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    I have been reading posts on here for a few days and I am now on day four of not drinking. I mostly binge drink and wine is my choice. I need to do this not only for me but so I don't destroy my young sons life. I've been drinking for 20 years and heavily for the last 10. I did stop when I was pregnant and two other times for a few weeks...I know it is a day at a time and sometimes an hour. The short time I have been on this site have been so helpful and I hope it continues. My husband also has a drinking problem but he is very reluctant to address it-it is always someone elses fault that he drinks, me, his parents, society etc. I use his drinking as an excuse to drink myself-hence the name "stopthecycle" (alcoholism runs in the family too)....:new:

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    I also binge drink and my husband is my drinking buddy. I am on Day8. As it turns out my husband is able to moderate perfectly, without his drinking partner he doesn't feel the need to get stuck in. He is lucky, as I know I cannot moderate.

    You know when the hour is that you want to start drinking so my tip is to keep busy during that time. Do something you don't normally do, exercise, go for a walk, shop, anything that keeps you busy and preferably out of the house to start with. If I am feeling desperate for a drink I have an Energy drink, helps a little with the cravings as it is packed with sugar.

    I don't use medications, others here will be able to advise you on them. Do make a plan for yourself.


      Joined Today

      Thanks-I actually have gotten a lot of my encouragement from your posts:thanks:

      Unfortunately my husband can't moderate and actually gets completely out of control:sigh:

      I am formulating some plans. What I am discovering is that the things that keep me occupied are also my triggers-I clean the house, I enjoy the clean house with wine, I do a yoga class, I relax with wine, I watch my favorite shows with wine... I am glad to have realized this b/c I am attemping to still do these things and work through the cravings with ideas from the "tools", coming on this site, and constantly thinking about being sober around my precious son...I'm scared though


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        Hi Stop and Welcome! You've got a good start. I would say at this point take care of yourself and don't worry about husband too much. That can come later when you are strong, healthy and sober. Your son needs you to be present in his life. How old is he?


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          I,m on day one too... i have hubby who drinks wine in evenings..Not sure if he will try and moderate, quit or carry on..i need to deal with ,my issues first.
          I went out last night and drank a bottle of wine and felt ashamed this morning ..

          All my friend so f 30 plus years drink and many i can see are binge drinkers. you know the style alll out for a meal and a bottle of plonk each.

          Then in the evenings i drink 3 large glasses of wine most nights....broken sleep and guilt follows.

          my "inner voice" torments me as I know this isnt How God wants me to live./
          At this stage its no good me wasting time analysing friends and family drinking behaviours as i need to look at my own issues and address them.

          I wish you well as we both head towards change in our lives one day at a time

          regards Cassy


            Joined Today

            Stop, I feel for you have your problem and your hubby has his. Being a guy though we always find excuses to drink, mine was cause it was Groundhog Day...Ha! No really it's as good as any other reason ! Your at the right place, If you can get your husband to come a board, it will make sobriety a lot easier. Welcome.
            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
            Dr. Seuss


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              Thanks all for the words of encouragement :thanks: I wish for all of you the same strength I will need.

              Cassy- I totally agree we need to take care of ourselves first, become sober and the people we were ment to be-then we can help others. It still might not be easy but it will be a lot easier AF...good luck to you too

              Hula-my little boy is 4 and I already feel like I have caused him so much pain. I hope he won't remember to much but I can't count on that...


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                I joined yesterday and have been reading MWO for about a week. I met some great supportive people last evening in chat and plan to return. This site gives me hope. I really want to try the Sinclair method and ordered nal from River but it seems to take a very long time. I wish it was obtainable in the US or Canada. I will be posting more as I way or another.


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                  John, Have you looked at the MWO Method. Just wanted you to have options.......Check it out, a lot of people are happy with it. Welcome. IAD
                  ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                  those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                  Dr. Seuss


                    Joined Today

                    Welcome, stop. I, too, am a wino. Or was. I was drinking 2 bottles a night and blacking out. I'm now 47. I used to clean while sipping on wine, read while sipping on wine, knit, etc etc etc. As one gets older it really catches up. I'm so happy you're doing this while your son is so young. You're a wonderful mother.

                    My HB drinks, too. I can only help myself and try to be a role model. I'm feeling much better with the MWO program and I hope you do, too.

                    Take care,
                    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                      Joined Today

                      And welcome Stop, IAD is right if you can get you husband to work with you on this it will
                      make it easy for you and your son.

                      However stay strong regardless.

                      AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                      Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


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                        starting today again hopefully i can hold on. my longest stretch af 6 months however that was about 6 months ago no better time then to start now!!!! Dumping nicotine too wow this will be the first for that good luck all!!!


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                          "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


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                            I have a husband who used to have a pretty serious problem with drinking but now he is very good at moderating it for the most part. I didn't drink much then, I was too busy worrying about him getting in fights or breaking things in our home. Now I am the one with the problem and he tells me I just don't get it. He makes me so mad he doesn't even realize how hard it is for me.
                            :crazymonkey:Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.? -George Carlin

