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    MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

    Yay for Cat on day 12. Try to enjoy your classes today - starting fresh!!!
    Dill - treat yourself well today, eat some good healthy food and lots of water (and a nap, if possible - i sometimes have closed my office door and put my head down on my desk for 10 minutes and it does help!!)
    1more - glad you are feeling better. What movie did you see yesterday? I went and saw Confessions of a Porn Addict on saturday, quite funny, rather tongue-in-cheek!!
    New Day - these weekends are tough, eh? Back on our horses and tally forth!!
    Jamms - where are you? Wonder if a new thread should start for this week!!!

    OK - so I am 9af/11 today (it does sound much better that way!), and am on the 2nd day of my new goal of 12 days. Started the day with cooked oatmeal with thawed frozen strawberries -pretty bland - I do believe oatmeal is much better with full milk and lots of brown sugar!!!! I have plain rice cakes and almond butter and some herbal tea which I will have for a snack this morning. Not really looking forward to the diet on this detox - mostly brown rice, fish and almonds - but will feel really good once I am done!

    Must get going. Have the IT guy coming to install a new computer in my office soon, and have to prepare a ton of milling for the week. Must crack the whip over my head!!!

    Have a marvelous monday!!
    xoxox peanut


      MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

      Congrats to all do like the idea of not counting back everyone falls down the strong ones get back up and start again no shame in that all!!
      Nice thread here day 8 for me second time around went 6 months before then blew it by letting life get the best of me I have found that even though I fall down I have to gather the strenghth and start over again, afterall what choice do we have cant let the beast win. I take the L glut for cravings thats about it but the beast is strong and sometimes I find it is just good old willpower that pulls me threw!!! I hope everyone is good and that it is not as tough for them as it is for me!!!??? I know I need to get to the gym but between broken wrist and two boys under the age of 4 I find many reasons to not go!!?? I do feel that the first time around (6 mos af) exercise helped alot, that seems the toughest to work back in. sorry so long winded here just needed to unload I guess i wish you all the best against the beast, I will send out my best thoughts to all and rally off of yours thanks to all here!!

      just some thoughts


        MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

        I like it too!

        I also like the way oof recording AF days as a fraction of sorts. Seems more positive than starting at day one over and over. So today is 3/3 for the new start...but I like 21/24 better

