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    MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

    Welcome, redhibiscus, and congratulations on your progress! Yes, it is a journey we are all taking together.

    I too love this thread! Catbelle, I had tears of laughter in my eyes when I read what you wrote about the "pleasant flight of stairs". You have a wonderful sense of humor! As do so many people here...It makes recovery almost fun!

    I had two glasses of wine last night...Have decided the pressure to be AF for two weeks wasn't working for me, and that I think about drinking more, rather than less, if I'm trying to do that. I am tired of the fight with myself. It seems to be very doable now for me to stick to two glasses of red wine. It's a little more than I should have for optimal "good moods", and for staying alert and energetic through the evening. But it's a lot better than 3 or more. With the supps, the cds, the support here...The mindfulness about drinking that I have developed, I definitely have that off switch that kicks in after just two drinks. ODAT for me. If I want a drink tonight, (and I probably will, although I'm going to experiment with L-Glut today, and Kudzu and Calmes Forte, taken at 4pm) I'm going to try slow sipping and stopping at one. I want the pleasure of the wine, but I don't want the tiredness I've had the last two nights.

    I keep tweaking my plan, which I suppose could be seen as cheating, rationalizinf, copping out...But I prefer to think of it as a process I'm going through.

    Hubby's in from shoveling snow...Don't want him to catch me on line again! :H Sara
    "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


      MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

      I am in, also

      Even though I slipped, I like that someone said going back to day one says that days 1-7 don't count. I want to be on this thread too and I am GOING to make it work.

      Bossess and co-workers are definitely a trigger, as are severe family issues but I am learning from you all to find alternatives.

      Happy day to all.


        MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

        Hi Dill, Cat, Sara, red and others to come. Welcome red, This is a great group glad you're joining us.

        I feel much better today. I agree Dill, we need to do what works for us. I'm committed to following the program (supp and cds, no topa) but at this point, 30 AF day before mod is not part of my plan. One of the examples that Roberta's friend talks about in the book is comparing AL to butter. Roberta says this example was humorous but accurate for her (Roberta). Brenda said she wouldn't race to home to eat butter, or think about it all day or abuse it at night, or make her feel remorseful in the morning. Some times you have cut it out of your diet not using it everyday. But, it was nice to have a moderate amount of it in her life. This example really hit home for me. Physically I'm not addicted to AL, so to be able to look at it in this way makes sense to me psychologically makes sense to me. From reading the book I could see the cds visualization and affirmations they incorporate in the hypno cds really helped them stop abusing AL and have AL be part of their life in moderation.

        If you haven't read the book, I really recommend you do. Hope everyone has a great Sunday and lets get ready for a new week!
        :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
        ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


          MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

          Good morning everyone!!! Cat, Dill, Jamms, IMC, Peanut, Welcome Red.....ok, I know there are others!!!! I hope everybody had a great night! I actually got through being home alone without even wanting to drink! Although, I didn't go to sleep until about 2am! HA! That's what I get for bragging about my GREAT sleep on another thread!

          UpNorth, it was me that said going back was like saying those AF days didn't count! I'm glad you agree that we DO need to see those days as victories and not just say, "ok....back to square 1!" No way!

          I'm starting off Day 10 and this next week with a plan!!! I've looked at my schedule for the week, planned meals and work-outs and I'm ready for an AF week!
          How about you guys???? Are we all ready??????
          We can do it together! I think this great thread has proven that!!!
          Happy Sunday Yall!!!!
          I'm off to do some yoga!
          Hugs! :l


            MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5


            As in Southern Miss ??? My best bud went there--Bachelors, Masters and PhD...he loves it and goes back often.


              MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

              Hello to all you January Program Peeps!!! Some really good milestones are being met here. Good for you guys!!!!!

              Ok ok - best get myself in order here and post quickly before heading off down that darned staircase. I need some reinforcement, so off to CD land I will go. Had some more wine last night. Geez - but weekends are soooo hard for me. Funny, but on friday night with that champagne, I actually let my glass sit empty for a while before BF refilled it. That rarely happens, as I don't usually like my glass to be less than about a third full!!! Lat night, we went to a movie and then home and a bunch of kids came over as it was a 17yo boy's birthday. They didn't get home from work until 11pm, so it was a late night party, so we just sat and listened to them downstairs. They really are nice kids, though alot of bottle clinking going on!! My recycle bins are full of cans and bottles today!

              So as of this morning, 8AF/2AL days. I have a new goal set for myself though. I am starting a detox/cleanse tomorrow for 8 days. No alcohol or anything fermented (no soy sauce or vinegar even!), no dairy, no wheat and no grain flours, and no tropical fruit or.... OMG .... no peanuts!!!!!! My favourite food, the one most able to get me through my long days in the lab when I really don't have time for a real meal!!! It is so worth it though. I will do it for the 8 days and stay AF for a few more as it will be the work week, and I don't want to drink anything on work nights. So my new aim is 12 days AF. Oh, my calendar will be soooo green!!!!!!

