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Would it be day 1 again?

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    Would it be day 1 again?

    Hi, everyone!:hiya: Today is day 11 for me, and I could not be happier. I feel great--except for the freaking sinuses/head cold. Figures. The weather is warmer and snow is melting and it is very foggy.

    Tonight will be a big test for me--choices to make. :teeter: We are going to a HUGE wedding. My plan is juice, water and tea, but I would like to at least toast the bride with a few sips of champagne...does that mean I start at Day 1 tomorrow? I do not want to do that--I want to rack up those numbers and it is not worth it to me. Plus I worry--will I be able to stop? This is a big drinking crowd!

    Okay, I really do have in my head NOTHING at all--nothing to drink, that is --so I guess I am just looking for back up and support. I want to stay strong and sober. The good news is that I love dancing :dancin: and am usually on the dance for for every dance..away from the bar. Okay--I can do this!

    Would it be day 1 again?

    Why sip champagne? The bride won't care what's in your glass....

    You're right, just what you said at the end: You can do this. Make sure you have something non-alcoholic to drink, something you enjoy reasonably well, keep your glass filled with whatever it is, even if it's just water and a squeeze of lemon... and be prepared to tell people firmly that you aren't drinking. Whatever reason, antibiotics, whatever... if you go prepared to succeed, then you CAN succeed!


      Would it be day 1 again?

      YES! You WILL do this!

      Abso-friggin-lutely, you will! And, you'll have an awesome time!
      Use 7-up instead of the champagne... looks the same
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Would it be day 1 again?

        Hi upnorth
        Texting on my iphone so will be short but great advice above. I went to wedding last wkend and I made it but it was a challenge. Practical advice- Eat!! Don't allow yourself to get too hungry. Have plan ahead of time that you may have to leave early. Tell them whatever, a child w a cold and u may need to leave on a moments notice. That way if things get bad u can leave quickly. DANCE! When u get tired, leave,ur more likely to give in she tired.
        Just my 2 cents. Good luck upnorth! You can do this!

        " little by little, we travel far "
        - Tolkein


          Would it be day 1 again?

          my .02, what good would "a few sips of champagne" do? It won't get you that little buzz you might be looking for, it will likely be cheap champagne, lord knows nobody springs for the good stuff at weddings so it won't even taste good so why bother? It'll be too sweet, taste lousy (cheap), the bubbles will be flat because it will have been opened hours ago, and won't even give you a buzz because you'll only have one or two sips. Forget it, have something non-alcoholic and delicious and save yourself the guilt and grief. :H
          vegan zombies want your grains


            Would it be day 1 again?

            Have you quit drinking or not?

            It's really that made a decision to quit drinking and improve your life by changing the one thing that was causing problems. You quit drinking......that means you quit drinking. You're not depriving yourself of anything.....on the are happy and proud of yourself for doing this. Don't let "The Beast" try and trick you into drinking.

            You CAN do this....and you will be so much happier after it's over knowing you did it!

            We expect a full report.....



              Would it be day 1 again?

              You can do it, especially since you made it thru the holidays. Actually you may find the wedding easier than the holidays since the there will be dancing and more people in attendance. Navigate to the non- drinkers (children, elderly, etc.) this will help to reduce any temptations.

              My daughter got married on 10/11/2008 and I promised to stay sober for the evening so I could give a good co-herent speech and perform our father-daugther dance. I did as I promised myself and had a great time and received numerous positive comments from folks who were used to seeing me drunk.

              No drinks are necessary, you'll remember the wedding better staying sober and feel much better in the morning.

              Good Luck


                Would it be day 1 again?

                ditto what Chief said. also this may put things in perspective:

                lets say you are at a fancy breakfast and they pass around a 'very special' coffee that somebody brought back with them from Central America. people oooh and ahh over it, but you don't drink coffee.. doesn't really matter why. would you let that ruin your breakfast? no way... sip your tea and enjoy the glory of your present moment. enjoy your friends, family, the event. what fluid happens to be in your glass is of no importance.
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Would it be day 1 again?

                  Det, I like that analogy a lot. It's like saying I don't care for bacon at the breakfast; I'll take sausage -- or whatever.


                    Would it be day 1 again?

                    sausage definitely
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      Would it be day 1 again?

                      The last wedding I went to I put the glass of champagne up to my mouth and didn't drink any. My thoughts were with the bride and groom but no AL went into me. I'm pretty sure their wedding didn't suffer any. :H

                      Eat the wonderful food, dance your brains out so you get thirsty then chug water and have a blast! You can do it, I know you can! :l

                      "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad

