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Day 3 didn't sleep well at all last night

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    Day 3 didn't sleep well at all last night

    and along with my monthly visitor I'm a little grumpy today

    Day 3 didn't sleep well at all last night

    It is one thing to go through early sobriety and not sleep. I remember the frustration.

    It is another thing to be a female. LOL. That comes with it's own frustrations.

    Hang in there. You are doing great!


      Day 3 didn't sleep well at all last night

      I feel for you. Just got over my monthly visitor.
      I have been using one benedryl and 3mg of melatonin which seems to be working, also
      you might try some valerian.

      Hoping you get a good nights sleep tonight !
      AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
      Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


        Day 3 didn't sleep well at all last night

        Hi Mya! I'm at the end of day 4 and was feeling exactly the same way-all that was missing was the full moon! 0130 am here and I've just taken a couple of Herbal Sleeping tablets and drunk ANOTHER cup of Camomile Tea, and am going to try and sleep. I'm eating a lot of chocolate, which I don't normally do, and it does seem to help with the Grumpiness. Hope your mood lifts. SB
        Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



          Day 3 didn't sleep well at all last night

          I love the Melatonin. I feel clear in the morning. Also, a super B complex is good for mood.
          LTG AF January 13, 2011


            Day 3 didn't sleep well at all last night

            Oh hun *BIG HUG* Hope you feel good soon! Keep it up, you're doing FANTASTIC!


              Day 3 didn't sleep well at all last night

              Thanks everyone.
              I know it does get better, I just keep telling myself how good I felt the almost 6 months I was AF.


                Day 3 didn't sleep well at all last night

                im there too, i can not sleep until mid morning!


                day 6 af


                  Day 3 didn't sleep well at all last night

                  please please please have some confidence in your sub conscience ie the fact that you dont sleep til mid morning peace is because you believe it to be so, its how you think so your brain obliges. talk to yourself in a different way ie all day long tell yourself i sleep so deeply, or i sleep til 6 am, in other words mya retrain your brain, you are only a reflection of what you think so have a try and think differently, tell yourself every 5 mins what a good sleeper you are and hey presto it will happen, just believe it xxx
                  Keeps x:happyheart:


                    Day 3 didn't sleep well at all last night

                    thanks walk, i have been an insomniac since childhood and wine sure "helped" with that problem! i do need to re-learn going to bed. i have made a goal to be in bed by 11 after doing a mellow yoga sequence and sleeping until i get up to get my daughter off to school. i really think it's withdrawals right now as i have a headache with it. it will get better in time!


                      Day 3 didn't sleep well at all last night

                      it def will peace but accepting that your mind has been conditioned to accept you are an insomniac is hugely significant, you can correct this, trust me, your mind is so powerful start talking to yourself in a different way and once you get over the withdrawals you will be sleeping like a baby - repeat after me - i sleep like a baby xx zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i tried every sleeping pill going but the only thing that worked was talking to myself in a different way. i changed the record and stopped telling folk i have trouble sleeping blah blah blah and started saying out loud that i could sleep on a washing line, give it a try and keep us posted, good luck sleepyhead x
                      Keeps x:happyheart:


                        Day 3 didn't sleep well at all last night

                        i hate sleeping pills!

                        i do believe in mind over matter!

                        "i sleep like a baby"
                        "i sleep like a baby"
                        "i sleep like a baby"


                          Day 3 didn't sleep well at all last night

                          :yourespecial::yourespecial: sleep well x
                          Keeps x:happyheart:

