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new girl on the block

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    new girl on the block

    :new: Hi I have been lurking for a while and thought I should just jump in! I am a bing drinker and my favorite poison is beer. I am so scared to think what this is doing to my body. I am 48 years old and wanting to be AF. I have tried so many times to quite. I am so frustrated and full of guilt . Thanks for listening.

    new girl on the block

    Welcome, desert chick!!! :l

    Well, you're in good company here - we all can sing a tune of frustration and guilt, I think. However, what I'm learning (I'm new as well) is that beating yourself up isn't the way to go. Picking yourself up and try again, on the other hand is

    So, here's to picking ourselves up!

    Have you got a plan to help you get started yet?
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      new girl on the block

      Welcome DesertChick,
      What Sunshine said is so tru you need to have a plan in place to help at those trigger times so you go in armed & awear of whats happeniing, I used to log on here maybe 3-4 times a day for my 1st week AF (Alcolhol Free) posting& reading post & different threads, i find the "Familys affected by Alcohol" thread good reading, even though I have never put my family/friends thru anything as I was a secret drinker who only drank at home ( I live alone), but it shows you how you can be distroyed by A. stay stong, & drink lots of water, tell us more about yourself.
      Progress, not perfection!!!
      A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


        new girl on the block

        Thanks for your quick replies! My plan was to be in close touch with this board. I also have the Kudzu. I plan on getting the book My Way Out. I work at home helping my husband run our business. It gives me lots of freedom Thats why I joined MWO, I felt like I needed some accountability. I am also a closet drinker and aside from my husband I don't think anyone has a clue. Day 1 AF


          new girl on the block

          Desertchick-Don't know if you've read any of my post. There are a few of us starting the program in January. (I really do have to start wrtiitng all our names down) I forget where the thread is maybe someone else can remind me (us). anyway, read the book and let us know if you want to start program in Jan.

          "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

          "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


            new girl on the block

            Welcome Desert! I hope you stick around posting and reading! Have you started on the Kudzu yet? Are you planning to take any supps? I find they really do help. Congrats on day 1! I double dog dare you to make it day 2...LOL!! :lilangel:
            LTG AF January 13, 2011


              new girl on the block

              Hey Desertchick, I am in Utah to ... I live in Sandy! Know the feeling but you truly have to want it and be willing to do what ever it takes... for me I had no choice I was charged with a FELONY child abuse because I slapped my seventeen year old son, because of his racist drug addict ways.. I have 16 months sober and he has been a runaway for six of those months. Try and not let the YETS happen or schould I say a Knudge from a judge. I find that going to AA meetings help ALOT. I cant not stay sober by myself I must be around people that are trying the same... If you ever want to chat Im here.

              One Day At A Time!!!


                new girl on the block

                Welcome desertchick! :welcome:

                We have a few things in common, well, besides our alchol problem. I'll be 48 in a few months and I also work from home with a business with my husband.

                This is a wonderful family and I'm so glad you've joined us. :l

                My best friend used to be Chardonnay now she's my enemy.

                I'm glad you ordered the book and have the Kudzu. I strongly recommend following the program. It's helped me in so many ways. I still have my battles but I also have lots of AF (alcohol free) days under my belt. I'm proud of that.

                Take care,
                "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                  new girl on the block

                  :welcome: You can do it. :goodjob:


                    new girl on the block

                    Hi. Also a beer drinker here. I can't stomach the taste of wine, I find premixed too sweet and I have never been interested in spirits. I am only 33 yet have been getting drunk on beer since the age of 18. I know how hard it is to resist a bottle of beer, you can convince yourself that you will only have one or two like a normal person but it never works out that way. This weekend I am hoping to be AF, I know that I can make it but the weekend after, and the weekend after that in 40c heat will be difficult. So I am going to take it one little step at a time. Good luck DesertChick. I am sure that we can all get the help we are seeking here.


                      new girl on the block

                      Hi DC Welcome This sight has save my life. I am (was) a binge drinker, and my favorite drink of choice was ANYTHHINGGGG, as long as I am alone. as the bottle is my best friend. I hit rock bottom, and have been swimming to the top ever since. You are in the right place if you want to quit. Join us, and keep close to us for the first few weeks, if you are truly sincere about quiting, this is the place to do it
                      Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                      And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                      • Yesterday is History
                        Today is a Mystery
                        Tomorrow is a GIFT


                        new girl on the block

                        not so secret

                        Hey, everyone. I thought I was a secret drinker, too, in the beginning. Thought I was really clever and sneaky and if anyone asked, just say I took an allergy pill. But I found out they all knew--even my out of state friends could tell during our phone calls. Of course, as my drinking intensified there was no secret at all--I was/am a stumbling fool.

                        In day 1 again.