              I seem to have a SI joint strain happening, and aggrevated it yesterday by running with my dog. Hard to move around. Silly me! And I have plans to go with a team to the Canadian Death Race this summer. What the heck am I thinking?!?!?!?!?

              OK - looking forward to another successful week ahead for all of us!!!
              Have a great, relaxing sunday everybody!
              xoxoxo peanut


                MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

                Hey Peanut,
                I'd like to know more about the detox/cleanse. Where did you find it? What is it supposed to do? (btw, did you get my PM awhile back?)

                I also liked the butter analogy in the MWO book.

                I can't remember when I last posted on this thread. I have kinda been all over the place. But I am on day 3 -- crazy and unheard of for me to start on a Friday. Still wanting beer/wine in the evening, though. I am thinking ODAT rather than embarking on a 30, but don't want to use that as an excuse.

                I'd better get into the kitchen and work on dishes and dinner. This is normally my time to start drinking; on a Sunday I'd have already started by now. Time for some lemon water!


                  MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

                  Hi CS - yes, I got your PM and wrote you back. The detox I do is the Wild Rose 12 day detox - it is an institute in Calgary, so I can buy it in the health stores here - probably would have to send away for it in the States. I do find 12 days a bit long, so every 2 kits I make into 3 - 8 day cleanses. I do get rather tired of brown rice, and miss cheese terribly!! It's a really good way to jump start a weight loss program too, and I usually lose about 8lb on it. It is all natural eating of course, no prepared foods (canned or whatever) at all, so your diet is pretty well chem-free, allowing your body cells to clean out and better release stored fat (at least, that's how I see it!!) Last time I tried to do the whole cleanse was last January (I think) and found that I couldn't go more than 3-4 days before I was screaming for wine. That is when I really realized a had a bit of a problem with alcohol!!!

                  Nice you had some fun out in the snow. I was out there shovelling and playing with my dog - he is a Jack Russell and loves to leap and twist in the air, catching the snow I throw off the shovel. Such a goof ball dog!!

                  xox peanut


                    MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

                    By the way, CS - way to do on Day 3!! New you could do it!!!


                      MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

                      You guessed it!
                      Go Black and Gold!!!!! HA!

                      Good to know ya!


                        MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

                        Good morning all! I have high hopes for today being AF for me and you. If I am honest with you all I must tell you I slipped big time over the weekend, both Saturday and Sunday. Moderation does not seem possible for me. So, I am 8/11 for January so far. I will not give up. There is no wine in the house now, and won't be. I won't be a robot today. I have a dry mouth and I feel very tired this morning. Slept poorly, too. Have the guilt and remorse, big time. Hope none of you are feeling this way today or ever again.
                        I must look forward and not backward. With your help and inspiration, I will make another week AF.

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

                          Good morning everbody!! Day 12!! (yay)

                          Dill- sorry you're not feeling so great today - it is the start of another day, Monday, forget about the weekend, and look forward, like you said. You CAN do this!! We are here for you!

                          I start back to class today, ARGHHHH!! - I will undoubtedly be grumpy by the time afternoon rolls around. Whatever...

                          Hope you guys have a great day!


                          "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                          -Alan Cohen


                            MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

                            Cat, Yay for you on day 12! Good job!
                            Well, off to work I go.

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

                              Good Day to all --- Dill, you're not alone ... I drank on the weekend too. Only my weekend was Thursday to Saturday. So, I'm also 8/11 for the month, and today will be 9/12. I do like this new count rather than saying I'm back on day 2 again!

                              CatBelle ---- congratulations on 12 days .... keep it up girl, you must feel fantastic! Hope you day goes well!

                              Here's to the start of another week ..... shouldn't there be a new thread for this?


                                MWO PROGRAM STARTERS 09 Week 2 Jan 5

                                Hello all
                                The start of a new week! New opportunities to live with reverence for ourselves and others. After being sick for two days, Sunday turned out to be a great day. I felt much better and went to the movies. Today I feel a sense of peace and greatfulness. Looking forward to a AF week.

                                Great plan usmgirl, I think I'm going to follow your lead and look at my calendar to fill it up with activities that will help me to keep on track.

                                Peanut good luck with the detox diet -- sending positive vibes your way

                                CS good luck with school, I know the first day is always hard but you can do it with those 12 AF days you have -- great accomplishment.

                                Dill, you said it " don't give up" hope is all we have to continue our journey. There's a great quote that Roberta uses in her book. the quote is from Saint Francis de Sales: "Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them---every day begin the task anew." I find it very inspiring.

                                Hope everyone has a nice day today.
                                :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                                ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy

