I'm 21 years of age and i have been a binge drinker for 5 years. but things have now changed for me if you decide to read on....
So here goes.... my new years celebrations was with friends for 09, i was hoping to have a good night and i said to myself before drinking i won't drink too much, but the opposite happened and i got absolutely way to drunk and can't remember most of the night only bits and pieces.
I have gotten drunk like this many times before and yes all times i have gotten drunk have been absolute non-fun times and i have felt terrible the next day. Right now i still feel bad about getting to drunk.
I would get drunk because i thought i could feel better, become more confident, i thought my depression would heal, but i know now that alcohol isn't the solvent for all this and my feelings won't heal if i drink too much, it all honestly gets worse.
I really do now realize i had a major problem with alcohol as everytime i would drink i just wanted more and more.
So i have quit the drink totally before anything really bad happens as so far nothing has. It's for the good for myself to quit drinking because i don't want to hurt anyone else or myself in the future.
Today is my 2nd day going without alcohol. I don't want to even go near the stuff ever again. It's now a total turn off to me like smoking is, I'm also a non smoker.
I also thought about i could have one alcoholic beverage every now and then, but i won't because i have been absolutely turned off by alcohol as it has ruined me in the past in a lot of ways.
Even one time drinking too much lured me too taking speed, as i was highly intoxicated and had the verge to do the terrible drug speed, being myself i was very young and stupid and highly depressed. If i wasn't so drunk i can say i wouldn't have even have touched speed.
I can say too I won't touch speed or any drugs like it again, because i had the worst experience of my life on the drug speed. I'm still recovering from it emotionally and physically to be honest. But I'm getting better as every day passes and now that I've quit alcohol too my future is looking so much more brighter.
I already feel better that i have stopped drinking too and every second without it is a blessing for me.
I appreciate anyone here who read my true story, I wrote this because maybe someone else out there reading this could be in the same situation as me, and i want to let you know there is hope to quit drinking if you really want too. To be honest if you really want to do something positive and its for the best, its definitely possible. It's all about believing in yourself, I know i am now.
Thank you all for reading. Bless you all.