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ODAT - Saturday 3rd Jan

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    ODAT - Saturday 3rd Jan

    Hi guys

    Just checking in. Day 3 of the new year. Saturday has always been my weakest day. It is now gone 5pm and I have reached the point of the day where the urges to drink have past. I recognise my triggers now, a lot of my drinking was a reward after a hard week, but I just couldn't stop at 1 or 2. My reward for tomorrow is starting the day hangover free, meeting my friends at the gym in the morning - not crying off with some pathetic excuse like I sometimes do. Normally I would be just getting merry but this evening I will take my kids for a walk at the beach.

    Hope everyone is doing well and feeling strong.

    ODAT - Saturday 3rd Jan

    HEY Ezz.. and all.

    Ezz - where in the heck are you that it's 5 PM Sat.?? It's nearly 4:00 AM (EST) here as I write...

    Anyhooooo. Lost a potential job yesterday. Well, lost is maybe a strong word. Bottom line is I didn't get the job!

    So I'm up in the middle of the night - drinking. Just to make SURE I will not feel good tomorrow? Pretty sad.

    You sound like you're very on track. I will be. Eventually. Just not now.
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


      ODAT - Saturday 3rd Jan

      Savon19. Sorry to hear about the job. Stay strong, don't drink too much and I hope you don't feel too bad in the morning.
      I am in Western Australia where the sun won't stop shining.


        ODAT - Saturday 3rd Jan

        Hi everyone, Just checking in and want to say Happy New Year. I did not drink New Years Eve but slipped New Years Day....yesterday is again Day 1 and today will be Day 2. I've had a couple personal things happen in the last day that really made me look at what I have become.

        I have an image in my mind of my son, 38 that alcohol is killing. The ironey is that due to dealing with alcoholics all my life - I joined the team - as a closet alcoholic but one none the less. To much pain regarding my son now to talk any more about it.

        I may be kidding myself but I feel something has snapped in me and I am ready to go forward and help myself....that is the only way I can help him. (and I do know all the cliche's - he has to do it, it's up to him, etc.....but in reality it is so much more complex when you are watching your child kill themselves).



          ODAT - Saturday 3rd Jan

          Happy daters to all!!!!! hope you are doing the thang !!!!!!!!Savvy!!!!! grasshopper...... good to "sense" your presence
          Love Cap


            ODAT - Saturday 3rd Jan

            Hi all ODAT'rs

            Day 3 here and feeling good. It's great to get a good nights sleep and then wake up refreshed. I was up and out with the doggies at 9 a.m. this morning and did an hours walk in the woods with my friend. Great start to the day and the week-end.

            Hope everyone has a good week-end.



              ODAT - Saturday 3rd Jan

              Good morning all, woke up this morning with my daughter acting like a little spoiled brat, she is 12, told her I would take away her new TV if she didn't stop, so she stopped for now. Will be going for a hike in a little while love hiking in the snow, better workout.

              So sorry to hear about your son Goldie will be praying for him. Savon I will also pray you find the perfect job, hang in there.

              Have a great AF day everyone and everyone to come.


                ODAT - Saturday 3rd Jan

                Hi all,

                Day 3 for me too. Going for a walk soon with yorkie. Shopping with daughter then work on a drawing I'm doing of yorkie. I have drawn anything in months, started it last night at about 7pm. Next time I looked at the clock it was 11:00pm. It is a great way to keep your mind off of AL.

                Look forward to waking up on day 4 clear headed and will go to my yoga class.

                Everything I need is within me!


                  ODAT - Saturday 3rd Jan

                  Good Day ezzmae (even though you've probably gone to bed!), goldiegirl, rustop and savon -----

                  Savon, I'm sorry to hear about you not getting the job ..... I hope you've gone to bed to get some rest now ..... please give it your best when you get up to get lots of lemon water in you. Go for a walk and appreciate the nature around you to try and lift your spirits.

                  Ezzmae ---- I'd love to go for a walk on the beach ... and will be in a couple of weeks ... going to Panama for 1 week, and then mid Feb I'm headed to your country ... although I'll be on the other side .. near Surfer's Paradise! Excited about that trip!

                  Goldie ---- as a mother of adult girls, I can appreciate you're pain, but you're right ... you drinking isn't going to help them, it won't lessen your pain, and it's just going to make you feel worse ... and I know you know all that. Please stay close and gather strength from the people here..... it's what I'm doing.... and slowly but surely I'm getting stronger in the fight against AL.

