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Day 9

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    Day 9


    I am just about through day 9. I found the weekend to be difficult and I got quite irrational with my husband over the most trivial things like what groceries to get at the supermarket. Lucky for me has has great patience and all is forgiven. Went to an 18th party last night, didn't drink, but took a bottle of dealcoholised wine which got me through feeling uncomfortable. Hopefully in the near future I can hold my head up and admit to being a non-drinker.
    :thanks: AF since 13/12/2008

    Day 9

    Hey well done Charliegirl!
    I found my moods stabilised too with without alcohol.
    Great going on the socialising, that is a major achievement!
    Heres to another 9 days and beyond!!
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Day 9

      Well done Charliegirl. Day 7 here for me. I must be hard to pretend that you aren't drinking, my problem was the opposite. I pretended that I didn't really drink so all I have to do now is stop pretending. I only drank with my husband so no-one really knew, I used to let the phone ring out if I was drinking. I don't know about others but sometimes I get phantom hangovers when I haven't been drinking, like my body is so used to feeling bad that the feelings just linger. Hasn't happened to me today luckily. We took the kids into the city to meet Santa. My hubby is now enjoying a 6 pack of cider, considerate of him really because he knows I hate the stuff and won't be tempted. He wouldn't dare drink beer in front of me. I might go for a run this evening just to tire myself out and stop myself feeling bored.


        Day 9

        Huge congrats, Charliegirl.... each day is a hurdle which DOES in fact get steadily easier, as we practice and form new methods of coping with life's ups and downs without the aid (or rather crutch, albeit false one) of alcohol. You are off to a dam good start....Emotions and irrationality of mood and irritability a big one for me too in my first few weeks, but well worth the effort of not succumbing - for a healthy and happy sober life .... bless
        *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


          Day 9

          Thanks Starting, Ezz nad Kaps I appreciate your encouragement.

          Ezz, I am like you, I love (oops - loved) beer and nothing else. I could drink scotch but beer was the drink of my choice. Even then I was fussy on which beer, if I had drunk all the Tooheys in the fridge and there was only VB left I wouldn't touch it. This only helped me to convince myself that there was no problem cause I thought that people with a problem would drink anything they could lay there hands on, how so wrong I was.
          :thanks: AF since 13/12/2008


            Day 9


            Congrats on a big achievement! You should feel good about not drinking and that is it. Social situations are tough and you made it. That is all that matters. My husband and I went to wedding last night... a big catholic wedding, out best friends daughters. I did the same thing you did. I put tonic with a lime in my hand so everyone would think I had a cocktail. Everyone was wasted and dancing. I was going out of my mind. Someone said to me "you look tired". I said "you mean you think I look like shit" and walked off. I was so bitchy.... and then we left. But i made it through day 5.

            Ezz- I'm glad you posted about the phantom hangover. I think I am having them also. I have had a headache the past 2 mornings. What's up with that?? Strange.... I have decided to start running again. Have been absolute sloth lately. I'll do a little exercise for a few days then nothing for a month. Need consistency.. and like you said something to fill the time, something to tire me out, to help me sleep. Hey, maybe I'll get addicted to exercise. That wouldn't be so bad?

            Kapon - thanks for letting us know that this does get easier.

            " little by little, we travel far "
            - Tolkein

