Day 1 for me as well. Happy sober new year to everyone we can do it.
No announcement yet.
ODAT New Years Day 2009
ODAT New Years Day 2009
I had the best New Year's ever, not only did I stay AF, but my kids did not fight or even argue the whole day it was absolutely amazing, that never happens. We went shopping, cleaned, did some yoga with my oldest daughter then played monopoly which lasted for about 3 hours then my daughters and I painted each others toenails and fingernails then a movie then did some baking then watched the ball drop all that without a single argument it was fantastic, oh we toasted with some non-alcoholic sparkling raspberry cider then went to bed! Don't mean to ramble just soooo happy how well my day went wish everyday went that way. I hope everyone else had a great New Year's eve and has a awesome New Years Day, think I will go for a hike in the freezing cold.
ODAT New Years Day 2009
Hi guys!
I stayed sober last night as well - did have a glass of champagne at midnight for a toast but other than that I drank AF zinfandel all night long. No one minded at all - it was great.
Savvy, I'm sorry you've been going through so much. I have lost 2 people close to me and understand that it is hard to lose the AL during those times as it just seems so easy to "bury" the feelings and hope they go away. But you're right, unfortunatly the hurt will still be there once the AL fades away. Keep plugging away - we all understand and are all here for you.
Love and hugs,
Happy New Year everyone - lets make 2009 the best year yet.Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction.I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.
ODAT New Years Day 2009
Hello everyone..
Happy New Year!!!
I know I've been away for a while...but all is well with me...I've missed you all and have thought about all of you over the holidays. My home life is slowly getting back on track, so I should be checking in more often now.
Last night was good, I had some drink but did not get drunk, had a really good time with all the kids. My little girl stayed up for the ball drop and my little boy got covered with silly string it was lots of fun.
DAY # 1 AF:teeter:JAMMS
"I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."
"no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"
ODAT New Years Day 2009
Good Evening all ODATers
Late check in for me. I was so tired this morning. I worked last night, so another AF day. Day 59 coming to a close here. Now if I can just give up the damn smokes this year. I am going on Chantix pretty soon, so we shall see. Happy New Year to all. Hang in there Savvy. You can do this!!"Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)
ODAT New Years Day 2009
Happy New Year's gang!!!
Well - start of my new life - Day 1 for me, the first of the month seems like such a good place to start. No wine in the house - finished it off last night, so no temptation. I am keeping my fingers crossed for myself!
Savon - don't beat yourself up, ok? I too have not done well lately, but I am determined to turn things around, although I will likely need alot of help!!
By the way, the run last night was absolutely gruelling. The trail setter said he would not go over 5km, but I think he did. Anyway, ran for 45 minutes in blizzard conditions - not too cold, maybe -20, but windy and snowy and blowy, through many school grounds with deep snow. At one point, I was contemplating the possibility of a heart attack!!!! I think I have to run more to get my fitness level up. BF got drunk early and passed out and couldn't come with me (he did that last year too!!), which is sort of good, cuz he was able to fetch me and a few others up to drive us all home - no drunk driving aloud!!
Sea - my son has decided to quit smoking - good thing, as he is only 17. He is right now sucking on a cinnamon stick. Good boy! Now if I could only get my BF to at least cut down!
OK - I have the whole evening ahead of me yet, my daughter goes home tomorrow and things will settle down here.
Thanks to all for being there in 2008! 2009 is off to a good start!
xoxoxo peanut