Good Morning!
What great conversations are going on here! Peanut, I'm still chuckling over your "how 'deep' can one possibly go down those stairs?" question. I get bored with that one myself...I think it's partly the boredom that leads my mind to wander. I inevitably start thinking about my list of things to do, or worries about the kids, or how there's dust all over this staircase I'm walking down and I really need to vacuum :H !
I too like the Clearing tracks best...especially the second one where you're lying in a river. I like how he mentions that you're head is above water! :H
I feel good! Today is day five for me, but it's 5:41 am, so I can't yet say I've made it 5 days. I will, though! I work tonight, so Tuesdays are always easier for me.
I'm going on very little sleep, myself. I used to take Klonopin (sp?) for sleep...not every night, but several times a week. I decided to give that up along with alcohol for these 2 weeks. ( A psychiatrist once told me that Klonopin was "just like concentrated wine in pill form", so I figure I'm not really AF if I take it!) sleep is suffering.
I'm so excited for all of you and for myself...What a great way to start the new year. Keep it up! :thumbs: Sara