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Ok, I just joined and am so hopeful

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    Ok, I just joined and am so hopeful


    This is the first time I have admitted I have a problem; I binge drink. I have a son who will be 4 in two weeks and I have to change this now! I have never joined any group before, so if someone can show me what to do first (I just bought the book and it should be here any day now) it would be greatly appreciated. I am so grateful and blessed to have found this forum, now I just need to meet you.


    My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"

    Ok, I just joined and am so hopeful

    a big warm welcome A, well done on taking this first brave step. you will find lots of help and support here from some very wise and brilliant people. i joined in november and its taken me until now to work my way round everything and find a forum i feel at home in. Take your time, read read and read and make a plan. keep posting and i look forward to walking this journey with you.
    Keeps x:happyheart:


      Ok, I just joined and am so hopeful


      I have to say, when I posted my note I didn't expect anyone to answer it. What a nice suprise; it is almost overwhelming me ( my emotions get the best of me at times ).

      Thank you for posting, and I will read a lot tonight when the cravings kick in.

      Wish me luck.

      My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"


        Ok, I just joined and am so hopeful

        Welcome Papa!
        Keeping busy is a good way to ride the wave of cravings. Many people come here to chat during the early days so do that if you need to. Is today day 1 for you?
        LTG AF January 13, 2011


          Ok, I just joined and am so hopeful

          Hi, A., and welcome! Take a look at the "Tool Box" thread! Lots of help there, with cravings. You can find it by going to the "My Way Out" Forums > "Goals" > "Monthly Abstinence." Be sure to ask a lot of questions, and let us know how you are doing! Many of us here have been through exactly what you are going through... !


            Ok, I just joined and am so hopeful

            i am sure you will get more welcomes from genuine people who like me are glad you found us., i was emotional too when i got responses, its a great place to be, come into chat sometimes or pm me anytime, im no expert but there are some diamonds on here who have helped me a lot. I wish you lots of luck and love x
            Keeps x:happyheart:


              Ok, I just joined and am so hopeful

              new too

              Hi A! I've been visiting this site for about 3 months now. I just joined today. I have RJ's book and supplements. I will be ordering the hypno CDs today. I also plan to make an appointment with my doc and get a topamax prescription.
              I am 40, married to a wonderful guy for 14 years, with 2 awesome sons who deserve a better mom and wife. I have a nice life and I want it to be better for me. No more self-loathing for me. This year I will committ to a better me.
              Best wishes to you, A, on your new journey also


                Ok, I just joined and am so hopeful

                Greetings papa!
                Keep coming here and reading - you'll find you may just develop one addiction (this site and forum) to replace the other!!! When I first came here, I spent so much time on here, that my productivity at work declined rather alot, but good thing, it was my slow time at work. This forum is one of the most helpful things of the program - at least I find that - as you will find many, many like-minded people who will be there for you whenever you need a boost!
                xo peanut


                  Ok, I just joined and am so hopeful

                  hey as i was typing that it crossed with a welcome from my two favs, thanks ltg and wip xx wip i keep bumping the tool box because its so so good. Have a good read through it A, very sound advice
                  Keeps x:happyheart:


                    Ok, I just joined and am so hopeful

                    I thought I was alone in this...

                    Yes, today is my first day (AGAIN!!!) I do fine during the week, with no drinks, yet something "looks forward" to the weekend. It used to just be Friday and Saturday nights, then Sundays joined in. Now, with vacation (two weeks of nearly drinking evey night) I feel broken and spent. I can't believe I am looking forward to going back to work just so I don't feel this way. So backwards.

                    Thanks for the "Tools" help, I will check that out when the sun sets and the monsters come out tonight.

                    My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"


                      Ok, I just joined and am so hopeful

                      Hi Adianspappa,

                      A big welcome to our site and community! :welcome:

                      Getting the book and posting/reading here is a great start! The book will be very helpful if you decide to also get the supps and CDs. Personally, there were such a blessing for me.

                      Keep in touch as how as to how you are doing or feel free to ask questions as you are reading the book. You will find a tremendous amount of support on this site.


                      Big hugs!

                      AF Days in 2008: 350
                      Anticipated AF Days in 2009: 365


                        Ok, I just joined and am so hopeful

                        welcome BOP, i am sure you are a brilliant mom,, and wife to your great guy, just need to find your way out, hopefully you will find your path here. Welcome x
                        Keeps x:happyheart:


                          Ok, I just joined and am so hopeful

                          I've read your threads and love your quotes.


                            Ok, I just joined and am so hopeful

                            Welcome BOP!
                            LTG AF January 13, 2011


                              Ok, I just joined and am so hopeful

                              Thanks Bird (and thanks KW).... Welcome!!! Be sure to read a lot, and post a lot... tell us about yourself!

