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I need to do this

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    I need to do this

    I was going to wait until the first of the year, but I need to stop now!

    Today is Day one yet again, I hope I can get through this and go longer than 6 months AF

    I need to do this


    You KNOW you can do it. The crux of the situation is, when we get down the road and feel better, do we think we "don't need to do this anymore."

    We all can do this.

    But, it is a tricky path we have to follow.

    There is always an "excuse," a "reason" a "whatever."

    I am in a kick ass mood so do not take what I am saying as something about YOU in particular.

    I am thinking about all of us.

    Let's kick its ass. All the way to hell.

    Let's do it.

    We've seen others do it. We have seen others get through years and years.

    I want to see a lifetime of sobriety. The one where my husband doesn't worry about coming home and finding me dead drunk somewhere in the house. The one where when I fly out of town and in hotels, he calls and I don't answer and his heart stops because he is worried.

    I want a lifetime of sobriety because without it, my life is shit and so is my family's.

    AF April 9, 2016


      I need to do this

      Mya, If you can get through the next 2 weeks AF you can anything. I'm right with you. This will be my first AF Christmas and New Years. I did Thanksgiving AF better than I thought. Sending you cyber strength and wishes.


        I need to do this


        Congratulations on starting now instead of waiting! There's never a reason to wait. There's no day like today!

        Be :l Attached files [img]/converted_files/745110=4479-attachment.jpg[/img]
        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


          I need to do this

          Mya--I was also going to wait until after the holidays so I caould have "one last round of partying." But fortunately I started therapy a few weeks ago, and have read letters from my daughter and husband about the effects of my drinking on them. Then I stumbled on this site by accident and it is the best thing ever! I feel like I have thousands of new friends who have known me forever, because we are experiencing the same thing.

          I think it is great that we will have an AF holiday--we can remember the fun and joy and our family and friends. I agree with Cinders--I don't want people I love to be worried sick about me. Like her, I don't want my life, and my family's life, to be shit.

          So, like Cinder says--no more excuses. Let's kick some AL ass!:bum::finger:

          And keep posting--it is like free therapy!


            I need to do this

            Mya -- You GO GIRL!!!!! You are strong and courageous. You can do it!

            My first sober Christmas and New Years also in 20 plus years!
            Let's all make it through together!!! We can do it!!!

            One day at a time!!!!! Day 7 for me. I will not drink today!!!

            " little by little, we travel far "
            - Tolkein


              I need to do this

              You can whatever you set your heart at. You want.... GO GET IT!


                I need to do this

                I was also going to wait until after the New Year. Aarrgh! I need to stop now too. I'm going to take baby steps and tell myself to just be AF through Christmas, then I will tackle New Years and then 30 days and so on. Hopefully my plan will work.

                Everything I need is within me!

