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Newbie's Nest Friday, Dec 19th

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    Newbie's Nest Friday, Dec 19th

    TGIF Nestlings!

    It's a bitter cold -18 C here (about 0 F) *shudder* but at least it's FRIDAY!!!

    I'm still in my jammies and working on waking up - got the coffee IV going :H

    Dinner plans in town for tonight but planning to stay AF. Tomorrow night is probably a different story (big Christmas dinner/dance) but I'll be right back on track on Sunday. Would love to make it until Christmas day at least - we'll see.

    And how is everyone else today? Plans for the weekend?

    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013

    Newbie's Nest Friday, Dec 19th

    Its pretty cold here too. 0 F and windy. My plans are surfing the web to find what to get the kids for Christmas. We fly to southern California on Monday for Christmas with hubbys family. Then we're gonna do all our shopping on the 23rd. Yikes!!! It cost too much for the extra luggage on the plane, and we're driving back. Good luck with your dinner and then the dinner dance. BTW: I love your phrase on the bottom about the reality check.
    Have a good one!!


      Newbie's Nest Friday, Dec 19th

      OMG, MM I don't envy you. Well, I do for the Southern CA part.. :H
      But NOT shopping on the 23rd... I bet that'll be brutal. Arm yourself with with anything that'll help get you through (sober, that is).... oh.. and a baseball bat - just in case :H
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Newbie's Nest Friday, Dec 19th

        SUNSHINE--I know you can dance your ass off at the party :dancin: and be too busy and social to drink. At least, that is my goal for the holidays and a wedding on the 27th. Let us know how it goes...

        If I have to, I will have water in a wine glass and act like an ass....FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT! I keep hearing that day 4-5, that's tomorrow and Sunday--are the hardest, so I will probably be on the forum a lot!


          Newbie's Nest Friday, Dec 19th

          Hi UNG!
          For many day 4 is rough. Come here as much as you need to this weekend. If you need to chat your way through this, just make a chat request in a new thread. Sometimes just chatting about silly things and having fun can really help the time pass more quickly than sitting with yourself struggling.
          LTG AF January 13, 2011


            Newbie's Nest Friday, Dec 19th

            We're head to head, UpNorth!!!! Tomorrow is day 4 for me as well!

            Hiyas LTG, you're so right about passing the time when the going gets tough!

            Have a great one!
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              Newbie's Nest Friday, Dec 19th

              Hopefully this link will work.



                Newbie's Nest Friday, Dec 19th

                Hi all! I had made it to day 6 yesterday (a first for me!), but couldn't get past it. I'm not really sure why I gave in .... other than I was tired, and just couldn't fight the craving to relax with a glass (read bottle) of wine. I was by myself again last night ... hubby has had lots of business related Christmas functions to attend.
                So back to AF days for me again after that slip. I was so please at having gotten past the day 4/5 hump and felt so strongly about being able to resist too ... so it really took me by surprise last night. I guess I've learned from that too!

                MM ---- I couldn't imagine doing all my shopping on the 23rd ... but heck, at least you can't waste hours wandering about wondering what to get everyone!

                Have a good day everyone!


                  Newbie's Nest Friday, Dec 19th

                  :l New Day!

                  5 days is great and learning something is even better! Keep at it - you can do it!
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    Newbie's Nest Friday, Dec 19th

                    New Day great job for making it 5 days! You are making progress :h
                    LTG AF January 13, 2011


                      Newbie's Nest Friday, Dec 19th

                      MM, where in so cal are your going? I was born in LA a hundred years ago...LOL!!
                      LTG AF January 13, 2011


                        Newbie's Nest Friday, Dec 19th

                        Hello Everyone,
                        Sorry, I have been scarce. I have been working ten hour nights, and then Christmas shopping until I nearly drop when I get out of work. I will finish on Monday for sure. I have the night off. Yippee! But I am on-call for a week, and working all weekend. I was so stressed when I got out of work this morning. I really had some bad cravings. Being on call certainly helped me through. I shall be snowed in for the evening. We are expected about ten inches. I will wrap gifts and bake. I will check in later. Hope you all have a Great Friday. Stay strong.
                        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)

