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Who chats and when?

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    Who chats and when?

    Title says it all!:new:

    Who chats and when?

    Hi Ms. Coach. I don't go into chat very often. But when I do it can be almost any time of the day for me when I have "down" time and am feeling a little need for connection. I also find that it takes a lot of energy especially when there are a lot of people there and conversations are flying all over the place. This is a difficult question to answer for this site because of the internationality of this group. I don't mean the language (we all seem to understand each other) but because of the time zones. We are 24/7 in the truest sense. Sometimes I have gone there when no one is there and just waited...someone always pops in from somewhere on this planet.


      Who chats and when?

      I go to chat when ever i see a post saying "Can we CHAT" ?
      I drop everything if the Chat request is posted under ASAP thread and I go with less urgency if it is posted under General.
      I sometimes just log into chat after dinner and there is usually someone there, at that time.
      Most of us work during the day and have more free time in the evening. Also you will find it slow on the weekends...people are busier then.
      There are people in all different time zones so take that into account.
      If you feel the need to chat, post it and usually someone will respond within a few least that has been my experience.
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        Who chats and when?

        I chat usually in the evenings after 8pm if the kids are in bed and I don't have a boat load of laundry.
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

