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Looking for people to join me for AF January

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    Looking for people to join me for AF January

    I am feeling very positive and am looking for people to join me on a journey to be AF for the rest of this month ....:h:h:h:h:h

    Looking for people to join me for AF January

    Good for you! I'll be cheering you on, and I'm sure you'll have lots of folks joining in with you! And: one thing you might want to do is do some reading and posting in the daily AF thread in Monthly Abstinence Section... we have a good crowd there, working on AF goals!


      Looking for people to join me for AF January


      Its a great feeling to know i am not alone on day one. Its amazing the honesty on here and i am feeling positive..ask me again after 9pm(my usual alcohol binging time)..i hope i can get this day done AF.
      I so want to change my behaviour and not self destruct any longer


      regards Cassy


        Looking for people to join me for AF January

        Hi Poppy,

        I am making a new start today as well. I would love to join you!! Have you done 30 days before?



          Looking for people to join me for AF January

          Hi Evergreen and Poppy

          i am latching on here as i need to do 30days AF to clear my head too. I have done it before but then crept back to my old ways again..started moderating and after a few months it crept back up for me..

          Hope to get back on here after 9 tonight instead of heading for the bottle opener!!


            Looking for people to join me for AF January

            Hello All,

            Cassy this is my second day AF!!! So I know exactly ( or close to it ) how you feel. Still having sweats today, some shakes but not as bad as day 1. Outside of feeling better than yesterday...I am hopeful for my tomorrow's which is new for me. Before this place, I felt I couldn't be helped and would suffer a fate of fear and addiction until I killed was dark and lonely. The light is bright here, and after the first day it doesn't hurt the eyes as much on day 2. I will be here checking in on you and pushing on to peace without AL.

            My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"


              Looking for people to join me for AF January


              I will join you and support you. I am decreasing my AL intake every night until my supps. arrive. by then I should be ready to go. At this point I am not sure if I am just breaking a bad habbit or if I will suffer some withdrawal symptoms. Good luck!


                Looking for people to join me for AF January

                Hi all. Yes this is day 2 AF a place I get to quite often - and think is a definate hurdle for me. Going to try and get some amino acid supplemets today. Have tried topomax before and still have some and it really works to cut down consumpttion - but this time I want to be totally AF for January - and , no it will be a first in many years if i can acheive it. Still undecided on the topo.:h


                  Looking for people to join me for AF January

                  Joining In


                  After a very bad December, I made a resolution to quit for at least 30 days, so I am in. I am on day 6 today--a record for me.


                    Looking for people to join me for AF January

                    Right .. you are all a team now .. so keep supporting each other and don't give in ....
                    ?We are one another's angels?
                    Sober since 29/04/2007


                      Looking for people to join me for AF January

                      On a similar line to the principles of this program - have a look at How to quit without the S**t by Patrick Holford. Only up to chapter 3 but am impressed with how well he explains the process of addiction and withdrawal - well worth a look


                        Looking for people to join me for AF January

                        Oh I am so with you all. I am having the longest AF stretch ever, (last drink Christmas 08)
                        And I have no intentions of stopping now! What has helped me was getting over the "hump" and keeping my "eyes set on the prize". I constantly remind myself of all the misery and dangers drinking has caused me, and it drives me to succeed. Best of luck to us all.
                        I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                          Looking for people to join me for AF January

                          I'm in, day 5 for me - like NID, a first

                          "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                          -Alan Cohen


                            Looking for people to join me for AF January

                            I'm in as well!

                            Day 3 for me (sorta) LOL
                            I had 3 sips of Shiraz on Saturday, then decided I really didn't WANT it and poured the rest of the glass back in the bottle.

                            I, too, want to do at least 30 days AF. Much success to us all!
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              Looking for people to join me for AF January

                              I'm soooooooooo in.
                              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

