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PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

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    PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

    Okay- I have never started a thread like this before so...bear with me. If Iall behind one week...please help

    We have quite a lot of us who are beginning the program in the MWO book this month. Good luck to everyone!!

    If your using all the supps in the book my suggestion is to get a pill organizer that is 7days by 4 times a day with very large boxes and is child proof. As you may already now some of the supps are large and some you may need 3 or 4 of the same in a box for proper dosage.

    I have been taking the AllOne and topa since monday. I have been trying to find some thing to mix the AllONe with so that I can take the taste of it. So far I found that Peach Ice Tea works (which is funny because that is what i mixed with my vodka,lol) I have this battery operated mixer cup that is great for the Allone. HOwever, I have no idea where I got it if I find out I will let you all know. A spoon just doesn't work well enough.

    Today is the first day I will be taking ALL the supps in there correct dosages. I will start the cd's when I buy a new player for my room. Probably next week. How are you doin?

    "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

    "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"

    PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

    Thanks Jamms for starting this thread. Lots of us starting 2009 AF ... let's keep it going!
    Stick close by everyone and together we can do this!


      PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

      Hey Jamms - great to start this thread. This is the first day of my new life - Ha!! How many times have I said that! But I am quite determined. Will start the supps tomorrow as I slept really late today after being up really, really late!
      So here goes! Let's all stick together - we will have success!!
      xoxo peanut


        PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

        Hay all, - today is Day 30 for me, - I am so happy that I have started 2009 Sober, I have started writing again, it feels so good to be experiencing my life again instead of watchnig from the sidlines in a stupor.
        I am not saying I will never drink again (I dont want to put to much pressure on myself) however I am full commited to never drinking the way I used to drink - which was to excess & for no good reason at all. I am also fully commited to January being completely AF. At the end of Jan I will have approx 60 Day AF & might look at MOD to see if I can, I need to know if I can be successfull at that or if I am going to be AF for the rest of my life, otherwise its always going to be in the back of my head, "maybe I can have a drink" & I think that would drive me slightly crazy, I dont cope well with uncertainty in these kind of situations. tonight I am cooking dinner ( basil pesto & cream cheese baked chicken with baked potatoes) for my best friend & as I will be picking him up & dropping him home after tea it will be easy to be AF tonight.
        Sometimes I worry that I have found it almost easy to be AF, I am so scared I am going to slip up & go back to how I was, I dont want to be a non-person any more.
        Progress, not perfection!!!
        A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


          PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

          Hi there Jamms!:goodjob:Glad you've started this thread and yes, I'm in, after my first 10 days I drank again on a few days ... about 4 or 5, but drank heavily last night. I'm ready to go for 30 (actually my goal is 90) AF days, but doing the first 30 together with a group will be great!

          Actually I felt MUCH better during the days I was totally AF, and the first time I drank I was moderate, second and third, not so moderate, then the last two ... YUCK! I REALLY hadn't "planned" on starting the New Year with a dad gummed hangover like I did ... I planned just to have some champagne at midnight, but ooops, I really went overboard.

          So, January 1st, was my official first AF day (and that means I'm already on day 2), but I'm having trouble falling asleep. I think I'll go make myself some Bedtime tea or drink some warm milk.

          Look forward to doing this with you all! :yay::groupluv::threesome:


            PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

            Thanks Jamms for this thread. I am on day 5 and I also hope to make Jan AF. I have been struggling this week, not sleeping well. I remember the last christmas I did sober 4 years ago I felt the same, very tetchy. I have cut the energy drink that I recently started taking so hopefully I will sleep better tonight. There is nothing I can do about the weather, it is a hot country, and after 10 years I should be used to it. The gym is reopening tomorrow so I am looking forward to getting back into my routine.

