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God I make myself sick!!!

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    God I make myself sick!!!

    Well for the 20,000 time (well it seems like it anyway) I have committed myself to stopping the daily wines. Was s'posed to start the alcohool free thing froom the 1st of January, but have managed to come up with some fab (but very pathetic) excuses. However I make myself sick with my lack of stickability!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow is the day though, I cannot put it off any further.

    Found this site today, signed up and had a wonderful read of sooooo many motivated and positive people!!! As opposed to joinging AA, I'm here!!

    I would consdier myself as one of those "functioning alcoholic's", who holds down a very good job and runs the house with two kids (solo) but have very ltitle else in my life... But getting fatter by the day and further and further from happiness.

    2009 IS going to bring me happiness, soboriety and a much slimmer, positive and healthier me!


    God I make myself sick!!!

    hi, I'm new to this forum, I think we are similar, in that we are functioning alcoholics, I scare myself, as I just want to be someone who can enjoy a drink again, and I dont think thats ever going to happen


      God I make myself sick!!!

      Welcome guys.

      You will find a very supportive network group of people here from all over the world.


        God I make myself sick!!!

        Hello and Welcome aboard!!
        Great attitude Gemini. It is best to read the book and formulate a plan. I am also looking forward to a sober, much healthier year.
        Claudia, some people can Mod, others, like me, can't, but there are threads for both. The book recommends 30 days AF, before you make a decision either way.
        One day at a time. You will get great support here.
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          God I make myself sick!!!

          Welcome, I have found this a great place to learn and to get the support that I need.


            God I make myself sick!!!

            Welcome Gemini, you sound very motivated, keep it up. Welcome to you too claudia.
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              God I make myself sick!!!

              welcome Gemini - know that "for the 20,000th time" feeling all too well! There are a few kiwis on here and always good to see another one!!
              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                God I make myself sick!!!

                Welcome Gemini and Claudia, - great to see you and hear the motivation - keep reading the posts and you'll find loads of inspiration, and when in need of support, just ask! We're all heading the same way so great to have you here!
                :rays: Arial

                Last first day - 15th April 2012
                Days 1-7 DONE
                Days 8-14 DONE
                Days 15-21 DONE
                30 days DONE
                60 days
                100 days


                  God I make myself sick!!!

                  Welcome Gemini
                  You sound motivated and ready. Day 4 AF for me today great getting up no hangover no empty bottle to hide! Keep posting.


                    God I make myself sick!!!

                    Welcome! You will find lots of support from many wise people. Have you downloaded or ordered the book? It is an important part of the program. Make a plan and stick to it. You are not alone. I have been drinking for 20 years, wine primarily. I am now 18 days sober and feeling great. Lots of support and wisdom here.

                    " little by little, we travel far "
                    - Tolkein


                      God I make myself sick!!!

                      hiya a big welcome to u

                      ive just come back here after nearly 2 yrs away and im so glad i did
                      i have been reading a lot of posts on here as late and found im not alone nor will you be im starting my first day af tomorrow ive got everything apart from the all one which is on its way
                      start tomorrow with me and we can support each other as others support us
                      best of luck
                      this time im determined to achive one whole month and ive never done that since my mid 20s well 20 years this yr i started to drink
                      take one step or one hour at a time , i actually work in a shop which sells alcohol so thats really going to be hard ,so if i can try and give up the devil so can u and everyone else

                      im looking forward to being a different me
                      take care everyone


                        God I make myself sick!!!

                        I'm new as well - welcome and keep reading and posting - this is your new start and new life free from that 'poison'! xx


                          God I make myself sick!!!

                          Gemini Ma,


                          Welcome to the site. When I binged drank and went to work, I felt like that was all I had too. I've been slowly feeling healthy from this program and getting back into my old passions. You will have this site now in your life. Good luck and let us know how we can support you.


                          AF Days in 2008: 350
                          Anticipated AF Days in 2009: 365


                            God I make myself sick!!!

                            Gemini ma - we've all been there, we understand. I was getting very good at not looking in the mirror at myself because I was disgusted with my behavior and lack of self control. I too am a functioning alcoholic. I am back in college for the second time and managed to get passing out drunk everynight and still stay on the dean's list. It's a disease many of us manage to hide from family and peers even at its worst, so it becomes a lonely, vicious cycle. Nobody knows so nobody can help right? And being raised like I was..."pull yourself up by your bootstraps, and get on with life"'s hard to lay your problems on other people or ask for help.

                            You have found a wonderful place in this community, Today is day 4 for me and it feels good to say that. I really recommend you get the book and supplements, and visit this site often. It is a great source of inspiration. So, Welcome-

                            Claudia, Welcome!

                            Seahorse, Welcome back!

                            "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                            -Alan Cohen


                              God I make myself sick!!!

                              Glad you found this site. You will find a great amount of support here. Good luck on your journey!!!

