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    MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

    Good Morning!

    What great conversations are going on here! Peanut, I'm still chuckling over your "how 'deep' can one possibly go down those stairs?" question. I get bored with that one myself...I think it's partly the boredom that leads my mind to wander. I inevitably start thinking about my list of things to do, or worries about the kids, or how there's dust all over this staircase I'm walking down and I really need to vacuum :H !

    I too like the Clearing tracks best...especially the second one where you're lying in a river. I like how he mentions that you're head is above water! :H

    I feel good! Today is day five for me, but it's 5:41 am, so I can't yet say I've made it 5 days. I will, though! I work tonight, so Tuesdays are always easier for me.

    I'm going on very little sleep, myself. I used to take Klonopin (sp?) for sleep...not every night, but several times a week. I decided to give that up along with alcohol for these 2 weeks. ( A psychiatrist once told me that Klonopin was "just like concentrated wine in pill form", so I figure I'm not really AF if I take it!) sleep is suffering.

    I'm so excited for all of you and for myself...What a great way to start the new year. Keep it up! :thumbs: Sara
    "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


      MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

      Hi everyone
      Thanks Jamms, Cats, Ocean, Cant, and Yogini for your thoughts and suggestions about the letter I have to write. Yogini, I really like your idea about burning the letter after I share it with my therapist and letting the ashes go. I did fine last night, I have a very supportive partner who cooked a great meal (no AL) and helped me calm down. I didn't write the letter because I didn't have a moment alone but I will do it sometime tonight and tomorrow morning. Have to go to a meeting but just wanted to check in, I will come back later.
      :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
      ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


        MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

        Start of Day 6 and I have a question: Who remembers their last evening? I DO! I actually remember what I did and who I talked to on the phone and what we talked about!! Now, if that isn't great, I don't know what is! I watched some of the Ohio State game and read The Shack. What did you guys do?

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

          LOL Dill! Congrats on day 6 and you're right! It is great to remember last night!

          I did nothing, really. Dinner, a bit of clean up, my better half was doing bills, so I came on here for a bit - then off to bed, talked about the day and mushy stuff! :H

          Hmmm... I really can't afford the CDs right now and after listening to you guys, I'm not sure I want to! I can get annoyed all by my own self - don't need some dude doing it for me! :H
          I downloaded a 20 min self hypno thing and tried it (well, ONCE) - did squat for me.

          CS, I'm glad you at least held off the witching hour for a while - that's something, isn't it? How are you doing today? Anything we can do to get you feeling more IN sorts?

          And, rusty, you're not a failure - you're trying your best, just like the rest of us. That's all you can ask of yourself!

          Sorry, I really get to get going here now (said that 1/2 hour ago) - stay strong and happy all!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

            Hi guys!
            Yes - it is great to remember going to bed. I was finding for a while there that even after drinking a smaller-than-usual amount of wine, I really had to concentrate on whether I talked to my son before bed, or what?!?! Always embarrassing to be asking him questions and have him give me that "how many times are you going to ask me that" look - oops, yes, I guess I have asked that, sorry I forgot!! stutter stutter....

            Day 6 and doing well..
            Rustop, glad to see you are doing so well this month too. It's all in the attitude and mindset (well, maybe not ALL, but alot).
            CS04 - think you can get one day AF in? Just to give yourself a boost?? I know you can do it. I wish you could feel better - I shall send all good, positive vibes your way (must look on a map and get my directions straight!)
            1more - my heart is with you!!
            Sunshine - not sure if the CD's are worth it at the price they are, but since I bought them, I'm trying to use them. There are some who find they really help though.
            Sara - you WILL make it though day 5. I've been doing positive Visualizing, picturing myself NOT drinking wine at night, listening to the CD's instead, picturing myself sleeping blissfully (haven't done that one yet!!). My dear old ma used to always tell me to visualize what I wanted to happen, put your wants and needs out there to the universe, and you will get what you need. She was into Reiki and Geotran and all sorts of stuff, and very often she was right on!!

            Busy at work today. Best git!
            xoxo peanut


              MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

              Hi everyone.....I'm much much better today...woke up early got the little guy to school...started laundry....made me and the little girl breakfast by 9am woke up hubby got him started with whatever....went for a walk then played on the slide in the yard with the baby...(took some video of her)ate a bannana and put DD down with a bottle watching Blue's Clue's (that will only last 10 minutes) and i'ts only 11:43am woo hoo! :goodjob:

              CS- Hang in there. We all here for you. You're doin' fine.

              Peanut-Ah yes, those days of " ma, I told you this last night!" and " Joe Danardo...remember, you met him yesterday!!!"...are so over!

              1more- Stay strong dude! :l

              Sara- I was hysterical when I read what you said about the stairs being it's so true.... my mind also just wonders about this and that....then I go back to "the guy" and try to see myself, seeing myself, from mind is having a hard time with it...I think I have to re-train it to relax

              Sunshine- a good part of why I keep trying with the cd's is because ofthe money I did spend on them...I DO also WANT for them to I will invest the time... think about if you have the time..or may be you can find them used cheaper somehwere.....idk

              Sunbeam-:yougo: thanks for being our cheerleader

              Rusty- You are not a failure. Don't ever feel like one again...okay?