            Apart from that my husband has burnt his legs raw at the beach. The only place he doesn't have any sunburn at all is the back where I put the sunscreen. With the pain and the heat I know that it is not long before he starts hinting about getting himself some beer. Lucky for him he can moderate, but only if I dont drink with him, then we become 2 little pigs.


              PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

              Hi everyone

              Thanks Jamms for starting this thread. Today is the my first time logging on in 2009, yesterday was hectic so it was exactly what I needed to see. Committed to an AF January, taking it ODAT, one month at a time. I had nearly 200 days AF last year and thats coming from drinking every single day for nearly 20 years. MWO has been my lifeline and I intend to stick close. Not doing the topa but taking the supplements and must take out my cd's again when the kids go back to school. Good luck everyone.



                PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

                Day 33 for me, and my plan is to never drink again. I am quite happy with that choice, as i dont paticularly like the drunk cymru, and i dont think it is possible for me to mod. So im def here for jan, and God willing for every month after!
                Im taking Campral 3 times a day and Kudz when the cravings get bad.
                To Infinity And Beyond!!


                  PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

                  I am in :new:


                    PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

                    January 2nd - day two

                    I am hoping to make it through day two and so on. I need to do this! I don't want to look back on my life someday and regret all the time wasted and lost.

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

                      Good morning ODAT'ers. Looking forward to 2009 and this 30 days TOGETHER! We can do it! I am going to incorporate exercise as a part of my program this month. Went for a run, OK, very slow jog... yesterday in degree temp and felt like Rocky Balboa. Haven't run in a year probably. Let's stay strong and united. Keeping food diary also. By the end of January, I hope to be at least 8 lbs lighter! On day 18 AF and loving my new life.

                      Congrats to everyone in this thread for making the committment. It's gonna be a great 30 days!

                      " little by little, we travel far "
                      - Tolkein


                        PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1


                        I am on day 3 today, and feeling really good so far. This is the first time I have ever REALLY committed, and meant it. Except for not sleeping, it has been great. I can't believe it when I take an Ambien, and wake up 2 hours later and can't get back to sleep. I ordered some supps from the book "7 Weeks to Sobriety" and plan to see if they help. I am committed for an AF January, and then see where we go from there, but I'm hoping I'll feel so good I'll be able to keep it up. Let's all share what is working!


                          PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1


                          Day two for me - felt great last night watching tv and laughing w/o being toasted. Didn't sleep worth crap last night, but I expected that and still feel good this morning. I too have drank everyday for the better part of 14 years, but it is time - I hope I can do this. Okay I meant to say. . .WE can do this! I am going to have coffe w/o a hangover, then off to the park for a slow jog/fast walkinkele: I will def be checking back in - have a great day everybody

                          "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                          -Alan Cohen


                            PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

                            Day 2 - Tougher than expected today

                            This is day two for me ... and I'm not sure if I actually have a TWO day hangover or what is going on but I feel very depressed. :upset: When I went for my workout this morning I had to "call it" after the first circuit and just come home. That NEVER happens.

                            Actually, I have been feeling depressed lately. I have a new job and it is as a BARTENDER! I really need the money and I hope/don't think I'll be more tempted to drink just because of the bar. In the past when I've resolved to stay sober it generally doesn't bother me to be around other people who are drinking. I really do need the money right now.

                            I have a Yoga Class to go teach in about 15 minutes. I'll try to check back later today and hopefully I'll be feeling much better very soon.

                            I hope to be in a better frame of mind VERY soon!


                              PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

                              Day 2 for me as well, Yogini. I'm no expert, but perhaps your depression is just the post-holiday blues. I know I was feeling it yesterday as well .... my youngest daughter (26) was home from out West for just a 4 day visit after Christmas, and now she's gone again and I don't know when I'll see her again ... perhaps not until the Summer! Then I had to start dismantling the Christmas tree by myself. Today I'll put away the rest of the decorations.

                              I'm going to the gym now too .... and Yogini, I hope you'll feel better after having lead your class. Let us know how you're doing.

