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    I know that at times we feel we have nothing to be thankful for. We sit here cursed with this horrible illness (drink problems) and think we have nothing to be thankful of, It's also a very lonely time for a lot of people and a time where drink is pretty much forced on us.
    With the christmas season is apon us i thought it would be a nice idea to sit here, think and list what we have to be thankful of.

    I'm sitting here in my living room and i'm going to say what i'm thankful for.

    I am thankful for
    ~ All of you... without your support i don't even think i would be alive
    ~ A house and a roof over my head
    ~ A lovely baby girl and a wonderful husband
    ~ True friends who no matter what, are there for me and make me laugh
    ~ The fact that i can laugh and smile no matter what
    ~ My health
    ~ My smile, my husbands smile and my baby girls smile
    ~ Laughter echos through my house now (it stopped for a LOONNGG time)
    ~ Love

    Anyone care to list some stuff....

    Nobody in this forum will be alone this christmas. We're here, lets be thankful!


    Great thread lil.michelle...

    I am also very thankful.

    -My drinking has slowed considerably these past few weeks since I have started coming here.
    -Home life that has improved as a result of drinking less.
    -Work that supports my family, food on the table, a roof over our head, warmth inside a home.
    -A God who sent his son to save us and forgive us for our sins.
    -Special friends, who can cheer me up, help me to look forward to a better tomorrow and make me feel good about just being me. Thanks D.

    I am wishing you all a very Merry Christmas.



      Merry, Thankful Christmas :lilangel:
      LTG AF January 13, 2011



        I to am very THANKFUL !!!
        Hope you have a joyful holiday.
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

