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Stress head heaven help me

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    Stress head heaven help me


    I found this site at the end of 2008 and felt excited about the possibility that this was the answer I was looking for. I have since sent away for my supps CD's and meds. But while I am waiting for them to arrive I have found myself drinking way over the amount I would usually drink in a day because I know I am going to have to stop. I tell myself that this is stupid, but it doesn't help. Every night I go to bed drunk and when I wake up during the night I tell myself thisis stupd, but I do the same thing the next day. Has anyone else done this or am I just fooling myself that I can even hope to change when my stuff arrives in the mail.

    Stress head heaven help me

    Hey Stress.

    I can sympathise with that. I went to my doc last year to get a prescirption for Antabuse. He than asked me if I am rally up for it over the chrismas season or whether I am not lying to myself. He wanted me to consider only starging from Jan. I went home and I got drunk (and drank way more than I would usually.) I knew that this would continue untill the new year and decided to stop straight away.

    I know stopping without the meds etc. is more challenging. But maybe you should take the decision now while you are so motivated to stop.
    AF since 15th March 2010

    The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


      Stress head heaven help me

      Hi Stress -

      Someone said to me when I was trying to quit smoking (which I still haven't accomplished - Next!!)... "Cigs are your Best Friend, always there for you - even in the middle of the night!"

      I think that's true for alcohol. It's like a reliable friend! Never have to wait for him to call back.. he makes you feel "better".. So, the prospect of giving up this reliable friend is Scary!! Wanting a double dose of him before doing it is very understandable.

      The problem with this (and I know from experience) is that it makes it Harder to stop once you decide you will. If at all possible, try backing off a bit so that it won't be so abrupt. I know you know this!

      I think it also has to do with rebellion (if you're at all like ME). I know that quitting drinking is a good thing - but part of me says, OH YEAH?? Who says! Ha, I'll show YOU.

      I know you are waiting for the meds, etc. to arrive before stopping, but why not challenge yourself to quitting for just ONE day before they come? It will empower you to know that while the meds may help, you'll Know you can do it without...
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        Stress head heaven help me

        Stress Head, I think a lot of us have done that! Of course, it is not helping. You recognize that. What you need more than anything is to somehow get committed. That can actually take some time. I know for me, I was reading on this site for months before I finally joined and made my true effort. I am on day 7 AF for the first time since I can remember in my adult life. Well aside from the pregnancy and nursing years. Work on strengthening your committment. Do more reading and posting. Believe me, if I can do this, you can!!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          Stress head heaven help me

          Stress Head
          I just wanted to say hi and let you know that i Have been in your shoes.. Hang in there and do you best til your stuff gets there.. Then make the best commitment you can and go one day at a time. I am by far an expert, but I'm going on day three which is a defeat in itself... Good Luck..



            Stress head heaven help me

            normally when one finds them selves to stop FOREVER, they do more,come down gradually,it will be better in the end,i do wish you well,think positive,geico


              Stress head heaven help me

              :thanks:Thanks to all of you for your support, after I posted last night I went to watch some tv and didn't pour another drink. Went to bed sober, well not sober but I could remember going there and falling asleep naturally, for the first time in weeks. Will try and do so again tonight.

              Stress head


                Stress head heaven help me

                Hi hun, I did this. The problem i found was i realised that my supplements were not a magic cure. I guess i thought as soon as i took them, life would change and i would never drink again. Reality was, it takes much more then some tablets to beat this. You need to WANT to, you need to NEED to and you need to start right away. It takes a lot to quit, a lot of teeth griiting, sweat and tears so start now, it's worth it.

