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Dating and Drinking

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    Dating and Drinking

    You are right on!
    Even though I struggle with AL, my best experiences with intimacy have been sober.
    It's so much better!


      Dating and Drinking

      OverIt2007;511503 wrote: Happy to have made you laugh Accountable! :H
      I can so relate to the being intoxicated and thinking the guy is good looking. Oh, man, on some occasions was I ever wrong! Too funny. :H


        Dating and Drinking

        I think it was Bonnie Hunt who said this to a man on a talk show. "This wine must be really good cuz you're getting better looking." I though that was so funny and so true. Everyone looks better at Last Call.
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          Dating and Drinking

          Seacailin;511539 wrote: I think it was Bonnie Hunt who said this to a man on a talk show. "This wine must be really good cuz you're getting better looking." I though that was so funny and so true. Everyone looks better at Last Call.
          Better looking at last call - AIN'T THAT THE TRUTH!


            Dating and Drinking

            Don't date for a while in early AF days

            I tried dating just recently and in all honesty it's a nightmare early on. I was doing well for 4 days AF and feeling great, then one date and the thought of a few drinks for confidence entered my mind. Next thing you know i'd lost that confidence pretty damned quick as i slipped into the booze again over the hols.

            I'm now back to one AF day but I know for me at least dating early is bad idea.

            Anyone ever see the movie 28 Days with Sandra Bullock - one guy asks his therapist when's it a good idea to start dating again - i think he replied first get a plant, if it's still alive in a year, get a pet, if there both still alive in another year then you're ready.

            Maybe a bit extreme but gets the point across in a funny way but everyone's different, me in early AF days going out with someone who's drinking or wants to go to bars etc. is a no no.

            So I'll be spending my time taking cold showers and going for long runs.


              Dating and Drinking

              I am not in the dating game as married However from my experience there is nothing more disgusting looking than me when I drink too much.

              how can you be romantic with hubby or date when you are slurring and being careless with what you do and say.No good planning the romantic meal and then ending up flat out, snoring, farting and dribbling...its not a good look.

              Then I think my poor hubby watches as I pad off in the night to the loo, makeup spread over face as not sober enough to worry about the nightime skin care.

              Get up to a mess evewrywhere, clothes on the floor and loss of self this has to change.

              so good luck to those out great that you can meet somebody new when you are your "real self" and sober..even if its nerve wracking.

              it cant be as bad as getting drunk on a date surely.



                Dating and Drinking

                Hi. Cool thread.

                Well. I am also happily married. However. it was our 2nd anniversary on the 30th Dec. We booked into a hotel and got our baby to the babysitter (grandparents) for the night. Arrived at the hotel and there was a bottle of french champagne waiting in the room in a cooler.
                Well. I stuck to water and must say had the best time with my wife in a long time. (we actually did go out for dinner. so I wasn't just referring to the hotel room time :P )
                AF since 15th March 2010

                The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                  Dating and Drinking

                  ] You lay down with donkeys, you wake up with an ass ! Ha! IAD
                  ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                  those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                  Dr. Seuss


                    Dating and Drinking

                    Hi Everyone: thanks for the good advice. I really do like Club soda and lemon, so it won't be a problem to order, and if he asks, I'll just say my body can't tolerate the sugar in alcohol!


                      Dating and Drinking

                      My husband did not drink when we first started dating, I ordered the wine and he ordered a diet coke. I asked him why he wasn't drinking and he said it just didn't make him feel good and he had had enough of that in his younger days - worked for me.


                        Dating and Drinking

                        just have a water,ice water,tell him you want to remember what you do hahahah geico


                          Dating and Drinking

                          A lot of people do drink Iced water , mineral water or bottled water - the fancy kind - so you wouldn't be be out of place ...
                          ?We are one another's angels?
                          Sober since 29/04/2007

