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Day 7--and it's killing me!

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    Day 7--and it's killing me!

    today is day 7, and it is the hardest yet. I am really struggling. I made it through sisters dinner, Xmas party, the weekend. NOW is when I get crazy? It was a stressful day--angry and annoyed at husband. Rushing around at the last minute doing things. Dentist appointment. Wacked call from my mother--I feel certain she was drinking. I Really wanted a drink. Then we went out to the theater--it has about seven bars in it and everyone in the place had a drink. they all kept milling about in the lobby and lounge and bringing AL to their seats. It made me crazy. Thank God I did not have my wallet with me or I would probably have bought a cocktail.

    Stressful drive home in snow and ice. All the way home I kept thinking it would be nice to relax with a glass of wine when we got there--instead made a snack and some tea and got online here. But the wanting a drink is SO STRONG--I can almost taste it, and feel the glass in my hand.

    I think the best thing is to go to bed NOW and pray morning will make me stronger.

    Day 7--and it's killing me!

    Hang in there, sleep always helps....., But, are you taking any supplements? That will make a world of differrence in terms of cravings
    "Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance


      Day 7--and it's killing me!

      I am on Day 10 and this is the first day I have struggled so far. I am been running around busy all week, still going to the gym everyday and trying to fit in all the christmas stuff with 2 little kids. Hubby is at work today so I had to get some AL so that people have something to drink when they come here. I currently have 48 bottles of beer sitting just outside the backdoor. They are sitting outside in the sunshine, hot, so that I am not tempted to drink them. Not that I would really because my daughter is performing in the nativity at church tonight with her classmates. But I still cannot stop thinking about them. It doesn't help that there is a pub across the road (I never drink there) and I can see everyone enjoying christmas drinks in the courtyard everytime I go into my bedroom. I tell you the next few days are going to be a killer.


        Day 7--and it's killing me!

        Hey there, I agree the first few days can be like a living hell. Its your body and mind adjusting to live without the chemicals they have got used to for probably a long long time..Your body will give up the fight first and your mind can take a little longer..but it really does get easier and soon. Also, this time of year is harder with the stress and the amount of alcohol thats about, but trust me, the rewards you'll get from staying sober will far outweigh anything negative that comes from drinking..
        Swans is right, the supplements really really help. Kudzu and lglut have been my life savers.
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          Day 7--and it's killing me!

          Hey there UP North - you ARE winning, by not picking up and by posting your struggles, you are not only staying sober yourself, but HELPING others, myself included. I have had a couple of serious brushes with the flirtation of "picking up" - really scary when I think of the bigger picture. DAY 7!!! COME ON GIRL....YOU ARE CLIMBING AND IT GETS BETTER AND BETTER!!!!!!!!! Keep posting and reading, and KEEP SOBER ABOVE ALL!!!! You WILL look back when you are through this struggle ( and it DOES pass) and you will be grateful as HELL you didn't succumb.....

          Bless you and Happy Christmas x
          *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


            Day 7--and it's killing me!

            Well I did 15 days and had a blip yesterday. I know it was hard at times, so much so that I caved in under pressure. I assure you - you won't feel better!!! It is so hard at this time of year as it seems everyone is drinking and it is socially acceptable. I am back on track now, but you did right having a snack, I got some really bad 'cravings' and had tea and toast and it seemed to work for me. So you keep on going you are doing just fine.


              Day 7--and it's killing me!

              Good stuff, madders, just get back up girl! I read your other post, you have had a shit load to deal with, and unfortunately drinking just bloody adds to it ay....I had a large craving today, but made it clean and sober, and the day is pretty much drawing to a close, so I am not in danger any more. Keep your head high, Madds and UPNthG - keep on keeping on x
              *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                Day 7--and it's killing me!

                Hey UNGirl--I am on Day 10--last night was really hard for me. I was really struggling a lot and took the L-Glut and drank a lot of water. This is so hard and I want to drink even just because it is that time of the year that everyone is drinking. But the craving is really bad. We can get through this one day at a time, one hour at a time. Just think how good it is to not sleep half the day away and be awake and alert in the mornings. I am counting on you to be strong. Believe me, if I can get to day 10--you can do it--I am the bottle of crown every night person for the past ten you can do it!!! I believe in you.


                  Day 7--and it's killing me!

                  thanks--you all rock

                  Thanks everyone--today is Day 8 and I made it through the night. Slept in this morning, which I never do. Woke up with a killer head cold though...going to take sinus meds and drink hot tea. Look and feel like crud. the next few days will be tough, I know--family dynamics and issues are always a treat! Have my BYOB bag packed with teas, juices and such. Will focus on poitives and ignoring the bar and the temptation to add just a little vodka to my OJ or cranberry. Actually, I am hoping to still look and feel like crud tonight and tomorrow--can't drink on meds and the constant urgings of others to "oh, just have one" can't be followed because I am on cold meds! HA! :H

                  So while my willowy sisters and tall hansome brothers drink and look lovely, I will blow my red runny nose, wipe my drippy eyes, and stay is a fair exchange!


                    Day 7--and it's killing me!

                    upnorth, I'm so proud of you! You did it! :l

                    While your sibs may be looking beautiful, to you, on the outside, you're the one who's the most beautiful there by far.

                    Love, :h
                    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                      Day 7--and it's killing me!


                      Great job!!! Isn't it a great feeling in the morning when you've slain that ugly beast the night before!

                      Who would have thought a cold would be a blessing? Maybe it is this Christmas. Ha Ha! We're here with you, fighting those urges just like you are. Next time you're fighting one, just think about all of us wherever we are fighting ours too. i'm hooked on warm spiced apple cider (sugar free) by the fire. it's delightful!

                      you can do it upnorth, one day at a time. BIG HUG!!!! YOU ARE DOING IT!

                      " little by little, we travel far "
                      - Tolkein


                        Day 7--and it's killing me!

                        Good going, upnorth!

                        And just a suggestion: it's a good idea to be careful with the language we use, even (or especially!) the internal self-talk. For example, if we allow ourselves to repeat the inner message that says "I'm a jerk... I'm a loser... I can't do this... " then our behavior and emotions are sure to follow up on that message. One way to look at it is to say that it becomes a "self-fulfilling prophecy."

                        It helps enormously to watch out for, and gently correct, those internal messages. So that, when you find yourself thinking: "This is killing me," you might want to notice that your mind has just generated a huge exaggeration (distorted thinking), and then just say to yourself: "This is really difficult, but I know I can get through it." That will hugely alter your perspective about the situation and your capacity to get where you know that you really want to go...


                          Day 7--and it's killing me!

                          Thanks everyone

                          I love the encouragement. Thanks for reminding me I am "beautiful" on the inside.

                          Yes, I do need to stop internalizing the negative self talk like "this is killilng me" so thanks for that! I am over-emphasizing the issue, aren't I?

                 will positive internalizing, happy thoughts, worthwhile me talk---

                          Love and hugs to you all. Have a great day.

