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ODAT Wednesday

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    ODAT Wednesday

    Hi all odaters out there.

    Just wanted to wish all of you a fabolous day!!

    Not feeling so good today myself. Been struggling with headaches since Monday and been feeling very tired. (I must be alergic to work :P , seeing that I'm back since Monday.)

    Anycase I hope that will pass. (havn't been drinking any coffee since Monday so maybe it's caffeine withdrawel?!)

    Have a blessed day.
    AF since 15th March 2010

    The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.

    ODAT Wednesday

    Hi Johnnyh, maybe it is caffeine withdrawal, my husband gets that from tea.

    Day 10 here, feeling good. It was on day 11 last time that i fell foul but I don't have Christmas day tomorrow to entice me to drink so I should be OK until day 13, saturday, my next big temptation. I have so much energy at the moment my body is almost fit to burst and my face has lost that bloated look again.


      ODAT Wednesday

      Hi Ezz. Isn't it great how you feel of the AL?!!!! I just love it. Full of energy.
      I'm trying to reduce my caffeine and increase my water consumption. Maybe it is that. It should pass in 2 or 3 days than in anycase I guess.

      Hope you'll cope well on Saturday!!!!! You can do it!
      AF since 15th March 2010

      The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


        ODAT Wednesday

        Back to day one

        Okay, I messed up again yesterday, and can't even figure out why--what triggered it. Came home from work and had a big Vodka--even though I knew I was meeting my daughters for dinner in a couple hours. Why on earth would I stop and by vodka???
        Lovely dinner, no stress--though lots of talk about what to do with my mother's mental illness and rages. Seems we may need a cort ordered commitment.

        After dinner, came home and thought "just one" and we all know the rest. Feel like crap today, physically and emotionally. Feel weak, why can't I just DO this darn thing! Appointment today with the therapist...


          ODAT Wednesday

          Hi all ODAT'rs

          Today is the first day my girls are back in school so I am trying to get back into a routine and part of that is checking in every day. Hope you are feeling better upnorth and that your appointment with therapist goes well. Everyone else big hello.



            ODAT Wednesday

            Upnorth - sometimes the decision to drink is "just because you can". No real reason!!

            Although going thru what you described with your mother is very stressful. I hope that gets resolved.

            Day 4 here. Had a brief craving Already! (Keep in mind that I've already been up nearly 3 hrs.)

            Ezz - Day 10 is Incredible! Love to hear how good you're feeling. Gives me something to look forward to - although I'm already feeling better, mostly psychologically (for me that's perhaps the Most important!). I feel that I'm coming out of depression, not entirely, but... certainly, not as dismal. Baby steps!

            Gee, so when will I start Looking better?? lol!

            Hope all ODAT'ers have a wonderful day!
            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


              ODAT Wednesday

              Hi guys,

              The calms forte didn't work for me last night so I tossed and turned all night and feel physically drained today even though I was AF yesterday. It's funny that natural sleep stuff - sometimes they work for me but usually they don't. Even my prescribed sleep aids are like that........wonder if psychologically my mind is overriding the drug..........hmmm, maybe I'll study that a little on line today.

              Snowing brutally out here today. I'm glad I don't have any appointments booked so I can actually just stay in the office. I think I may even go to the office that I don't normally go to (it's closer to my house) and just work there. It looks like it's going to be a yucky day. BUT, it will be another AL free day for me. Feeling very positive about that!

              Johnny - hope the headache goes away soon......lots of water!
              Ezz - great job on day 10
              Up North - don't beat yourself up - just pick up and dust off.
              Rust - it'll be great having you back daily! I am looking forward to being back in routine also......
              And Savvy - keep on going girl - you can battle that craving.

              Love and Hugs to all to come,
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                ODAT Wednesday

                Good day all ODATer's ----- I'm so happy ... I'm on my first day 7 (just starting mind you... but I know I won't drink tonight).... this is brand new territory for me and I feel terrific for it .... have even lost 5 lbs (watching what I eat too... which I didn't once I was past the first bottle of wine! ... I'd eat to have it try and absorb the AL).

