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    Hi All. Have been Lurking for around a week and finally decided to post. I drink to give me confidence in Social situations and to help me be able to cope with my relationship. I moved halfway around the world to allow my Husband to pursue his career, and whilst I have what seems to have an idyllic life I'm not happy. I still miss my friends and family after 5 years away. There are a lot of things I can do to make things better, but the first step is to deal with my increasing alcohol consumption. Wine or Gin, especially love a Sparkling Shiraz. BUT, it's every night now, and getting earlier. I look forward to my drinking time. My skin is not good and I've put on a lot of weight. I've watched family members destroy their lives through alcohol abuse, and know its time. I'm going to be alcohol free today, but tomorrow I have to do a 12 hour flight so am giving myself permission to drink on the plane, but not at the airport. Then I have to get through Christmas, but am looking forward to a cliched 'fresh start in the New Year. Will keep checking in. BTW I'm sweaty Betty because I live in a tropical climate........
    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:


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    Hi Betty, welcome..good luck..

    just a word of advice if you live in a tropical climate, keep yourself well hydrated at all times. It can get very hot here as well at times and it is easy to mix up cravings ad simple thirst.

    I am fortunate in that I did not gain too much weight, but I have still gained enough that my wardrobe has shrunk to just a few items that fit me. It might sound superficial, but I use that as one of my motivations to stay sober. I want to be able to walk into a room feeing good about how I look. I want to be able to have a good meal and not have to undo my waist buttons.


      First Post

      I've just cleared my wardrobe and yep, am down to just a few things. Am going 'home' for the Holidays and can't wait for my Mom to tell me how much weight I've put on again!

      Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



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        Welcome, SB - great to see you starat posting. Look forward to knowing you.... Bless
        *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


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          Looking forward to seeing your around here SweatyBetty. My goal for last year was to lose weight, I joined the gym and lost quite a bit of weight. But I still have my drinking belly because I was still binge drinking at the weekend. Everyone around me just thinks that having 2 kids ruined my belly and that I am genetically programmed to holding weight around that area - only I know the truth. It is a beerbelly. My goal for 2009 is to lose that beer belly and regain control of my life. I also live far away from my family but in my case I consider that a small blessing. :H


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            SweatyBetty welcome! and congratulations on becoming conscious of this malady before it takes more from you. Here you will find tools, experience and great company.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


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              Thank you all for your your support. I'm at 7pm without alcohol. Which for me is good.
              Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



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                Welcome Sweaty Betty!!



                  First Post

                  Hi Sweaty Betty! :welcome:

                  I love your name! I laughed when I read it! :H

                  Can you find an avatar to match it? It sounds like you have a wonderful sense of humor.
                  I look forward to reading more of your posts. I feel for you and missing your family. I've never been in that situation but it must be very hard on you.

                  Take care, :l
                  "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                    First Post

                    :welcome: Sweaty Betty.... I also love your handle! LOL

                    Yes, I know all about being away from home and everything you know/love - and I also know that drinking doesn't make it any better. Good for you for taking control now! All the best to you!
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


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                      Welcome Betty, We are here to help each other reach our own personal goals...what ever they are.
                      You are not alone in your battle, anymore.
                      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                        First Post

                        Hi Sweaty Betty!
                        I hear my story in yours. You are not alone. We have all felt your pain. Congrats on being here. Congrats on making it to 7pm. Small steps. This time of year is tough for all of us. I'm sorry for your move and isolation.

                        The people here are so supportive. You will not feel judged. I'm just getting started..... again. I'm trying to go AF (alcohol free).... again. On day 3 now and I'm scared but everyone here is so incredibly supportive. One day at a time.... one minute at a time.

                        Just get through the holidays as you have planned without getting overwhelmed and when you have your plan in place, everyone will be here for you.

                        Best of luck to you in reaching your goals. There is always someone here to listen and offer words of support.

                        " little by little, we travel far "
                        - Tolkein

