Good Day all ODATer's ---- just a quick check-in .... I've been reading quickly, but with family around for the holidays, it's been hard to have some privacy.
To everyone here, I wish you all the best wherever you are in your recovery and struggle with AL. I keep learning with every week that goes by..... and even though I keep slipping, it's getting easier to start over. I had a revelation about how I CAN stay sober while all those around me were drinking at a party I hosted on Saturday.... that was a major new thing for me. Even though I gave in at the end (most likely because I was so tired), I entertained and served a big buffet to a huge group for 6 hours before I had a couple of glasses of wine.
So, I have learned a great deal here.... and for that I am grateful.
So, I'm back on day 2... and off to the gym (have not been for quite awhile due to holiday preparations, etc.). Time to take my life back!
What's everyone doing for New Year's Eve?