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Problem getting Topamax

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    Problem getting Topamax

    Talk about a Catch 22 dilemma. My primary physician is the one who wanted me to get therapy, so I am. My therapist can not prescribe medication because she is not an MD. My physician won't prescribe it because he is not treating me for alcoholism and does not believe in off-labeling.

    I know I can get Topamax online but it is SOOO expensive, especially when I know for certain that my prescription program covers it and I would have to pay only 10 dollars or less!

    So there we are...any ideas?

    Problem getting Topamax

    It is prescribed for migranes. Would that work?
    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


      Problem getting Topamax

      Upnorthgirl, Have you thought about asking your therapist to refer you to a psychiatrist ? They tend to deal more with the mind meds. I did get mind online originally but am not on it now.


        Problem getting Topamax

        Be had a good idea about the migraines.
        Or Kat is right about psychiatrists. Many of them treat patients with addictions and I'm sure a therapist knows many psychiatrists b/c she often realizes that some of her patients need medications that she can't prescribe and needs to refer. Asking would be a good start. RJ recommends printing off the article available on this site from the well known medical journal titled "The Lancet" published in 2003 and taking it to your doctor for him/her to read which demonstrates a reduction in alcohol consumption in people taking Topamax. It was written by a psychiatrist from the Univ of Virginia who specializes in Addiction. A psychiatrist may be willing to recognize and act upon an article written by someone in his/her own specialty. Good suggestion by Kat.

        Go to Home Page, Left hand portion of the screen, under Frequently Asked Questions, Under first paragraph, The Lancet medical jounal is underlined in the middle of the paragraph and you click on it and it opens a pdf file and you can print it and take it with you.

        Upnorth - you can do this, with or without the topa. try to take it one day at a time. take steps toward getting it, if you choose , but keep posting and reaching out here. we are all in the same place, fighting these urges.... and they do pass!! and we wake up and we feel good for making through another day. come here and ask for help when you need it.


        " little by little, we travel far "
        - Tolkein


          Problem getting Topamax

          Thanks, Brig--I am trying really hard and seem to be making it okay. But then, I always start everything gangbusters and then slack off. The therapist did make me an appointment with a psychiatrist in the same office, but I can't see him until February and I really wanted to start Topa before the holidays. Well, I guess you all will have to be my Topa and my support. I know I can do this, I have overcome so much that this should be a cinch.



            Problem getting Topamax

            Upnorth- If my Dr. was not going to give me topa I was going to do the program without it. If by Feb. you feel you need a little more help ask the Psychiatrist to perscribe. Get all the supps that are listed in the book. We'll all be here for each other. :l

            "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

            "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


              Problem getting Topamax

              thanks--today was tough but i did it.


                Problem getting Topamax

                Upnorthgirl, Good for you, before you know it the days will fly by.


                  Problem getting Topamax

                  Upnorthgirl, I don't know if this would help you, but I went to my Dr. with the MWO book and had it bookmarked already to show him the info on Topamax and stayed at the appointment until he had a chance to review it. The truth is we are the consumers here. Unless you have some type of condition or take other drugs that contraindicate taking Topamax (and only you and your physician could know that) there isn't any reason for him or her NOT to prescribe. If it were me, I'd bloody insist.
                  vegan zombies want your grains


                    Problem getting Topamax

                    upnorthgirl, good for you getting through each day! Hope you are still getting along alcohol free.

                    You have a number of options here - all of which are light years better than your option to drink.

                    1) Another poster said that you CAN do this without Topomax, and that poster is right. Many, many people here and elsewhere have successfully gotten free of alcohol without Topomax. (I am just one of the many many)

                    2) Are you utilizing all the other non-prescription elements of the MWO program? (the supplements, the hypnosis CD's, the exercise and diet recommendations) If not, I would get on that right away. All of those things help - for me the supplements and exercise/diet are crucial to my sobriety.

                    3) If you believe that prescription medication is necessary for your success, I would go back to your therapist pronto and ask for help either getting an earlier appointment with the psychiatrist you were already referred to, or asking for a different referral. There must be somebody who can see you before February!

                    4) You could talk to your primary care doctor about his comfort level discussion a more mainstream prescription that is accepted for help with addiction - there are a number of them. There are lots of discussion threads about the various other medications in the section for that. You can find out from other posters here which medications have been successful for them.

                    Topomax is not a magic pill, nor is anything else. YOU are your magic pill!!

                    Best wishes to you. Don't let ANYTHING get in between you and your sobriety.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Problem getting Topamax

                      I'm doing much better *off* the Topamax! I tried that drug last year, was miserable on it and it made my hair fall out! I'm sure it works for some folks but for me it was poison. Now for my second try I am going with supplements and hypnosis tapes and meditation, and doing much better. For me, the supplements (Kudzu, L Glutamine and True Calm) help much more than the Topamax did with the cravings. Just my two coppers.

                      I have been to parties and dinners out and Christmas Day dinner and saying no to the wine was not even hard.. *knock on wood, cross fingers and toes* I am so happy and grateful to be sober!

                      Good Luck and Stay Strong!!!




                      "My Happiness is Not Dependent on a Poisonous Chemical Depressant."


                        Problem getting Topamax

                        thanks, Doggy and everyone

                        I like the suggestions and I am going to go back with the materials. BUT it is true I don't want my hair to fall out!

                        Just started the book and CDs, bought the supps and will begin them tomorrow--waiting for the kidzu to come in the mail as the Health Food Store stocked only the kind that is less than 1%.

                        I made it through the holidays! It was not easy but I did it.

