughter and husband--heartbreaking but I needed it in writing. I am going to laminate them and carry them with me always, for when I am weak. Came home, had dinner and made a pot of tea that hopefully will get me through tonight. Today is Day 1 all over again.

                              Had a good talk with my husband about his being an enabler, which he believes is being a protector. I told him the next time I fall or stumble or pass out to just leave me there! He says he can't do it. I also told him to videotape me. Now I am praying it will never come to that. I am dreading the holidays, which in my family and circle of friends is one long booze bash. Therapist suggested I skip Xmas Eve, and all the other parties, but can't do that--will definitely avoid most, though. I don't want to spend another holiday "dancing with the devil" and regretting it.

                              Still waiting for my books and CDs and going to the Health Food store tomorrow after work for supplements. What's the best few things I should buy?

