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    ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday

    Morning all!!

    I think I've figured out my tendency to drink to oblivion. I'm bored out of my mind and pretty much can't stand my husband!! Yippeeee. Now WTH do I do??? Last night was TOUGH! Started decorating the tree, doing the lights ALL BY MYSELF ONCE AGAIN, he's at his usual corner in the kitchen drinking his beer and watching TV; I had just had it, and boyyyy did I want a drink. I finally just started throwing the lights on any old way, and after my 6 YO managed to drag his sorry ass out of the kitchen to help, I went on strike. If he wants a tree, he can do it, dammitall; I'm sick to death of being the only one who makes an effort at homelife.

    And, the other night he gets on my laptop to visit one of is favorite porn sites and wipes out the history so that our son won't accidentally get there. Of course, that wiped out all of my saved passwords and browsing history so everything had to be entered again. And, I'm sure he managed to get his nosy ass into this site to check out what I've been doing. GAAHHHHHHH!!!

    Can everyone tell that I'm in a simply wonderful mood this morning???? Hope everyone else is feeling a bit better than I am:H!!

    ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday

    Dingbat so sorry to hear your having such an awful time. I always put the Christmas tree lights on, I do it because if my husband does it, he just complains the whole time, and then that ticks me off. So I put them on and let him and my kids decorate it. I used to do it all, get the tree, trim the bottom, put it in the stand, string the lights and then decorate it with the kids. He has been helping a lot more with the decorating, even decorating the house. So there is hope.

    I don't have to worry about my husband getting on line and deleting the history because he has no idea how to, :H he only knows how to get on and google. He does not know much about computers at all. I am the one who wipes out the history because I don't want him or my kids finding this place.

    I hope your day gets better!



      ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday

      Hi Dingbat. I also drink because I'm bored, not sure about my husband, will be interesting to see how I feel about him without my nightly numbing potion. I love putting the tree up but it always ends badly.

      I'm with Twosox, wishing you a better day.
      Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



        ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday

        I NEED to know how to wipe out the history in the browser so my BF can't see where I've been going. I don't want him to know about this site (frankly, anymore than I want to know about the porn site I saw in his browser which he seems to frequent regularly.........more than I really wanted to know - upsets me a bit to be honest which I know is foolish)

        Anyway - sick aa a dog here - not from drinking - I have a brutal cold which has taken over my upper respiratory track. I feel like absolute hell - can't even drink coffee, all I feel like is tea and soup broth.

        I have to run into the office and pick up some things but I think I will spend most of the day at home working bunched up under my covers.

        HOpe everyone has a great ODAT day. I WILL NOT drink today. More AF days needed here.

        Love and hugs,
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday

          Welll...........Ho, Ho, Ho! :H:H:H

          You might not like this answer, but...... I quit drinking and am divorcing my husband, the cheating addict. If I hadn't been drinking away the marraige, I'd have done it sooner. If someone wanted to confiscate the computer at work he'd probably go to jail. It's in MY office but I doubt it wouldn't be difficult to explain it wasn't my history. At least he looks a naked girls and not men, LOL.

          Oh and speaking of husbands, I get to go to court today and hear estranged one tell the judge why he hasn't paid alimony.

          And... I managed to procure myself a tree at 1/2 price AND got it delivered free and pared it down to fit the stand, hauled it into the house, and decorated it myself. I'm as proud as I can be. I think it is beautiful.

          Uni, click the tools tab, click internet options and preferences. It'll ask you how many days to leave sites in your history. Near that it'll say clear history. Click that. Hope you feel better!

          Welcome Sweaty!

          You only have so much time on this planet. Spend it wisely. :l
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday

            OK, "Sweaty Betty" is a Funny handle! How'd you come up w/that one?? (Dare I ask?)

            Here I sit w/out bf or husband... wondering if I'm better off or not??!!

            I can certainly remember how hard it can be to live with someone. BUT living alone has its pitfalls, too. No one to bitch to comes to mind... :H

            Sometimes I wish I were my cat! She has NO worries, always has food... Her biggest concern is which cozy place to nap next!

            Even tho' I just posted that "Gratefulness" thing, I'm feeling rather Dismal. I guess I should be happy that I have someplace to go Christmas Eve. I had quite resigned myself to being alone (as I have been many other Christmases). OK, is that pitiful or what??

            I'm spending it w/girlfriend & her husband - and you know they invited me out of feeling Sorry for me!! I gratefully accepted the invite anyway...

            OH dear - I'm such a mess. And I've been drinking. At least I've stuck to wine vs. hard stuff. Is that an accomplishment? I probably need a shrink - but can't afford.

            Oh bleah. Sorry for being such a downer!

            I DO hope you All have a great day.
            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


              ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday

              OK - Uni & Greenie posted while I was posting... Wanted to say:

              Uni - Really hope you feel better Soon. I'm just about over a cold (that included lovely hacking cough making people want to RUN from me!!)...

              Greenie - So sorry to hear of your divorce. I've only had One (so far - lol!)... and even tho it was MY idea, it still is NOT fun. Hope it goes smoothly for you.

              That which don't kills us... etc.
              Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday


                Hi Savon 19, I'm Sweaty Betty because I live in Singapore. Its usually around 30degC, and very humid! takes me ten minutes to pull my jeans on in the mornings Lol! I can't speak for your Girlfriend, but I think you're probably doing them a favour by visiting on Christmas Eve, personally I love company - gives me somebody to talk to other than my husband
                Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                  ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday

                  Hmmm, sounds like a difficult day so far.

                  dingy, I hope your day gets better. It sounds so stressful for you.

                  twosox, my HB is computer illiterate, too, ain't it great? LOL

                  Hi Sweaty, nice to meet you!

                  Hey uni, I sure hope you feel better soon. I just got over strep throat. Yuck. uch:

                  Hi greenie, I couldn't agree with you more. Now that I'm almost 48 I can actually count the number of months I'll probably be alive. Barring any accidents. Shudder.

                  savvy, I think we have the same cat! Maybe your GF invited you because she loves and cares about you?

                  I'm on day 3 AF here, going for 7. I've planned a busy day today, I just hope it goes as plans and my kids don't throw a wrench into things. It's sunny and beautiful out and we're supposed to get another 1-2". Can't ask for more than that.

                  Take care, :l
                  "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                    ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday

                    Hey, Sweaty - I can relate! I live in Florida. Right now it's not so humid, but most of the year I wonder why I Bother to do stuff w/my hair, since by the time I walk to car... it looks like I just got out of shower!!

                    And thanks, Be, for the positive thoughts. I need to shake myself out of this mood!!

                    Dingy - It was your post that made me think that being single may not be that bad after all!! Whassup w/these guys on porn sites? I guess my ex would've done it, too - had we had computer!! (We've been divorced more than 10 yrs.)

                    Gosh, gang, this has not been a very upbeat thread. But it's good to be able to go someplace to bitch ('specially since I don't have anyone else to do that to... )

                    Hang in there people - we have EACH OTHER! Yay!
                    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                      ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday

                      Good morning peeps!

                      Dingy, so sorry about your current home life - I remember those days (I've been divorced 10 years) - and greenie, no it ain't fun, no matter how you slice it.

                      Uni, I hope your cold pulls a disappearing act real quick - I'm hacking, too (but I always do; I smoke like a chimney!). Which, incidentally, I'm planning to stop in the new year. What fun - kill 2 addictions with one climb up the wall... LOL

                      Savon, I'm almost positive, that there's more than 'feeling sorry for you' that provoked the Christmas Eve invite Enjoy it!

                      Twosox - too funny! My man IS my IT guy - so no hiding anything from him. Mind you, he knows about this site anyways.

                      Sweaty Betty - would you like another cat? She comes with a 6 months supply of telephone and speaker cords! :H

                      Be - awesome on day 3! You go girl! It's day 2 in a row over here. Today may be a bit of a nail biter (there's an open bottle of wine in the kitchen) but I will make it. Just have to keep moving.

                      It's getting really busy around the house now; all the grown and 1/2 grown kids are starting to show up. My better half's youngest (21) arrived a couple of nights ago from the west coast, #2 son (24) will roll in tomorrow and my 16 year old will get here Monday afternoon. In the meantime, my daughter's b/f is here this weekend, etc, etc. Wish me luck! LOL

                      I truly hope everyone's day will improve!
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday

                        Ahhhh yes!! To be a cat!!!

                        Yep, greenie, he is (or was??) a cheating bastaad too! He's an eternal awkward adolescent just looking for approval from the opposite sex. Big YAWN!!! I think it was the affair a couple of years ago (the one I actually know about) that pretty much destroyed any feelings I had for him. But I'm financially dependent w/a 6 year old. So, guess I've made my bed.

                        twosox - yeah, he gripes too; but he gripes about everything, so nothing new there!

                        uni - I hope you feel better. I hate being sick!

                        And welcome to you Sweaty Betty - that is a funny id!!

                        Becoming, you know you can do it; you've done it before!!

                        Now I get to go to the mall
                        :upset: for more x-mas shopping. I swear, if I see that stupid Hannah Montana's face again I may just throw a fit!! Sheesh! Hope someone's handing out happy pills there - I could really use one:H!


                          ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday

                          savvy, consider yourself shaked! LOL :dancin:
                          "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                            ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday

                            watch out, guys, I just gave dingy a happy pill, here she is!

                            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                              ONE DAY AT A TIME Thursday

                              Thanks becoming!!! Yep, that's me!! Wwwhheeee!!!

                              And good morning sunshine!

                              OK - gotta go get ready for the mall; it's an hour's drive each way. Hey!! At least I'll get out of the house!

