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PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

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    PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

    Wow! Great to hear everybody sounding so good!!!
    Jamms, Valerian is just an herb....cheapo at the drugstore. You can google and see that it has been shown to help with occasional sleeplessness!!!
    Anyway, I'm half way through day 3 and have pretty much decided that trying to quit smoking at the same time I'm doing this may be TOO much to expect of myself!!!
    I usually only smoke in the evenings and sometimes go days without thinking about it, but for the past few hours, I've had real cravings for a cig!
    I'm committed to being AL FREE! I really don't want to drink today, but I think it might take the edge off...
    Of Course, my usually quiet, little cottage is full of children and noise all day...not usually the case, it may just be all the commotion around me!
    I think I'll go for a walk......ugh.
    I really want to be healthy....smoking is not going to get me there!!!!
    Anybody else out there trying to give up both?


      PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

      OH yeah! Dill! GREAT story about the grocery store!!!!


        PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

        There was some confusion on another thread so I just wanted to make sure that everyone is aware that this thread is an MWO PROGRAM thread and not just an AF thread. The MWO PROGRAM is a MOD program as well.

        "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

        "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


          PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

          Yeah but...

          Do we have to use the same drinking fountain?:shocked:

          It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
          ~ Charles Spurgeon


            PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1


            Hello all! Awesome how well everyone is doing - congrats!
            I just got back from a trip "back home" last night and kinda fell off the wagon a bit. I have been modding throughout the holidays - fairly successful. Last night was definitely one or three too many, though. All the more reason to stick with you guys for a while.

            While I was gone the supps arrived - picked my parcel up from the post office this morning and got started. I guess tomorrow will be the first full day of supps for me.

            Ugh... oh yeah, and Wednesday is the day my better half and I are saying good-bye to cigarettes, too. God help those around me - I'm sure I'll be a dreadful b*tch! LOL

            Well, I'm off to play domestic goddess - keep well, everyone!

            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

              cd and sleep

              OK - I've a question. If you fall asleep while listening to the hypno cd, does it still work?? I've been so tired lately, with all my late nights, lack of exercise and drinking, that I think I am in catch up mode and keep wanting naps. i think I fell asleep just at the part where you are supposed to tell yourself all those things about not drinking. Damn!! And that's a fairly long track at 45min. It's hard to fit all this hypno stuff in during the day, and it will be back to work monday, so i really need to get the clearing and hypno tracks into me before then and then rely on the subliminal and sleep ones.

              I'm giving this all I've got this time!!!
              xoxo peanut


                PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

                Peanut- I have not started listening to the cd's yet. My cd player is broken in my bedroom....anyway, that's a good question, unfortunately I have no answer for you. Anyone else?

                If no one here has experience with the cd's perhaps you can post this question on the Holistic healing forum, maybe someone there can answer for us.

                "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                  PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

                  Peanut;509418 wrote: OK - I've a question. If you fall asleep while listening to the hypno cd, does it still work?? I've been so tired lately, with all my late nights, lack of exercise and drinking, that I think I am in catch up mode and keep wanting naps. i think I fell asleep just at the part where you are supposed to tell yourself all those things about not drinking. Damn!! And that's a fairly long track at 45min. It's hard to fit all this hypno stuff in during the day, and it will be back to work monday, so i really need to get the clearing and hypno tracks into me before then and then rely on the subliminal and sleep ones.

                  I'm giving this all I've got this time!!!
                  xoxo peanut
                  Hi all, just joining this thread. I have experience with hypnosis tapes and it is my understanding that subliminally even if one "dozes" off the info is going into your mind. It's fine to doze off, they are meant to listen to again and again. The mind in the relaxed state is a very healing time especially for us in the situation we are in. I, however, have not yet ordered the CDs. How are they? Who is finding them helpful?

                  I now am on day 9, and am taking 50 mg Naltrexone along with 5mg 3x a day of Baclofen.
                  I have been to three events where wine (my drink of choice) has been prominent and I have had NO inclination to drink AT ALL. I hope this continues.