              Dill- Keep up the good work :H

              BTW- GI problem seems to be gone...I did not take ALLONE yesterday....but did take B 50.Today took ALLONE but NO I think it was the B50....whatever.....I'm noticing the ALLONE makes me a bit that I"m sitting I feel I need a nap....maybe take it an night tomorrow. Is anyone else tweaking any supps or meds?

              Good day everyone...I'll check in later... :l

              "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

              "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5


                "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

                "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


                  MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

                  Dill , What a game last night ! I'm from the Buckeye state as well, not a huge football fan but I watched last night. Thought the Bucks were gonna get the upset. Oh well, they did better than expected against a Heisman QB candidate. Congrats on Day 5.

                  Jamms, Just got my CD's and am having the same problem, finding time. Today is Day 14 AF for me and I thought time would not be a problem since I normally spent my evenings drinking beer. Now I have an extra 4-5 hours a day for me to work my plan. But my kids are home on college break and wanting to do things with me. Something they didn't always want to do when I'd become incoherent by early evening. So for now I'm enjoying my time with them and I'll get to the CD's when they head back to school.


                    MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

                    Hey everybody! Looks like alot has been goin' on since last night! How is everyone? Almost the end of day 6!!!

                    That means tomorrow is day 7!!!! ONE WHOLE BIG WEEK- I almost can't believe it.

                    Today has been the longest day - I had to start creeping back into real life. I had to go to the University to buy books, classes start back Monday :upset: So i guess I need to start organizing my office and getting ready again. I'm kinda nervous about starting back with the hectic schedule and early morning clinicals again...but so it goes.

                    Hope everyone has a good night and gets some rest - Keep up the great work, Stay strong!

                    Talk to Ya'll tomorrow,

                    "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                    -Alan Cohen


                      MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

                      Today is Day 7! I absolutely cannot believe I made it this far! I still marvel at the gift of waking up HO free. Today is a big day for me, because it's back-to-work day. Old habits will have to be faced. Or should I say, faced down? You know, like the after-work drive thru beckoning...I'm hoping that the fact that if I don't give in, I can actually wake up tomorrow and say I made ONE WEEK. I know many of you are at the same point. I fervently hope we make it! I have told only 2 other people that I am doing this. I haven't really discussed it with my husband, but he has wanted me to quite for quite some time. He is a non-drinker, so that helps. Best wishes to you all and have a wonderful day.

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

                        Good morning Dill! Day 7!

                        I'm with you on getting back into the old routines, although I have until Monday. I haven't told anyone about this either, the only person who knows is my husband and that is because he is also quitting. I am bursting to tell somebody "Hey, I haven't had a drink in 6 DAYS!" ...but then I would need to say "BTW, I'm an alcoholic." Kinda kills the fun...HAAA!

                        You WILL make it through today and we WILL all wake up in the morning with one week down. You've got it, no biggie-

                        Have a good day


                        "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                        -Alan Cohen


                          MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

                          Hi everyone

                          It is great to wake up clear headed every morning. I'm back to routine today as my girls are back in school. However, still have a lot of decorations to put up in the attic so that will keep me busy. Day 7, the first week of I hope many that will be AF in 2009. What a great way to start the New Year.



                            MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

                            Good morning everyone! CBelle, Dill, getting back into old routines can be tough, but you guys can do it!! We ALL can do it!!!!

                            I really haven't told anyone other than my husband and grown son.....although, I did mention to a good friend that I was going to try and "cut down" after the first of the year...but we were both "lit" at the time,.....don't know if she even remembers it. :H

                            Right now, I'm not worried about other people AT ALL.....I'm taking care of myself and that will eventually make me a better EVERYTHING!!!! Wife, mother, friend, daughter, whatever!!! (I'm hoping "runner" will be in there by spring...ha.)

                            Anyway, Day 7 has arrived, I'm sore as hell from yesterday, but rather be sore from working out than waking up hung over!!!!
                            Day 7 WILL TURN INTO Day 8!!!!
                            Have a great day everybody!!!!!! :rockon:


                              MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

                              Yes!!! Day 7 here we come. This is feeling pretty darn good!!


                                MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

                                Hi all ---- everyone sounds great! This is brand new territory for me ... day 7! Never been able to get past 4/5, so I'm very happy.
                                Cat --- I laughed when you said how you want to tell everyone ... me too ... "I haven't had a drink in 6 days!" .... but then those who are normal drinkers would be like ... "so what... I guess you must have a problem" My husband is one of those who will have a glass of wine now and again, but mostly will drink Coke when out. He's always been the designated driver and I was happy that he was.

                                Peanut, USMgirl, rustop, dill, cat, jamms and everyone to follow ... have a great day 7! I can't believe how wonderful I feel!