                  Rustop --- I'm going for a walk too ..... bright and sunny, but bone chilling cold... but tomorrow it's going to be freezing rain, so I'd better get out today!

                  Day 3 for me too .... took me 3 hours to get to sleep (even with 2 Melatonins, and a SleepAid!) ... woke up a few times after too, but even with all that, I still feel more rested than a wine induced sleep! Feel brighter and more energetic and no foggy head. I will try and keep this feeling in mind when AL tries to break me later today.

                  I hope everyone meets their goals today!


                    ODAT - Saturday 3rd Jan

                    Good day Twosox .... guess we were cross posting. Walks seem to be the order of the day! Enjoy!


                      ODAT - Saturday 3rd Jan

                      Oops ... hi to you too brightlite! I wish I had the talent to draw!


                        ODAT - Saturday 3rd Jan

                        Lots of walking going on today! I'll get outside but won't be doing too much walking, it's freezing out! Had a nice sober evening last night and woke up early. A bit too early as I'm tired now. I got some work done and I'm going to read now (I'll probably fall asleep). Made a grocery list w/coupons and HB can do it this time. No need for him to sit in front of the TV all day, right?

                        Goldie, I can understand your pain. I hope you help yourself. You too, savvy.

                        bright, you're inspiring me. I'm a published author and have quite a few chapters into my second book. I haven't had the courage to pick it up. I don't know why I just haven't. I hope I get that "oomph" back into me!

                        Take care all ODTers. I'm going to read now (sleep, LOL)!

                        Take care,
                        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                          ODAT - Saturday 3rd Jan

                          Good Day All ODATers
                          I woke up with a screaming headache, so I don't think that I can address everyone individually.
                          Savvy-You will do it when you are ready, and we are here for you.
                          Goldie-I am so sorry for you pain. I fear that my daughter may be headed down a similar path and it is heartbreaking.
                          I am very angry and upset today. I have been a Nurse for close to 15 years and I love what I do. I Have worked in a few Nursing facilities than are owned by corporations. I currently work in one that is owned by the GREEDIEST corporation that I have ever encountered!! I did not know this when I took the job. They have slashed staff so much. I had the worst night ever last night. I was the only Nurse for 19 patients on the Medical Specialties unit. It was overwhelming. I did not get a break. I have not eaten for two days. I worked 10 hours, in what was supposed to be an 8 hour shift, no breaks. The patients were upset and yelling at me for being late with their medications. I had to step outside to cry once. I cannot continue to work in these circumstances. I feel so bad for the patients. I have to go back in a few hours. I am working on the Long term care unit today and will have over 20 patients. The quality of care is SHIT. Would these Greedy corporate bastards want their parents treated this way??? IF I had money, I would expose all of the horrors that I have seen. I can home to a MESS. My two lovely kids, ages 20 and 22 don't seem to see the dishes, trash, and recycling piling up!! I have refused to go grocery shopping until they help me out and clean up this house. What the hell, I haven't been able to eat anyway. My son gave my some smart mouth when I asked him to turn the TV down at 2:30am. I'm sorry, I very rarely get this upset. I have remained sober though. Thanks for letting me vent.
                          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                            ODAT - Saturday 3rd Jan

                            Hi gang - i've run out of posting time, just wanted to check in on you all.
                            Day 3 for me too, and feeling pretty proud. My BF said last night that he was really sorry for me, that my body has taken over me and that it doesn't do well without wine. I found it a strange sentiment, but said thanks anyhow! I would love to go for a walk, but it's -33C out there and colder in the wind, and I already have to go out for a run in it later. Again, it will be a short run I hope!!

                            Have to go!!
                            xoxo peanut


                              ODAT - Saturday 3rd Jan

                              Hi Sea --- no wonder you have a headache! Those are appalling working conditions and I'm sure there are labour laws in place to protect you, are there not? Who would you go to in order to place a grievence? You're entitled to relief and those poor patients! You've run yourself ragged trying to do a superhuman job. There will be fewer and fewer people wanting to go into nursing if conditions like this prevail.... and then where will we be?!

                              I have quite a few friends who were career nurses ... all retired now ... and they're glad they're out of it because of the lack of support.

                              My heart goes out to you ..... get tough on those kids .... it's time for them to shape up... or ship out .... they're adults now! Time to lay down the law, Sea.

                              You must be a very, very strong person not to have given into AL in your weakened state .... I admire you for that. But I worry for you at the same time.

                              Hugs to you Sea!