                  I wish all of you,(us) the best of luck and continued determination. Thanks for being here.OO:heart:


                    PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1


                    HI all: I used the hypno tapes intensively for the first couple of months last year, and then intermittently all through out this year. It seems like a lot at first, but once you get to the 20 minute versions (after you've listened to the 45 minute versions a few times) it goes much more quickly.

                    And yes, even though you fall asleep your mind is receptive to the hypnosis and takes it all in. I consider it a GREAT session if I fall asleep.




                      PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

                      End of day 3 AF for me ..... almost bedtime thank goodness. Watched the hockey game tonight without AL and at least I'll remember who won in the morning without having to look it up in the newspaper to trigger my memory .... how sad is that?!
                      So bring on day 4!

                      Ocean - what is Baclofen?

                      See you all tomorrow!


                        PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

                        Hi Everyone!
                        Just day two for me, since I had wine on New Year's day. I feel pretty good! I share the trigger of cooking dinner, though!! I got home from work and errands at 5:30, to three hungry kids, and a tired husband who'd been with them all day. I started cooking and really wanted a glass of wine. But I told my husband, who kindly reminded me that I'd regret it if I had it, and I poured...You guessed it, a diet tonic with lime! I also took a couple of Calmes Forte, and my dose of Tryptophan, and I had a handful of almonds. Sometimes I think I confuse hunger for food with a craving for a drink at that hour.

                        Dill, I loved
                        your story about the grocery store! It seems more like divine intervention than coincidence, to me!

                        Would anyone (or everyone ) be willing to share just which supps they're taking? Are you following the updated program from the site? Or tweaking it?

                        I actually can't believe how well I'm doing without Prozac. Every time I've gone off of it before, I've felt tearful and sensitive almost immediately. This time I dosed down slowly, and gradually increased my use of Trytophan and Tyrosine. I'm not sure which is helping, or what is helping, but I'm not depressed.

                        It's wonderful to have the solidarity of all of you. I'm inspired by everyone, and I don't feel alone anymore, so that's the best anti-depressant there is. Sara
                        "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                          PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

                          P.S. I don't know how much of the hypnotic message gets through when we fall asleep, but I sure find it a good, drug-free way to drift off!
                          "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                            PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

                            My understanding is that it's ok to doze during the CDs but you should wake up at the end of the CD when the hypnotist commands you awake. If you are falling asleep for the night, try doing them at a time when you are a bit more alert. If you are having trouble fitting them all in, I think it's ok to do the hypnotic every day, but ideally, they all work together.


                              PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

                              Hi Sara ---- I'm on an anti-depressant, and at the beginning, I tried the L-Glut and Kudzu. The L-Glut powder under the tongue really stopped a craving temporarily for me. Not sure the Kudzu did anything for me, so for now I'm not taking any of the supps, just my daily vitamins and calcium. So far, so good. I have my stock of alcohol-free drinks at the ready, and come on this site when I feel I'm going to cave. Cooking was my biggest trigger as well ... that's how I started drinking too much ... at first I'd be surprised when a 1/2 bottle was gone, then it was a whole bottle and onto a bottle and a half over a few years.

                              All that AL didn't help my depression either ... I think it killed the effect of my meds. Perhaps if I stay AF, I'll be able to go off the meds too. ...... but yes, I've been warned to wean myself down under doctor's supervision when I decide I want to do that.

                              My understanding with the hypno tapes is that the subconcious mind absorbs the message and that's where it should be going.


                                PROGRAM '09 WEEK #1 Jan 1

                                I'm taking every supp in the book. AllOne...b50, magnesium, milk thistle, prime evening rose, kudzu, calmforte, and the topa. My kudzu is 750 mg. but I take 2 a day. I dose up to 50mg of topa on Monday. I'm following the plan exactly like the book says so far.

                                "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                                "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"

