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Just Starting Out

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    Just Starting Out

    I'm scared! today I phoned a Drug & alcohol help line and today is day two without a drink! I'm ok, my husband and son are supporting me but I feel embarrased and uncertain. I have read a few threads on this site and feel you will all help me. Thanx

    Just Starting Out

    Winnie -

    I am just starting out and today is day 4 AF. I've read through hundreds of threads and and read the MWO book since 12/24. I even attended an AA meeting on 12/26. I have the same feelings of guilt, shame, embarrassment, etc. These are what brought me here. I have the desire to quit drinking and am confident the MWO tools and support will help me. I am feverishly gathering all the Cd's and supplements that are recommended for the program. I'm going to the doc this week to discuss the program with him as well. I also, have a supportive wife and 4 adult children who are ready to help. I've been in denial for years and numerous attempts to quit have not worked.

    I've finally convinced myself to put the shame aside and quit lying to myself and loved ones and get on with recovery.

    I hope you'll do the same. I'm scared to death but take comfort in the support out here thus far.


      Just Starting Out

      Welcome both of you!
      Yep, those early days certainly are scary..BUT they pass and the rewards are worth the initial struggle. Well done for asking for support. It is embarrassing and I have tried numerous attempts to quit or control my drinking too. Nothing worked until I came here.
      Its great that you both have supportive families. That will be a tremendous help.
      For me, the supplements have been lifesavers as has the support from here.
      You can do this guys, it is a journey well worth taking.
      Good on you both for your great starts.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Just Starting Out

        Welcome to you both, there is a really good thread called toolbox, under long term Abstainers. its really helpfull, I aslso think its important at first to post as much as you feel comfortable with to let us know how your doing, good luck to you both.
        Progress, not perfection!!!
        A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


          Just Starting Out

          Winnie and Willie,

          Congrats to both of you for your courage to post here. You are not alone here will benefit so much from the support and wisdom of so many. I am relatively new, day 13 AF, but the support is incredible here. Good luck! Come here often and ask for help when you need it. Hugs!

          " little by little, we travel far "
          - Tolkein


            Just Starting Out

            Day 3

            After joining this site yesterday and 'Fessing up to a 24 hour Counsellor on line, my family and my friends I am feeling really good. Last nite about 8pm I went swimming with family and friends and had so much fun - normally I'd be pissed and wouldnt know wot was going on - thanx for the encouragement you all - KEEP IT COMING - Keep it up. Cheers:thankyou:


              Just Starting Out

              Welcome! Glad you both found us, this site will provide amazing support. Most here have had numerous failed attempts and this has been most helpful. Good Luck!
              "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale

