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New to MWO but not the struggle...

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    New to MWO but not the struggle...

    Hi All,
    I am 26/F and feel that my future is full of fantastic options but I guess that I need to be honest with myself and accept that with AL in my life I will never reach any of these goals, or at least only half heartedly. I started binge drinking at 13 and boy does the time fly by! Here I am 13 years later with exactly the same despisable drinking habits I had when i was 13! Sure I can list things I have improved on eg : I no longer smoke dope or ciggarettes.
    I have had times where i have drank daily by myself ( afetr lets say 5pm ), drank everyday by going out partying with friends every night , but mostly it is just major occassional binge drinking which has me ending up in bed with someone, or on the couch for a full day afterwards cursing the bane of my existence and feeling guilty, worthless and the worst of all....Hopeless.
    I stopped drinking for 8 months when i was 23, went to meetings,had a sponsor, all that jazz. I stopped going out and ditched alot of pple from my life, this was a bad move as I made no real effort to replace my er, vice with something fun, interesting to occupy my time. I was a workaholic and a perfectionist.
    I have years of low self esteem to build up so that I can move on to a bigger and better life, this can only happen if I learn to moderate ( Been trying my whole life, obviously not hard enough? ) or abstain completely ( which scares me , feel i will be rejected by regualr society and be unable to go to any ' Fun' social events ). I don't know which road to try?
    Ultimatly I want to be the best me that I can, I want to be strong and happy so that I can give back to those around me.
    Thanks for reading : )
    Sober since Jan 17th 09
    Smoke free since 20th Nov 08 :H

    New to MWO but not the struggle...

    Welcome WannaBFree!

    You're right; you are still very young and have a fantastic life ahead of you! Congrats on wanting to make changes to get there now. 8 months AF (alcohol free) is a huge accomplishment! You did it then and you'll be able to do it again - no doubt.

    Please know that you have landed in a safe place with tons of support here and I wish you strength to reach your goals (whether AF or MOD).
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      New to MWO but not the struggle...

      hay WannaBFree, welcome,
      this is a great place for support, & great advice as everyone here knows what you are going through, there is a great thread called toolbox under the "long term abstainers" thread ( you can use the "forum jump " option at the bottom of the page to get there, its really helpfull. keep posting & tell us about yourself, I also find reading the "family members afected by drinking' a helpful thread to read, although I was a secret drinker & it has had no impact on my family as they dont know it helps to see waht I could have put my family through. good luck
      Progress, not perfection!!!
      A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


        New to MWO but not the struggle...

        WannaB- You are so young, I'm jealous. LOL.. Keep reading, this is a good place. The one thing that I think makes newbies feel better is this...there is nothing that you can say here that has not already been heard. Nothing to be ashamed of, we are all in the same boat..get comfortable and jump right in! :l

        "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

        "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


          New to MWO but not the struggle...

          Welcome Wanna! :welcome:

          You are a much wiser woman than I was at 26. I am now 47 and can only wish I had your wisdom then. Good for you.

          You've found a wonderful place and a warm lap to fall on. We won't judge you and we'll be here for you no matter what.

          A wonderful first post and a wonderful start. A new beginning for you.

          Have you considered reading the My Way Out Book? It's downloadable from here. The program is also great.

          I look forward to getting to know you better. :l

          "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


            New to MWO but not the struggle...

            Hey wannabfree,
            I really enjoyed reading your post. Keep coming here and posting and reading. MWO has helped me soo much!! I was drinking alot every other day when I first came here. Im not where I want to be yet, but since Oct 27th I've only drank 3 times. Thats improvement. Keep trying, and keep reaching out.


              New to MWO but not the struggle...

              Dear wannabe,

              you are incredibly insightful for someone your age. sharing, posting, and reading is helping me. come here often. the people are very supportive. look into the book and the supplements.
              no one will judge you here. you are not alone.

              " little by little, we travel far "
              - Tolkein


                New to MWO but not the struggle...

                Wannabe, I find that by reading the threads posted by people who have been AF for long periods very inspiring. It helps me realise that being AF is not the end of the world. I was where you were at 26, always thinking about changing but never making it. I am trying again at 33 and hopefully I can make it work this time. The longest periods I have had of being sober were my pregnancies and the brestfeeding months. I love being AF then and felt life was great but the bad habits slowly slipped back into my life and it all started with just having one drink.

                Good luck to you, think positive, if you could ditch the ciggies you can ditch the booze.


                  New to MWO but not the struggle...

                  Welcome Wannabe, we are all in this together...we can all start to heal...TOGETHER
                  sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                    New to MWO but not the struggle...

                    Hello and Welcome Wannabe
                    I was where you are at 26. I knew that I had a serious problem. I stopped drinking from age 28-39. I wish I had never picked it up again. It took me 4 years to stop again. I agree with the others who have recommended reading the book. It is suggested that you start out with 30 days AF, and then you can decide whether to abstain or try modding. Best wishes to you.
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      New to MWO but not the struggle...

                      Thank you all for your replies, much appreciated. The main thing I guess that I struggle with is feeling resentment...not always towards moderate drinkers but just the situation in general... thinking " Why can they drink normally and I can't , not fair etc.." This is when I want to rush out and have a drink just to spite the world for it's injustice ha ha aaaaw lordy! I want to remove the importance of alcohol from my life and begin to build up the strengths that I have been suppressing through drink. Then and only then can i drink as i believe alot of my bingeing is because i get lots of attention from men which I must be subconsciously seeking. Day by Day eh??
                      Hope ya'll have a beautiful AF christmas with fond intact memories!
                      Sober since Jan 17th 09
                      Smoke free since 20th Nov 08 :H