                Uni ----isn't today nasty .... I don't have to travel too far from home either thank goodness! I'm still having trouble getting to sleep too ... the Valerian's don't seem to be helping, and I'm resisting taking a sleeping pill, because I don't want to become dependent on them. Last night I played a relaxation CD and it did calm my mind, but of course, I had to stop the player and take the headphones off in order to try and get to sleep .... worked a bit ... only took 2 hours to fall asleep ...LOL .... but an improvement over the last few nights. I still can't believe how good I feel even with the reduced sleep time.... must be the quality of the sleep, even though it's so broken. I'm up about 3 times in the night.

                Upnorth ---- you're dealing with a lot right now, and I do hope you're able to resolve the difficulty with your mother soon ... don't be too hard on yourself. When you're tempted next time, try and think about NOT drinking as a "reward"..... because you will be rewarded with feeling better the next day.

                Savvy ---- go girl! We're here for you .... you know you can do this .... think of how great you'll feel having pushed yourself through the battle. Day 4/5 has always been my tough point and today for the first time, I'm on day 7 .... had a little mind battle last night with AL, but I won! You can too.

                Johnny ---- yes, definetly the caffine withdrawl. I'm not about to give that up yet... mind you I only have one cup in the morning.

                Wishing eveyone here and those to follow a super day .... :l


                  ODAT Wednesday

                  Hi ODATers,

                  Upnorth - best to you dealing with your mother and that difficult situation. Just take another day here AF and feel good about yourself, ok??? We mustn't beat ourselves up, just as we don't put others down when they slip up. You will be fine!

                  Johnny - are you taking all the supps recommended in the program?? I ask because when I did ALL the supps, I had a headache for practically a full 6 weeks, and finally figured out it was the B50 that was doing it, and I think the Kudzu too to some extent, so I don't take either now. Hope you get to feeling better. Good for you for dropping caffeine!!

                  You poor easterners - you getting dumped on again??? It never ends, does it?!?! We are finally coming out of the deep freeze to some extent. In fact, they are predicting -4C for saturday. Yipee!!!!!

                  Hi to everybody else on the thread today. And Happy Hump Day!!
                  xoxo peanut


                    ODAT Wednesday

                    Hey ODATers!

                    I missed posting yesterday completely but had another great sober day and (drumroll) I made it on the friggin' treadmill! I'm ready to go again today. This is a miracle for me!

                    johnny, I'm sure it's the caffeine. It happened to me when I was pregnant and gave up coffee. It does go away but it sucks.

                    ezzy, congrats on the day 10! You're really racking up more and more AF days, awesome.

                    upnorth, good luck with the therapist. Mine helped me a lot at one point in my life. And, by the way, you ARE doing the program. This is just part of it. Hang in there.

                    hey rusty and peanut. Yup. Snow. Kids have no school. Guess how much work I'm getting done today? Aaarrrghhh! At least they put their own snowy clothes in the dryer, that's a plus!

                    savvy, congrats and a big :l for day 4. Cravings suck. Sometimes they come up on me so fast and unexpected it's like, what the hell? I was just brushing my teeth?!

                    uni, it's the same with me with sleep aids. I think it might have something to do with my cycle but I'm not sure.

                    new day, early congrats! I'll be thinking of you today!

                    So, it's snow, snow, snow for me. Also, my marketing plan is working so well for my store my employees are screaming because it's so busy! I only hope it lasts so we can hire more. (Fingers crossed.)

                    Take care, :h
                    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                      ODAT Wednesday

                      I'm on AF day 7 - feeling really good in the mornings but it is afternoon here and I feel blah. Not really wanting a drink but also not really wanting to do anything. Usually when I feel like this I would go and get a glass of wine

                      On a positive note, my son woke up this a.m. very cranky, which is not unusual but it's the first time since I have been AF & b/c I wasn't hungover I was able to deal with it much better


                        ODAT Wednesday

                        Stop, it is blah here too, and I haven't been motivated this week either. I need to start taking the Christmas decs down and make some phone calls. Congrats on the 1st week, though!


                          ODAT Wednesday

                          Starting day 3AF and ok so far more relaxed but exhausted.
                          Hardest part is not working is trying to keep busy.

                          JohhnyH - Have you tried switching to herbal teas
                          Upnorth - don't beat yourself up, i've done it that many times I've sometimes beaten myself back to drinking
                          Savon - Physical craving should be gone after about 5 days on a medical basis so keep going, watch out for the next part which is all in the mind

                          Also apparently warm milk is a natural sedative so might help on the sleep

                          Everyone can do this ODAT!

