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Stoped cold turkey - scared bout how i'm feeling

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    Stoped cold turkey - scared bout how i'm feeling

    Hi - just found you guys tonite after hours of looking for somewhere. After a disastrous xmas and new year have decided enough is enough. Been 24 hours since had any alcohol, and the day beofre i made a bottle of wine last the whole day just to try and take the edge off it.
    Could not sleep last nite, and the little sleep i did get was full of nightmares - was sure i'd start to feel better today, but shaking (sometimes mild, sometimes quite bad) and every so often breakout in a sweat - my bed was soaked through this morning!
    Cos I've read stuff on the Net and now have myself terrified that tonight and tomorrow and just gonna be even worse, and am i doing the right thing - I know im doing the right thing by stopping, but should i try to do it this way or cut down day-by-day?
    So tempted to have a drink just so i can sleep tonight - but i feel like come this far - suppose I hoping for the impossible that someone can say i'll feel much better in morning!
    Any advice would really help
    Thanks x

    Stoped cold turkey - scared bout how i'm feeling

    You are suffering withdrawal symptoms. Nightmares, sleepless nights and the shakes are completely normal. If you get really bad you might want to check yourself into hospital. I never got the shakes but i sweat, have nightmares and sleepless nights. They do get better. Just don't go back to the drink cause you'll just have to start over. The more sober days you get, the better it will get. I promise. Remember we've spent years doing this to our bodies, it takes time for our body to detox, we've put our bodies through complete hell now i guess it's pay back time, our bodies will now put us through hell for a few days. Deal with it hun, it'll get better. JUST PLEASE, if it gets bad and you can't deal with it,go to hospital right away. DO NOT DRINK!

    We're here for you! Good luck and here's a HUGE HUG :l i hope you feel better soon.


      Stoped cold turkey - scared bout how i'm feeling

      Good job lil.michelle explaining it...
      sigpic Brand new


        Stoped cold turkey - scared bout how i'm feeling

        I have been trying to quit drinking.. I attend AA meeting.. First october... I last about 15 to 16 days being sober.. On the 17 th I could I had two beer. I do enjoy being sober. The reason why I stopped I was drinking everyday.. I really like my wine... I kept going to meeting.. I had a nicehomegroup... I enroll in the running room club to find another reason for not drinking.. But it is hard to stop if someone in your house drink.. I was ok in november.. but when came december I start going to more party.. I could handle 2 glasses wine and stop etc, during My holiday I binge a couple time. But I still debating I am really an alchoolic... What is the pattern etc....
        sigpic Brand new


          Stoped cold turkey - scared bout how i'm feeling

          Hi I am new to this link today as well, and have gone cold turkey. Hang in there it has got to get better. Get the book and get started. Good on you for looking at this site, and now you must feel better that you have started, I do. Keep it up.


            Stoped cold turkey - scared bout how i'm feeling

            Trying Hard too

            :new:It has been 3 days cold turkey. Interesting the medication they are talking about... now thanks Strawberry.. Still getting use to respond...
            sigpic Brand new


              Stoped cold turkey - scared bout how i'm feeling

              It does get better as time goes on..
              I recommend that you eat TONS of fresh GRAPES...
              It is an ancient remedy that I have used to get rid of cravings and help thru withdrawal
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                Stoped cold turkey - scared bout how i'm feeling


                Thanks to everyone for replying to me - and many thanks for the hug lil.michelle
                Didn't realise how much my body was being affected until i've stopped drinking the stuff - just wish now I stopped at beginning of xmas hols, instead of drinking my way through them - and now cant stop worrying about if i'm shaking this at work on Monday!

                Saying that I suppose its the fact that the entire holidays is one big blur that gave me the kick up the bum i finally needed . . . .

                just glad i've found this place - got a feeling i'm gonna need this site


                  Stoped cold turkey - scared bout how i'm feeling

                  Hi Everyone, Don't call it cold turkey. Sounds like leftovers. Call it a new beginning. No doubt, it's going to take a while for your body to get used to No poisoning going in- be patient and take it one day at a time, if one day seems to long, break it down to 1/2 day and if that doesnt work, try to take it one hour at a time.
                  And lean on us during your first days of an AF life. I promise, it will get better and better each day! Visit this sight often your first days, Everyone here offers great support
                  Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                  And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                  • Yesterday is History
                    Today is a Mystery
                    Tomorrow is a GIFT


                    Stoped cold turkey - scared bout how i'm feeling

                    Welcome Helene, Ros and Strawberrytints,

                    lil.m did explain it well. I am on day 3 (again after several months off the wagon!!) and had nightmares all night last night, can hardly sleep without that little blue pill my galpal gave me, and was shaking alot last night - although I do attribute it to the temperatures here. Just hang in there - don't drink or you will have to start over. It will get better. And good for you guys for going cold turkey! I could never do it - I need all the help I can get so am following the program as laid out in the book.

                    Best to you all - we are all here to support each other!
                    xoxo peanut


                      Stoped cold turkey - scared bout how i'm feeling


                      I've been there, and my advice is NOT to have a drink. This pain will be temporary. That said, pay attention whether your withdrawal symptoms get worse over the next few days; make sure you have easy access to someone who can take you to a hospital. Not saying this to scare you, just to be cautious. Most likely you will be fine in 5 days. In my own case, withdrawal symptoms usually peak at about the 48 hour point, although the difficulty sleeping usually lasts me a week. Hang in there and just remind yourself that it's only temporary.


                        Stoped cold turkey - scared bout how i'm feeling

                        Hi Ros and welcome

                        I found that on the fourth day I was starting to feel better. I have done this a few times and I found that being at work was hard but it gave you something else to think about and helped the time pass more quickly. After 2 weeks AF my boss who had no idea what was going on was praising me for being so much more organised. Give it a week and you will feel a million times better.
                        :thanks: AF since 13/12/2008


                          Stoped cold turkey - scared bout how i'm feeling

                          Ros, Helene and Strawberry-MWO is a great place to be. There are lots of people here to help. Everyone has been in the same boat. There is no shame, no embarassment no judgement.

                          My advice is to get the book, order some kudzu for the threads and think about whether meds are something you want to consider. You will find lots of help here stick around. :l good luck.

                          "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                          "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                            Stoped cold turkey - scared bout how i'm feeling

                            Hey, me again.
                            I just thought i'd let you know, it's 2am here and i've had nightmare after nightmare my my bed is soaked through. You're not alone hun, hang in there. I'm kinda worried to close my eyes again.


                              Stoped cold turkey - scared bout how i'm feeling

                              lilmich- Can I help?

                              "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                              "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"

