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    Try this again..

    Just wanted to say hi to you all. I haven't posted in a long time. Won't go into my story now.. I just wanted to say that I have spent hours and hours reading, laughing, crying at your posts and know that this is a group of people that I want to be around to help me get to where I want to be....

    Today is day one.... Almost over....
    Can't wait to know you!!!

    Try this again..

    Welcome, THD! Hope to hear more from you soon...


      Try this again..

      Welcome Tee --- I know I'm very happy to have found the wonderful people here at MWO. They are my only support ....I haven't confided in anyone (even my husband) about my problem with alcohol, so I rely heavily on visiting here for strength. This is my first day 5 AF and I'm so happy about it.

      If you've been here before, you know about the ODAT thread ... One Day at a Time ... it's the way I have to approach this. You might want to start there.

      Look forward to getting to know you.


        Try this again..

        Congratulations on taking that first step and making it through day 1. Welcome to this site. You are right, there are some very amazing people here and we look forward to geting to know you as well.


          Try this again..

          welcome keep up the fight!!!


            Try this again..

            Welcome back! You will find tons of support here. Congrats on your getting started. It gets easier in time.


              Try this again..


              thank you all for such positive post... Today hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be. I have been drinking daily for years now with only 1 or 2 small breaks.... Our whole life style is around social functions where drinking is normal part of the party.. We live on the water in a small community and everyone has a dog, a golf cart and a boat and a beer is involved with everyone of those things... I want to change.. I'm just so tired. I go to bed only to wake up with the worst heart burn and then my heart races... Face swollen in the morning... I just want to change it here and now. My husband is doing the same as me so we have been kinda steering clear of each other tonight... and that is ok.. it is working...I just want to wake up tomorrow feeling rested and not so swollen.
              I'm tired of this fight that I can't not seem to win. I lie to myself and end up making excuses for drinking.... And then there is always that next day 1....

              Another think that really gets me is, I work my butt off in the gym... 5 days a week.. Nothing to show.. Just maintaining my weight. I don't know how i get to the gym some days because I have drank 3 bottles of White Zin the night before.. But I go... Just to burn those calories I guess.... I'm just tired.... Thanks for listening.... You are wonderful people.



                Try this again..

                i on my first day to day. What you say about the gym makes me laugh because i thought I was the only one! I think I would look so fantaistic, but al gets me evertime. I hope it is day two for you!
                no time like the present


                  Try this again..

                  Skinny and Tee

                  I have tried everything to lose weight, and often think I am going to have a heart attack at the gym because of my drinking the night before. I am on day 3 here and found this site last week when trying to find yet another way to lose wieght. After laughing at the possibility that quitting drinking might be the answer, two days and two hangovers later I reconsidered. Again, the testimonials about losing wieght on Google were is just all of them said they gave up alcohol through this program to do it.

                  Now, only 3 days into it, I am so much more committed to changing my life (rather than losing weight) than I can ever remember. If I lose wieght, great. If not, the real inner healing that is taking place is unreal! Stay, watch the pounds come off and make friends from all over the world. What a great time to be alive!!!
                  My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"


                    Try this again..

                    I afraid I have to join you guys on the gym business. With all the exercise I do in the gym I should be so skinny. Isn't it amazing how much exercise we can do with a hangover? I am on day 9 and I have noticed that my fitness level has improved a little this week. I must be the only gym junkie that has a beer belly, nobody knows my secret so they just think that my belly never recovered from my kids. I know that when I went AF a few years ago I lost around 2.5kg over 10 weeks. I am hoping for the same again.


                      Try this again..

                      Hi Guys
                      I laughed when I read your threads on loosing weight, I have tried every diet there is with no effect. I swim go the gym with no effect am hoping that I will loose even one KG it will make it all worthwhile.


                        Try this again..

                        I have logged onto the fitness link several times and it seems to be much of a ghost town. If anyone is interested in posting daily an becoming accountable for others... We could try it..... Let me know what you think.. It take up time we obsess over our little problem.... just and idea...

