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    Just as the title says, i'm feeling weak already. It's day 2 and only 2pm. I'm so unreal and weak. Why is it, the only one i need to fight is ME yet it's so damn hard.
    I feel really stressed and fed up. I'm going to do some garden tidying. I've already spring cleaned THE WHOLE house this morning!


    Hi Michelle! Can you find something else to do besides chores? Maybe something creative?
    LTG AF January 13, 2011



      Hi Michelle
      I'm sorry that you are having such a hard time. The early days are really tough. Do you have anyone in your life that is supportive who can help you through the tough times? I go to AA meetings once in awhile, not often enough, for sure. I'm not sure if anyone is in Live Chat, but that has saved my butt more than once. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help.
      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)



        The craving will pass, Michelle ... Try diverting your mind to something else. Like LTG asked, something creative that will control your thought processes for a while. For me, I read, crochet, do counted cross-stitch, and play games on the computer. Doing chores keeps your body busy, but it doesn't keep your mind busy and that's why you keep thinking of it. Hang in there! You can do it! :l

        AF since 1/2009


          FEELING WEAK ALREADY - DAY 2 ='(

          Hi again Michelle
          I have just read RJ's response to Moonlight "Can't stop drinking even with Topa". You may find her suggestions helpful. I know I did. Thanks RJ.
          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


            FEELING WEAK ALREADY - DAY 2 ='(

            Dear Michelle,

            I agree with SK, keeping the mind busy is crucial. I also found that just giving up drink wasn't enough - I had spent so many hours of each day 'relaxing' with a glass of wine that I had to find something to occupy myself during all those extra hours I had each day. Starting a list of 'things to do now I'm sober' helped focus my mind on other things - my list included excercise, starting a distance learning course, time for me (I loved going to the spa for some time in the sauna/steam room - the added bonus of that was that it got me out of the house which is where my drinking was/is the biggest problem), art, time with the kids. Trying to be in a different place than usual when the cravings hit (cooking for me is a huge trigger - I blame the galloping gormet myself - it always seemed so glamourous to cook with that little glass of wine!) If you go to the 30 day Abstenence thread there's a list of 'tools' in the 'toolbox' thread - tools that people have found useful when combating cravings etc. - well worth a look.

            All I can say is hang in there, take it a step at a time - and keep coming her - reading the posts and getting inspiration from everyone else who'se feeling/felt exactly the same is a really good way to spend time!

            Wishing you all the best
            :rays: Arial

            Last first day - 15th April 2012
            Days 1-7 DONE
            Days 8-14 DONE
            Days 15-21 DONE
            30 days DONE
            60 days
            100 days


              FEELING WEAK ALREADY - DAY 2 ='(

              LM I find it's helpful to EXPECT it to be difficult, and to recognize that my mind will engage in a sort of ongoing revolt against the "new program" I am imposing on it. Picture the alcoholic part of your mind like a little child throwing a tantrum in the grocery store... demanding candy. You HAVE to be the strong, compassionate mother, and not give in... otherwise you just know it will never end... candy and tantrums all the time! So... distraction is good AND I agree with LTG... something that is distracting and also creative, or pleasant, is good. You want to make sure not to make this program into a death march through the desert! Give yourself some rewards and treats along the way!


                FEELING WEAK ALREADY - DAY 2 ='(

                LM --- I can't add to the terrific advice that's been given here, so I'll just say that I'm rooting for you too. You CAN do it girl!

                WIP --- that's a wonderful analogy about the child wanting candy ..... I'm going to use that too. In fact, I'm going to write it down, because when the cravings hit, it's like I can't remember all the good tools we know .... AL seems to block out that part of my brain at times.


                  FEELING WEAK ALREADY - DAY 2 ='(

                  Dear Lil Michelle. Im starting over too. Today is day 8 for me, and that is the longest I have gone without drinking in 25 years. I am excited for that, but trying not to get too excited, and just go with the flow. What I have discovered, it that once you make it past that first week, it is getting easier and easier. The first few days are the HARDEST! Think of the rewards of getting past these first few days. Please hang in there and do it for yourself. When you get sober you are going to feel like a new Michelle.


                    FEELING WEAK ALREADY - DAY 2 ='(

                    Another idea that works for me is to put off drinking by the hour. In other words, my cravings usually hit at 6:00 pm. So I'll say to myself, I'm not going to drink until 7:00 pm. And make myself really busy doing what I described above. Sometimes I get so engrossed with what I'm doing the craving passes, but sometimes not. So, then 7:00 pm hits and I think, well, I've made it to 7:00 ... I won't drink until 8:00 and get busy again. What happens for me is that so much time has passed, I'm just tired and want to go to bed. Hope this helps.

                    AF since 1/2009


                      FEELING WEAK ALREADY - DAY 2 ='(

                      I know this may sound simple, but try drinking a large glass of water. I swear it works. :thumbs:


                        FEELING WEAK ALREADY - DAY 2 ='(

                        hiya. Am feeling weak as well, but now have posted and put things into perspective. NO NO NO!!!!! You don't drink anymore, right???? That's it. Period. Please remember the bad times. You have done wonderfully well, and why on earth would you want to go back there? Same as me. WE DON'T!!!! Summer x


                          FEELING WEAK ALREADY - DAY 2 ='(

                          Mohun, how true! I find it works for me too. Or grabbing a healthy snack works for me. Keeping your blood sugar regulated really helps.


                            FEELING WEAK ALREADY - DAY 2 ='(

                            Yes ... water is so important!!! eat good stuff too.. bananas, apples, oranges.. all the good things help one to avoid booze.. i know i have not been having these good things enough lately.. keep on hand some healthy cereal for a quik snack, i like whole grain cheerios.. rest too ... give yourself down time. :l


                              FEELING WEAK ALREADY - DAY 2 ='(

                              LM, sorry you're having a hard time. Something I did, and still do is fix a "cocktail" in a big wine glass. Mine is diet cranberry juice and diet tonic water over ice, light a fragrant candle, curl up with a good book, and drink my drink.... Sometimes I even get a buzz.... Just kidding.... But it makes me "feel" relaxed like I was when I drank.... I guess we're like Pavlov's dogs... stimulus-response.
                              Just my 2 copper pieces.

                              Hang in there. It does get easier!

                              " little by little, we travel far "
                              - Tolkein

