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ODAT Friday

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    ODAT Friday

    Hi All ODATer's ---- sorry to report I didn't make it past 5 days AF .... but that in itself is a record for me..... so I'll just carry on from here ..... Not sure why I gave in last night to AL, but I was tired of fighting. But I'll get right back at it.... No AL today!
    Major snow storm hitting us now, so I'm staying home .... did a lot of shopping and errands in the last 2 days in preparation for this, so that I could just stay put. Will do wrapping and clean out the fridge today.

    Be --- CONGRATULATIONS to you for staying AF during that party. I want to be like you! ... and not that sad woman you saw going back and forth for the free wine. I don't do that in public, but at home that's me! Not so often anymore though.
    .... and twosox .... you're almost there! Hope you feel better soon too.

    Have a good day everyone!


      ODAT Friday

      5 days is an awesome start, NewDay! And today is a 'new day' :l You're still here and still working on it - big pat on the back!
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        ODAT Friday

        Oh I am sooooo not looking forward to the shovelling aspect of this's still going - has been since 8 this morning - we are getting hit big time! But it has been nice to relax with my girl.......baked some cookies. I'm still feeling like crap with this cold but it was nice to not go to work today.....

        Off I go to dig out!
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          ODAT Friday

          Uni --- we must be in the same general area ..... we're getting that storm here too. I'm northeast of Toronto. Take it easy with the shovelling ... you don't need a sore back!:l


            ODAT Friday

            Checking in a little late. We (the whole family) went to lunch together then x-mas shopping..just got home a bit's getting really bad out there...icy and snowy. My 7 year old is making snow angels on my lawn....I know it's late and cold but I promised him. My 17 year old and all his friends are going to the baseball field to play football....ahh to be young again.

            Day 7 for me. Cant remember ever going 7 days. I don't think I ever have.

            Wow, I was just telling my son he has to shovel before he leaves, and some guy with a snow blower just cleared my sidewalk. I live in a corner house so I'm responsible for front and side. Boy that boy of mine just caught a break.

            "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

            "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


              ODAT Friday

              hi cap, and theb est of merry christmas s to you yo bro you are a special one gyco


                ODAT Friday

                Sometimes I can't believe the difference in our lives. It is now Saturday morning in Oz, I am about to head to the gym for a few hours. It will be a hot day. I am originally from Ireland, yet I have never seen snow and am not likely to either. My kids are fascinated that Santa lives in someplace full of snow and ice, not hot and sunny with days spent at the beach. I still find it hard to completely get into the spirit of a hot christmas. Today will be my hardest day so far, Day 6 AF. I will keep checking in today because this is the day that I am most likely to fail.


                  ODAT Friday

                  Late check in for a very stressed out Sea. Work has just sucked this week and I am on-call for a week. I have already been called regarding staffing issues, but so far, have worked them out from home. I am off tonight. Thank God. I am trying to get motivated to wrap some gifts, and do some housework. I had some very back cravings this morning. Stress and the thought of being snowed in alone all night, I guess. It was tough, but I got through it. Still AF. 46 or 47 days.
                  "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                    ODAT Friday

                    Hi Ezzmae, I come from Oz too, nice and warm today, thats the worst about Christmas here, the hot weather and the beer, the beer is my downfall, I just love it. Today is my day 7 and its great to have the weekend with a clear head lots more energy than usual. Still thinking of Christmas day. I might try and fake it with the family and friends, maybe some non alco wine or a bit of Claytons in my empty scotch bottle just so I don't feel different. The weekends are the hardest I know. Maybe you could go to the pictures with the kids for a couple of hours to get you over that hump.
                    :thanks: AF since 13/12/2008


                      ODAT Friday

                      Hi all - ezz and charlie - I am in NZ so CHristmas here usually means barbeques and sunnies...

                      Ezz - YOU CAN DO IT!! keep posting, CHOOSE NOT TO PICK UP THE FIRST DRINK....wind ya personal clock forward to the hell and shite of tomorrow morning, if you were to pick up a drink...NOT WORTH IT.

                      Sea - huge congrats on your 46/47 days

                      Greenie, hope you ok...
                      Captn - great to see ya, sir!
                      Gyco - All best for Festive Season too my man!!

                      ALL TOGETHER NOW: A Collective YELL at Al-co-HOLE!!!!!

                      FUCK RIGHT OFF WE DON'T NEED YA
                      *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                        ODAT Friday

                        A BIG hi to all others too...Sunshine - New Day (get back up and GO GIRL!)Jamms, Uni, UpNorth, Dingbat, Becoming and Baldie - GREAT to be here!
                        *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                          ODAT Friday

                          Day 8 for me today.
                          I'm a little bit anxious about my gremlin who whispers in my ear.
                          Nearly didn't make yesterday.


                            ODAT Friday

                            Thanks Gyco youre a special one too my man!!! Very!!!! the whispers!!!!! they are so annoying I wish they would invent a spray thing for them like a spray to kill mozzies where they are buzzing around your ear !!! when you go to bed. A spray for the "have a drink mosquitos" would be a good invention Ill come up with something
                            Love Cap


                              ODAT Friday

                              day 7 for me last night was very difficult the first Friday night for a long time AF. Hope I can keep it going to day. Have loads to do I guess that might help 'get busy' Happy Xmas and thanks to all.


                                ODAT Friday

                                Can we have a big HUG the army thread guys and the daters guys all together in the spirit of christmas. Im gonna go first SEA LIMERS ONEY STARTS and the others Mr T Iad they Know who they are I love you all and marby too

