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My opinions

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    My opinions

    When I post a piece of advice or an opinion on here these are JUST MY OPINIONS.
    I have been sober now for 15 months, however that in no way makes me an expert in any way.
    Everyday I learn something that helps me handle the madness of my alcoholism.
    These are a few of the things I have learned during these 15 months;
    1/ I try not to explain some of my past actions as being "bad" I did things when drinking that I beleave are far from my usual decent behaviours .
    2/ When I get cravings,desires,urges or drinking thoughts. I try not to feel guilty.
    Thoughts are just that.....thoughts, and I try to acknowledge them. address them do something constructive i.e. go for a walk, play some music and dance right there in the room I am in ( actually dancing is a great way of getting these thoughts to move on )
    The main thing is not to feel guilty for having thoughts.
    3/ I acknowledge that relapse is a part of recovery ( yes I know that sounds strange)
    but if you look into your thoughts, your actions, your feelings at the time of relapse you may recognize them the next time and do something different and avoid another slip.
    These are just a few of MY opinions if they can help you great put them in your pocket and keep them. If you dont think they can help fine just leave them on the table for someone else.
    Thanks everybody for taking the time to read my post.
    It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice

    My opinions

    Thanks Sean for sharing your experience, strength, and hope. I need to read about what is helping people who are having sucess being AF. Please continue to share.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      My opinions

      Great post. Inspirational at the least, words to ponder upon, the most. Time to start looking forward not back,
      Hope to make to make you a source of support.


        My opinions

        Thanks Sean! I am only only on day 15(wow, made it 2 weeks!), and am thankful for the wisdom of those who have been sober for a long while. Thanks for sharing. Esp the part about the guilt. We are all masters at the guilt!

        " little by little, we travel far "
        - Tolkein


          My opinions

          It's nice to see you back and still sober ... You always have wise words ...
          ?We are one another's angels?
          Sober since 29/04/2007


            My opinions

            I Agree with you !!!

            I am dancing with you.....OK????I don't try to explain my past behavior, that was then, this is now.
            Thoughts are things and when I find my thoughts on things that I don't want, I change the channel.
            Relapse was a necessary part of the process of me learning to live sober.
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              My opinions

              Hi Sean,
              Thanks for sharing what works for you. You have carefully framed your experience so that you are not telling what anyone SHOULD do, just ideas they might consider. This creates a much more helpful message. Also, thanks for taking the time to come back and post your success. So many people pass through MWO, I wonder what happens to them.
              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                My opinions



                  My opinions

                  Thanks UKsean, I always feel guilty about my thoughts of drinking, almost as though I drank, but you are very right they are just thoughts and for now on I refuse to feel guilt over them.


