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Looking for people to join me for AF January

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    Looking for people to join me for AF January

    I'm here going on day 5. I feel great right now because it is the a.m. and I am not hungover. I have to remember this feeling when I want my "first" glass of wine.


      Looking for people to join me for AF January

      starting today again hopefully i can hold on. my longest stretch af 6 months however that was about 6 months ago no better time then to start now!!!! Dumping nicotine too wow this will be the first for that good luck all!!!


        Looking for people to join me for AF January

        I would like to join... Day 1 for me today.... How is everyone doing today?
        God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


          Looking for people to join me for AF January

          Just joined today hopefully had my last drink yesterday i allways feel guilty the day after and i usually dont drink bacb to back days. Tomorrow is going to be difficult but im gonna try to stay af the rest of the month


            Looking for people to join me for AF January

            New member today i usually can make it a couple days and then i cant take it anymore so hopefully yesterday was my last day


              Looking for people to join me for AF January

              i usually get my cravings between 11 and 3 pm


                Looking for people to join me for AF January

                Hi all, I slipped Im afraid - on Monday night, then stupidly had a glass of wine at lunch with a friend the next day ( and I never normally do this...) So got back in the afternoon and had another 2 or 3 glasses and then went to bed. Yesterday I woke up and thought I was dying... Felt soo ill - achy like flu , sweaty and pans in my abdomen. Basically was in bed most of the day and had a really hard night last night. I think I had poisined myself as am sure pains in belly was my liver. Anyway the point is right now I am even more resolved to not drinking - just makes me feel ill - and takes away all energy. So guys I am still planning to go AF for the rest of January. :h


                  Looking for people to join me for AF January

                  Keep on trying - I had resolved to be alcohol free after Christmas, slipped on New Year's Eve, but am now on day 8 AF!!!! Maybe I needed to fail again and wake up feeling shaky and ill in order to be really sick and tired of being sick and tired. I am in for the January AF time as I have not had eight days AF for a couple of years. I am also having pains in the right side of my abdomen and I am really concerned. Thanks for being honest.


                    Looking for people to join me for AF January


                    I am with you. I had 2 good days and then slipped . . . rather fell yesterday. Thought I could moderate with a glass of wine or 2 but back to my old bad habits!!

                    I am recommitting today!!! Let's see this month out together!


