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    MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

    Just past 3:30 here and I have been working really hard and am really tired and have been having serious AL thoughts. These are the times I slip up, when I just want to sit down, put my feet up, and smoke and drink wine. I just ate an orange, hoping that would stop them, but no. I will not drink tonight!!!!! But sure feel like it! I must be strong.

    I am very anti-drive thru. I think they promote laziness. I once read somewhere, if you have to run out for milk, then RUN out for milk. "run" does not equal "drive". I like to run to the store in the evenings with my dog (when it's not a zillion below zero) to pick up milk or whatever - it's good for you!!!!

    Just my thoughts on the matter.

    An hour to go and I can ditch this place and get home and make a bigt pot of spaghetti and eat some so that I won't want to drink!!!!! Maybe a gym workout is in order too!!


      MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

      Just curious, how far do you have to run to the store?


      "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
      -Alan Cohen


        MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

        maybe 15-20 minute run. Not too bad. I used to live on a farm outside the city when my kids were little, and that was 10miles. Hmmmm.... A little far to run for milk out there!!!!


          MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

          With a baby in the car, I wish EVERY store had a drive-thru! There's no way with a little one that you "run" in and out of anywhere. Peanut, I do agree with you though. We don't have any drive-thru beverage stores in my area, but when I lived in other parts of the state, there were quite a few. I first encountered them when on a vacation in North Carolina about 20 years ago -- there, they were called the "Brew Thru"!


            MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

            Man, Peanut ... I swear, on one hand your an inspiration, on the other hand I just wanna give up!:H I feel like the little train that could-

            I think I can...I think I can...

            I need to adopt your playlist from your iPod - it must be one hell of a list :H


            "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
            -Alan Cohen


              MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

              Yes - we had those in my home town. I remember when they first opened up. Quite the novelty!! There still are a couple there, but none in my town! I used to drag my 3 kids around everywhere when they were wee - yes, tiring. My middle on had this habit of taking off all her clothes at home. I would say, "no, we have to leave right away again to go pick up your sister", and a minutes later, her snow suit, boots and all her clothes would be off. What a pain in the butt that was. Get all sweaty getting that stuff all on those little bodies every time we come and go!!!

              Ah, memories!!!


                MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

                Oh Cat - I'm just a little obsessed with exercise, that's all. I started when my youngest was about 9 months, and have been going ever since. Getting more difficult as I get older, with all these running injuries - my feet are in rough shape, but I can't seem to give it up completely!!!! Swimming is much better for me! Since my kids are (almost) grown, I have alot of freedom to do what I want. But I do recall the limitations of having little ones. Which was why running was good. All you need is runners and the amount of time it takes to actually run out the door and get back again. As long as there is a dad there to care for the little ones.


                  MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

                  Hi Gang,
                  I really feel like having a glass of wine. I just emptied one of those L-Glutamine capsules under my tongue, to see if it really cut the craving. Nasty! The texture is awful...But if it works, it's worth it. Don't know quite why I want that wine so much just now...I'm home alone with my kids and one of their friends, so it is absolutely, positively not the right time. Even when I'm modding, drinking alone with the kids is against my rules. Honestly, they're really getting on my nerves...Maybe I'm premenstrual. My 7 year old just came to say "I want to do something with you." Sometimes he says it as if it's a threat..."play with me, or you will burn in hell !!!!" I know, that sounds unbelievably mean, but I thought I could get away with it here. It goes without saying that I love the little guy like crazy, right? Off to play. No drinking.
                  "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


                    MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

                    Hmm. Must be a day 7 thing. I am having major cravings this evening, too. And I'm VERY grumpy.

                    See if this helps any when you have a few minutes. It's a meditation involving imagery. It takes about 8 minutes:

          [/video]]YouTube - Guided Meditation - Help Addictive Traits

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

                      I am going to try it Dill - have the sauce going and have a bit of time, all alone in the house here - best opportunity, and am needing all the help I can get this afternoon, it seems!! As long as I can make it until the liquor stores are closed, then I won't be able to go buy any.
                      I WILL NOT DRINK TONIGHT!!!!


                        MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

                        Hi Everyone -

                        Its Great to see everyone doing well in spite of challenges! I think I missed signing on yesterday??? I had an unexpected (welcome) visitor yesterday!

