I think I've figured out my tendency to drink to oblivion. I'm bored out of my mind and pretty much can't stand my husband!! Yippeeee. Now WTH do I do??? Last night was TOUGH! Started decorating the tree, doing the lights ALL BY MYSELF ONCE AGAIN, he's at his usual corner in the kitchen drinking his beer and watching TV; I had just had it, and boyyyy did I want a drink. I finally just started throwing the lights on any old way, and after my 6 YO managed to drag his sorry ass out of the kitchen to help, I went on strike. If he wants a tree, he can do it, dammitall; I'm sick to death of being the only one who makes an effort at homelife.
And, the other night he gets on my laptop to visit one of is favorite porn sites and wipes out the history so that our son won't accidentally get there. Of course, that wiped out all of my saved passwords and browsing history so everything had to be entered again. And, I'm sure he managed to get his nosy ass into this site to check out what I've been doing. GAAHHHHHHH!!!
Can everyone tell that I'm in a simply wonderful mood this morning???? Hope everyone else is feeling a bit better than I am:H!!