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New - and looking to change

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    New - and looking to change

    Hiya Aussie Chick,
    Another Aussie Chick here, 26 and currently caught in the Abstain or moderate quandry. I find that I can moderate in certain environment and not others. Eg Had 3 glasses of wine on Chrissie day because it was just family, get me in a bar or a party with people my own age or drinking temperament and watch out world this girl ain't coming home until the sun is well up.
    I abstained for 8 months a few years back and I truly think that Had I have made more of an effort to pick up some new hobbies I would have been more likely to succeed. My point being that I think abstaining is bloody hard , made even harder if one does not replace our ' relaxant and fun' with something else...find activities to fill time and build self confidence and socialise without the aid of alcohol.
    All the best : )
    Sober since Jan 17th 09
    Smoke free since 20th Nov 08 :H


      New - and looking to change


      just wanted to say thanks for the warm and encouraging welcome

      I have been thinking about this alot since my post yesterday - and feel like "something" has shifted in me - like I have decided to "think" in a different way ...

      Not sure what tonight (NYE) will bring but am aiming to keep it low key - tomorrow is the REAL beginning though, so I will not get angry with myself for having a few drinks tonight.

      Being angry with myself is one of the reasons I drink to excess - once I start drinking I find it sooo hard to stop, then end up v drunk and thinking "see, you are so pathetic, you JUST couldn't stop could you - you are useless"


      Good luck to all! Have a wonderful and safe NYE.

      Thanks again


        New - and looking to change

        Try to stop hating yourself and start hating alcohol. That will give you more power. Keep coming back here, make a plan, and we will support you as you carry it out. You can make it happen.
        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


          New - and looking to change

          Finally, a diagnosis!

          :new:Hi Everyone, I too , like AussieChick, am a newbie. I'm even scared in writing my first EVER post.....I have struggled with "episodes" at least that I used to call them, when my thoughts would race, and to stop them, I would reach for the fix it juice (vodka), which would work, but as we all know, it turns into a viscious circle that is hard to stop...I have been doing this for 30 yrs...Only recently over the holidays, the manic eposides lasted longer than ever, probably cause my marriage is not longer a loving environment. And the fix it juice is NOT working anymore. I've been seeing a psych for over 2 months now, and she asked me to write a journal, describing my moods, situations and more. Wow, for the first time in 30 yrs, I have a diagnosis! Bi polar ll, it was the best "bad news" I've ever heard. Now I have "something" with a name! I have researched this condition sooooo much and done every questionnaire online, and I could be the poster child for this disorder! I'm trying hard now to fight the mood swings as I'm determined to fight this, now that I know what it is. My husband follows me EVERYWHERE, to make sure I'm "ok", to the point where, I took a shower, and he sat outside the door and when I opened it, he fell in the room...I asked him what are you doing? He said, just waiting to shave...He has hidden all my keys, I sit in the kitchen, he sits in the kitchen, I go to bed, He's right behind me, I can't sleep, he snores so loud, I swear he could peel the paint off the walls. I'm going crazy! My psych said he shouldn't do that, as he can see I'm ok right now, and it increases my anxiety, but he knows he's right. He takes my anxiety meds with him, so I won't take "too many"... all this gives me more determination to fight the negative urges, and although I'm scared of taking mood stabilizers, if it will make me better, then I'll take them. Is anyone else out there like me?
          Wow, I've said a lot, for someone who was scared of writing .....sorry, racy thoughts, racy writing...:anyone:


            New - and looking to change

            Great so many at once !!! It's time to see where you might lie. Mod or AF. Only you will be able to tell. ( Be true to thy self.....) Lot's a good info here, stay in touch......thiers some old pros here that have been thier and done that ! Welcome ! IAD.
            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
            Dr. Seuss


              New - and looking to change

              Nice to meet you. My goal is to do a better job of moderating. I am under sustained and high levels of stress in numerous areas of my life, but I have so much to be thankful for. I'm healthy and approaching 54 (EEKS!) and want to keep my drinking under control. I don't have the desire to get drunk -- don't like being sick and don't have time for hangovers, BUT I definitely need to moderate as I know in my heart, this will help me, my husband and in getting through these very challenging times. While I seldom drink hard liquor, I enjoy good wines -- but I definitely need to cut back to 1-2 glasses in the evening versus 4... Welcome!


                New - and looking to change

                To Aussie Chick,

                You are right, don't beat yourself up over a few drinks and tell yourself you are pathetic. Chances are if you beat yourself up for that you do it in other areas as well.

                Let us know how it goes.

                And to Imprisoned Angel. I really feel for you. We have had a number of posters lately with bipolar and it seems that self-medicating with alcohol is common for this condition. You just need to know how to deal with it in a better way so don't be afraid of mood stabilizers. if you look in the Need Help ASAP section, see some threads on this and there are some people who have dealt with bipolar and alcohol problems. It's good that you now know what you have!


                  New - and looking to change

                  Hey Aussie Chick - this is another Aussie Chick (Winnie) I stumbled on this site also after making a complete ASS of myself boxing day I have not had a drink since. I cant believe how much I actually did whilst under the influence!!! I have thrown myself into exercising -its helping. I too have an illness that is only made worse by alcohol and are feeling the effects eg: liver/kidneys but I'm fighting on. I used to drink for the pain and in doing so made this condition worse. Soooooooooooo each days a fight for me (& you at the mo) 2morrow is 7 days with out drinking and I am proud. Dont really know where I'm going or have a BIG plan but complete absteinence for me at the mo seems the way to go.

                  I keep coming back to this site - its good. :h


                    New - and looking to change

                    Hey Aussie Chick - this is another Aussie Chick (Winnie) I stumbled on this site also after making a complete ASS of myself boxing day I have not had a drink since. I cant believe how much I actually did whilst under the influence!!! I have thrown myself into exercising -its helping. I too have an illness that is only made worse by alcohol and are feeling the effects eg: liver/kidneys but I'm fighting on. I used to drink for the pain and in doing so made this condition worse. Soooooooooooo each days a fight for me (& you at the mo) 2morrow is 7 days with out drinking and I am proud. Dont really know where I'm going or have a BIG plan but complete absteinence for me at the mo seems the way to go.

                    I keep coming back to this site - its good. :h


                      New - and looking to change

                      Hey Aussie Chick I'm another Aussie Chick too - I also have a medical condition which is only made worse by drinking but I drank for the pain. Boxing day I made a complete ASS of myself and as of 2morrow its 7 days with out a drink - all I can think about is going forward. The amount of things I used to do under the influence blows my mind - its amazing just doing everyday normal things after 6pm - STRAIGHT. I am exercising hard which is helping - hang in their girl. xoxoxo


                        New - and looking to change

                        You know what, i think everyday about how i was able to go out, not drink yet have fun. I have noo idea when i stopped being able to do this. It's crazy. It's now to the point where i feel i need drink JUST to get me through the day :upset: Sad but true.

                        I really hope you're doing ok now. We're all here for you. Drink does have huge effects on any illness, mainly mental illness. I have depression and drinking makes it soo much worse.

                        It's a start of a new year, lets make it a sober one and figure out how we can enjoy ourselves without the booze!


                          New - and looking to change

                          Hello Aussie Chick, Winnie & all you other newbies,
                          Another Aussie here! Welcome everyone and wishing you all a great 2009.
                          Many here have similar troubles and also use wine for pain & self medicating.
                          Beating yourself up is a bad habit and unhelpful. You will find a world of support and information here, just ask away and get a plan together for what you want to achieve and how you will do it.. There are plenty of friends here who will join your journey.

