I feel like such a fake - no one either family or friends realize how addicted I am to alcohol. I'm a sneaky drinker and a top notch bottle hider. I will go 2 days and not drink and replay in my mind all the reasons I should not drink - health, kids, grandkids, job and I'm sure God doesn't approve. I will be sitting at working planning my evening and then leave work and bam, some force overtakes me, leads me to the store and I purchase some wine and thats that. That first drink tastes lick nectar and I say, just this one more time. This has slowly crept up on me over the last couple years. I use to never drink and alcohol equated pain to me because my ex husband drank himself to death at age 49 and I have 3 sons that are alcoholic. My daughter from my current marriage does not drink, nor does her husband. My current husband is also an alcoholic. I hate alcohol - it is the devil in a bottle and I have lived my adult surrounded by alcoholics and the joke ends up on me, I'm one too. I have read about alcohol, gone to counseling to deal with living with alcoholics and even started an Alanon chapter in my community. So how could this happen to me????
I do not want to loose my family, my health or my life to alcohol and I know it could happen if I don't stop.
Any help, support, words of wisdom - anything will be appreciated. I do have some Kudzu ordered and want to see if that will help with the craving.