                        I went to my OBGYN for a check up. We discussed all that is going on in my life, using AL to self medicate, having been married to an alcoholic for 20 years, challenges with my children, finances, HORMONES (going through menopause) and she and I agreed it would be helpful to put me on an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety med for right now.

                        I really haven't had any significant cravings. I have noticed, however, that when I do I still have that "little voice" inside that seemd to want to tell me that I COULD just have one. I don't know if that can ever happen, but I DO know that I need a long period of abstinence dealing with my stresses and issues AF. Sleep has been OK.

                        My Work Outs have been off ... but actually guys, I think most of my depression/low energy issues have more to do with stresses I am going through, than the AL. I am probably just FEELING my sadness more now that I'm not numbing it out with AL.

                        This is day 7 for me, but actually, in the past 25 days I have had 20 AF days! I feel good about that progress. I'll be much happier when I can say it has been a long long time. You know I have heard that everytime we say "NO" to a craving we are taking back our power!

                        Jamms - If you consistently fall asleep during the CD's that is an indication that you are TIRED and need more sleep. That is what I tell my meditation students about meditating. BUT if you need to fall asleep, do not resist it. It is what your body needs. Are you listening to the CD's lying down, or seated in a comfortable position with your arms and legs uncrossed? Try the seated position if you do not intened to fall asleep. Lying down signals the body to sleep.

                        New Day - If you feel REALLY pressured by your family, you COULD tell a white lie and say you are on a medication (some antibiotics will do this) that will make you violently ill if you mix them with alcohol. OR you can just say that it has been making you feel bad lately. OR the Soda with a lime is also a good strategy. Sprite with a splash of Coke looks like a Bourbon & Sprite, too. My favorite is Soda, a splash of cranberry juice - garnished with a lime. Who know whether you put any vodka in it or not? AND if your family REALLY wants you to drink ... ask "why"? If it matters that much, they are likely fighting their own demon. Whether you drink is a personal decision, just like deciding what food to put in your mouth.

                        OMC - Glad you liked the idea about the "burning/releasing ceremony" for your letter. I hope it helps. Let us know when you have written your letter.

                        Way to go everyone else. Hang in there!


                          MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

                          Must be a 7 day thing ---- I came "this close" to opening a bottle of wine. I really wanted it again tonight. I asked hubby what he'd like to drink with dinner and if he had of said a glass of wine, I would have opened a bottle. Thank goodnes (I wasn't happy at the time though) he said just a glass of milk ... so that's what I had too.

                          I think I'll make it okay now .... I want to be able to say I made it the whole 7 days! But that's going to make tomorrow and the weekend even harder, because I'll have achieved this huge goal .. finally!


                            MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

                            Must be a 7 day thing ---- I came "this close" to opening a bottle of wine. I really wanted it again tonight. I asked hubby what he'd like to drink with dinner and if he had of said a glass of wine, I would have opened a bottle. Thank goodnes (I wasn't happy at the time though) he said just a glass of milk ... so that's what I had too.

                            I think I'll make it okay now .... I want to be able to say I made it the whole 7 days! But that's going to make tomorrow and the weekend even harder, because I'll have achieved this huge goal .. finally!


                              MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

                              Hi everyone

                              WEEK ONE OVER, congratulations everyone! What a great start to the New Year. New Day I dont envy you all the challenges you will face over the next while. Mind you I would not mind the holidays!! I find it easier to remain AF if I am in a routine. In the past I have given in when faced with social occasions. I can moderate socially, its the drinking alone that is my downfall. It does not happen all the time and I dont want it to happen at all in 2009.



                                MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

                                ONE WEEK!

                                ONE WEEK! WOW! Let's see if we can keep it going. You all got me home safe and sound from work without any stops at the store yesterday. AND I cooked dinner at the regular dinner hour for the first time all week. (huge trigger time) As some of you may know, I have been avoiding this by either using the crock pot or just warming left-overs. I will admit that I was having huge cravings, I was grouchy and had to hold my tongue some. But this passed and the rest of the evening was quite nice. I can't get used to the fact that I even can remember what my evening was like! This is pretty nice. I am having a harder time falling asleep, but sleep well once I do. I am not losing any weight, as some have said would happen due to reduced calories. But, I am eating more real food. So, even if I stay the same, at least I am bound to be healthier. I feel healthier. I hope you all are feeling it, too. Keep strong for today!

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

