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    When going AF does anyone ever dream they are drinking & wake up feeling like they went to sleep drunk. It happened to me last night it was so weird. I had a realistic drinking dream and for a few seconds, when I woke up, I felt totally hungover-I had a headache, I was so thirsty etc. It was a great reminder of how I DON"T like feeling!


    Stop, that's very common. I still get them occasionally. Like you, I consider them very helpful reminders!



      I don't feel hung over but the last few nights I've been having 'drink dreams' as well. I wake up feeling guilty and ashamed until I realize it was only a dream.

      Dumb question: I did NOT have these dreams when I went AF without the supps and Kudzu... could it be the Kudzu doing it?
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013



        Could very well be the Kudzu. I am going AF this time without the Kudzu as I think it gives me a headache, and this time around, I want to feel GOOD!!!! No drinking dreams for me - just on and on dreaming!!



          I think they happen with or without the Kudzu... they have, for me...! But there are some prescription meds that definitely cause vivid dreaming, not necessarily drinking dreams though... I think Chantix is notorious for causing a lot of dream activity...



            Ahhhh.. that could explain it! I started Chantix the same day as the supps/Kudzu!
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013



              Oh, yes.... I do know what you are speaking of!

              I had one night back in 2007 where I dreamt I had been drinking and went to bed intoxicated. I woke up with a killer head ache and definitely felt hung over. It scared the bejeezus out of me and momentarily I thought I had drank the night before.

              I haven't had any this time around but I have been having wild dreams of my first husband and they aren't sexual either. It is almost like he comes to me and saves me from my problems. I would LOVE to figure out what in the heck that means..... I have it every second night or so. So strange seeing we have been divorced for 10 years now.

              Back to your dream: They are pretty common and it is a great reminder of how crappy we felt while drinking.



                Oh yes, I've had those too. In fact, one night I went to bed AF, I got up in the morning feeling rough like I'd been drinking, came down into the kitchen and saw an empty clear litre bottle with a red label. I thought, 'Oh no, not again...' On closer inspection it was only an empty red grape juice bottle.
                Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message

