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day 1

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    day 1

    well i have been on my normal christmas binge and now feel like crap and very sad. why can't i just be a normal drinker. i have to know that i can't drink at all. i have two small kids and a loving husband. why do i give in to this? i was sober once for 8 months. it was the best in my life. i don't want to be the drunk. i even fell and scrapped my face, hands and knees. my gils do not need to see mommy like that. both of my parents are alcoholics. i don't want to play the victim anymore. i must stop covering my emotions and get to the source. drinking only makes it all worse. so today is day 1 for me. i really want to do this.
    I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
    sober since 2/4/12

    day 1

    Welcome starfairy. Glad you are here. You can do this if you set your mind to it, follow the program and talk to people here. Good luck and I will see you around.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      day 1

      Welcome Starfairy,

      I too can not drink at all, once I open one bottle my mind is focused on the next even before I have finished the first. I haven't had a drink since Dec 13 and I got through Christmas Day without a drink. I thought it would be a crap day without AL but it was fantastic and the compliments I got about from family and friends about my hostessing were wonderful. So I am certain that with willpower and some help you can overcome this. I have been having hypnosis locally and it is doing wonders. Try to set yourself a goal for New Years and prove to yourself that you can do it. Its all about small steps. Never give up.
      :thanks: AF since 13/12/2008


        day 1

        you can do it

        Satrfairy--if you did it once you can do it again. 8 months is a very long time--what a gift, both to you and your girls! Today is a brand new day--forget that you slipped (literally and figuratively) and start fresh. whenever you feel like drinking, call your girls over and give them a big hug.

        Maybe you could give them a secret word...when you feel like drinking, call out the word and they can come running to hug you and tell you how much they love you. Make a game of it--they can call you too!

        We are all in this together so keep posting.


          day 1

          Hi Starfairy
          Think you're about 2 weeks behind me when I hit my all-time low after an embarassing binge.
          The people on this website are SO comforting and obviously understanding of the challenges we all face. 8 months is very impressive, how did you do it?
          I have small kids too and my 2009 goal is to be more a responsible mom to my family. I get smashed every Fri and Sat night and my hubby's had enuf (so have I, I'm not 20 years old anymore).
          So I'm here by your side. Write me whenever.
          I'm going to REALLY try for moderating w/ topa. Had my 1st decent night last night, I am proud of myself. I DROVE the family home. It's a start!


            day 1

            Hi starfairy! :welcome:

            I'm sorry you're not feeling well, it's not fun to feel like that. Been there, done that. I strongly recommend you read the My Way Out Book (downloadable from here) and continue to post and read more on this web site.

            You have found such a wonderful place to be on Day 1, and Day 1 is the BEST place to start!

            If you did 8 months before, you most certainly have the strength and resolve to do it again. I'm so happy you're here. :l

            Take care, :h
            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


              day 1

              Hi Starfairy, amd welcom to the start of your new life, I totally love Upnorths idea about giveing your kids a secret word for cuddles/love when you are feeling tempted, you already know you can do it, you could even think about a reward system, when you make it a day - cook your favorite meal (or hubby could cook), when you make it a week - you & hubby go on a date, when you make it a month - a massage or facial, & you will be able to cause you will also be saving money by not drinking.
              good luck & let us know how your doing & wht your feeling, people on this site are very supportive.
              Progress, not perfection!!!
              A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


                day 1

                Hi Starfairy,

                I'm sorry you are feeling so bad. Sometimes we have to get to the point of desperation in order to be ready to change. I know I did. Today is a new day. Some great advice so far. You are not alone. We are all fighting this too. You will find lots of support here.

                " little by little, we travel far "
                - Tolkein

