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New - and looking to change

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    New - and looking to change

    I am a 35 yo female in Australia, married to a great guy - no kids as yet.

    Typing with a slight hangover after falling asleep on the couch (? passing out) last night - didn't even hear my hubby leave for work.

    REALLY don't want to admit I have a problem, but I know I do.. I am like so many others here, in that once I have a glass of alcohol (wine is my thing) I just cannot seem to stop drinking. This leads to running off at the mouth, becoming over emotional and often black outs.

    I think the hardest part is knowing how much of my socialising revolves around booze. It perplexes me that I used to go out almost always and NOT drink, yet enjoy myself.

    I seem to have lost that ability now. I am hoping I have just misplaced it.

    I also have a chronic illness and I am sure the alcohol interferes with my meds for that, but I also think the drinking has been a way to help "deal" with the illness itself.

    I am aiming to moderate as of Jan 1st, starting out with a period of no booze to see if I develop any physical symptoms of withdrawal.

    Am so pleased to have found this site.

    Fingers crossed for me. Thanks for reading.

    New - and looking to change

    Welcome, and best wishes! Most folks would suggest at least 30 days AF (alcohol free) before working on a plan to attempt moderate consumption; but, regardless, you will want to read about the program, use as many of the components as you can, and be determined to succeed! Spend a lot of time reading and posting here, because community support is a very important ingredient for success... also, be sure to read the "Tool Box" thread in the Forum called "Goals" > "Monthly Abstinence"!

    Looking forward to seeing you around MWO...


      New - and looking to change

      Hi Aussie Chick,

      If you read my thread called "Please Help Me" it sounds like you and I are in a similar boat. I too am aiming for moderation with a AL-free period to start. I'm thinking of starting early by a night and actually having my first new years eve without alcohol in about 25 years. Care to join me? Understand if you want to wait for the next day :0)

      Good luck.

      Sundog (in Canada)


        New - and looking to change

        Hi Aussie Chick

        I welcome you here ... this is a fantastic site with the most amazing and wonderful people you can imagine who are all here to support you on your new life...

        There are quite a few aussies here... they and the rest of the MWO family will all be along shortly to introduce themselves..

        Look forward to meeting you in chat some time soon..


        Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down


          New - and looking to change

          Welcome AussieChick.

          I also live in Australia and am struggling with AL. I know that I cannot moderate in the long term so I am looking to abstain. I know that some members here have been able to moderate but I know myself that for me it would just be the start of the road back to where I ended up. I am sure that you will find the help you need here, there is so much wisdom from people who have already made the journeys that we are just starting. Good luck.


            New - and looking to change

            Welcome, you will find support to help you reach your goals HERE...It's a Great community and stick around so we can get to know you.
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              New - and looking to change

              New Beginings

              :new:Aussie Chick,

              You sound just like me. Wine is my thing as well. My wife and I were married in California and spent our honeymoon in Napa Valley-the belly of the beast. I am at our beach house in Florida to begin my process. I do not crave wine during the day and do not drink during the day. It is around 5:30 or so that I want that glass of wine. So this evening I am going to go sit on the beach and watch the sunset without any wine.

              Best of luck to all of us.


                New - and looking to change

                Welcome Aussie Chick, I too used to be able to drink a little here and there and over time it got worse and worse. It seemed that I began to gulp and guzzle instead of sip. One reason was b/c I didn't want my hubbie to see how much I was drinking so I would hide it from him therefore drinking fast and furious.
                Join us for a the best year yet in 2009 where we will be happier, healthier and free from the demon of alcohol.
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  New - and looking to change

                  Welcome Beach House, love your name
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    New - and looking to change

                    Hello and Welcome
                    I agree with what WIP said. It is a good idea to start off by reading the book and formulating a plan. I look forward to getting to know you. Best wishes as you begin your journey. This could be our best year ever.
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      New - and looking to change

                      "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                        New - and looking to change

                        Welcome, Aussie! :welcome:

                        I, too, was drinking wine nightly until blacking out. I'm 47 and good for you for getting a handle on this at such a young age.

                        I agree with the others, please read the My Way Out Book. :l

                        Take care,
                        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                          New - and looking to change


                          I there Aussie chick.

                          Sweet another aussie here. where taking over...
                          great plan to have 30 af first before trying to mod.. some people can some cant.

                          :welcome: and hope to hear more from you

                          Aussie Boy

                          an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


                            New - and looking to change

                            Welcome Aussie Chick and Beach House!!

                            It is great that you have both found this site and have begun posting. There is a wealth of information, support and humour here. Use this site as a tool to help you address your issues with drinking.
                            Look forward to seeing more of you both on the boards!

                            Sober since 30/06/10


                              New - and looking to change

                              I'll be sitting on the veranda overlooking the Pacific in Mexico sin vino and plan to keep it that way in 2009. What a great site this is! Hurray for 2009!

