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hello , new and unable to stop
hello , new and unable to stop
hi all,i have just did 8 months in AA and did get some of the time sober.but my life went a bit crazy(again)and i now find myself drinking all the time.have booked into a rehab on tuesday but worried about not being able to stay off when i come out.worried that this shitty life is better than facing up to the world sober.Tags: None
hello , new and unable to stop
am going in on tuesday ,myfriend recomended it as it helped him. been drinking constantly for a little while waiting for it. dont ger me wrong im not hammering it ,i am trying to only take enough to keep me from withdrawing but even that amount is a worry as i seem to be in a state of sleeping and drinking (been told im being a nusence when i think im sleeping so have ditched my phone).hope it works cos im running out of steam lol.
hello , new and unable to stop
Hi faust,
Rehab saved my brother's life. They'll take care of you and they understand the withdrawls. Wally's right about trying to taper off until then, without quitting altogether. Please keep in touch, ok? I'm hoping the best for you in rehab. You have a chance for a wonderful new life.
Becoming"Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad
hello , new and unable to stop
Someone posted this link on a previous post. I found it to be helpful. Hope it helps you!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bbaRyDLMvA[/video]]YouTube - Ferguson Speaks From The HeartDill
Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.
hello , new and unable to stop
We're here for you. We'll do the best we can to support you in you journey. Don't worry, take everyday a step at a time, don't look to what could happen in the future, just look to completeing each day sober. Don't think about the past, let it go and move on. One day at a time! We're here.